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Although he didn't think he would lose to Li Yexing in fighting, when he faced this ugly war wild dog, Christo still felt a little nervous. Because he had worked as a mercenary, he was different from most mercenaries. For the guys who stabilize Banwan, Christo has always been in awe of those legendary monster-like warriors. He knows very well how difficult it is to survive in that kind of hell, let alone when that monster is rampant in the streets. Everyone is like a devil-like Lopulus! As a real veteran of HCF, Malechristo has experienced all kinds of hell. Even so, when hunting Li Yexing, he still led He joined a heavily armed team, but when the last team member fell, Christo was surprised to realize that he still underestimated the enemy. He should not use human standards to measure this Eastern European vicious dog! If Li Ye Xing really relied on hearing sounds to accurately predict the movements of Christo's team, which shows that Li Ye Xing's senses are unusually sharp.

If Li Yehang just relied on intuition to count against Christo's entire team, it would mean that Li Yehang has an extraordinary sense of war, no matter where he is.

To deal with this kind of monster, you shouldn't lead the team deep. The best way is to let the bombers fly back and cover the entire island without blind spots! That's right! There are no blind spots.

Even though his expression became increasingly gloomy, Christo still moved closer. Once he was within range of a fight, looking at Li Xing who was defenseless and covered in flaws, Christo hesitated for a moment and chose to test first. He gently pushed the dagger over at a moderate speed, while Li Yexing on the opposite side - remained motionless, with a trace of contempt appearing on his muddy face. She was a horse girl! She was looked down upon! She only used one expression. , Li Yexing easily raised Christo's blood pressure. Without another word, Christo suddenly stepped forward, hiding his steps in the grass, stepping on the muddy ground and stabbing the dagger in his hand straight into Li Yexing's abdomen. This blow was not a fatal blow, but just a test with murderous intent. If Li Yexing failed to defend him, he would be injured. If Li Yexing counterattacked quickly, Christo would have enough energy to retreat and defend. Seeing the dagger going straight towards Li Yexing's abdomen, he saw the look on Li Yexing's face. As usual, he didn't even draw the knife, but kicked Krystal lightly on the knee. Suddenly, Krystal felt a numbness in his calf, and the hand that drew the knife turned away in an instant, grazing Li Yexing's knee. Li Yexing took the opportunity to lift his knee and hit Christo's chest hard. The force was so strong that he pushed Christo to stand up. After running and taking two steps back, Chris Tuo felt his chest was tight and short of breath. He thought he was ready to defend against Li Yexing's counterattack, but he never thought. Li Yexing didn't draw the sword at all! Moreover, the speed of that foot just now was too fast! Risto didn't have time to react! He knew very well that if Li Yexingyi had made a mistake in his prediction just now, it would have killed him! This guy actually kept his hand!

He absentmindedly took out half a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, lit the lighter and tilted his head slightly and said: You came out to deal with me in a big way, and then you show this little skill? You are not as good as the old palace in Black Umbrella. Village. It's not as good as Black Umbrella's Miyamura. Hearing Li Yexing's words, Christo was slightly stunned, and then said in surprise: Did you kill Miyamura Masamichi?

Well, I killed him. He lit the cigarette and stuffed the cigarette case into his pocket. Li Yexing took a deep breath and then exhaled white mist. Comparatively speaking, you are not very good at naming. I can’t even remember your name.” After a slight pause, Li Yexing tilted his head and asked, “Also, I gave up my dagger in order to light a cigarette. Take it, such a good opportunity, why didn’t you take it just now?

Because I want to live. Christo frowned and responded in a deep voice. Oh, that's quite frank. Surprised by Christo's answer, Li Yexing couldn't help but chuckled and asked, How about you give it a try? Asking me for mercy? I beg for mercy, will you let me go? Christo asked back. He wouldn't let me go. Li Yexing replied with a smile. That's why I won't beg for mercy. Pulling the corners of his mouth and touching the scars on his face, Christo sneered and said. Well, let me think about it. Rubbing his chin, Li Yexing thought for a moment, and then said with a smile: This one in my mouth Before you finish smoking the cigarette, if you can prevent me from spitting it out, I will let you go. Really? As if he didn't believe what Li Yexing said, Christo was a little surprised. Why are you lying to me? Li Yexing smiled and replied: With your level, you can really get along with us at Lopulus. You're good at what you say, but you're not even close to dealing with me. To be honest, I don't feel a sense of accomplishment even if I kill you.

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Christo coming up to him, and the dagger in his hand went straight to Li Yexing's mouth. Seeing this, Li Yehang turned his head slightly to avoid the dagger, and was about to push Christo away, but saw Christo He directly reached out and pulled the cigarette from Li Yexing's mouth. In an instant, Li Yexing realized that it would be impossible to push Christo away because Christo's wingspan was longer than his, so he took his time and said, He took a deep breath. Suddenly, the cigarette between his lips shortened at a speed visible to the naked eye. Christo, who had no time to react, pinched the ashes. Teacher! Cold sweat instantly broke out on his forehead. Christo couldn't help but cursed, but Li Yexing turned around and jumped on Christo's calf. With a groan, Christo directly stood up. He knelt down on his neck, seeing that Li Yexing was about to kick him again, his heart was filled with excitement, and he moved his hands directly between Li Yexing's legs. Fuck you! This time, it was Li Yexing's turn to curse out, one-legged He suddenly accelerated and kicked the side of Christo's face, knocking him down. Looking down at the gash on the inside of his thigh, Li Yexing was slightly startled, and then his face twitched. Christo, who fell into the grass, said: Are you still doing this?

Your daughter

Damn it! Letting out a low roar like a wild animal, Christo stared at Li Yexing's half-burned cigarette with wide eyes, and rushed forward, climbing up, and gave him a blow. Directly aiming at Li Yexing's eyes, Li Yexing showed no expression when he saw this, and just inhaled again. This time, the cigarette in his mouth burned out instantly, leaving only the cigarette butt. You have no chance. Spitting out a big mouthful of white mist, Li Yexing said coldly, facing the crazy Christo, he blew out his lips lightly, letting the sparkling cigarette butt directly hit Christo's eyes, accompanied by Christo Letting out a miserable howl, Li Yexing stepped forward and hit Christo's chin with a heavy punch. You know, when sparring with Chris, Li Yexing rarely punched like this. The reason is simple, he is afraid of getting hit. The dead man was accompanied by the crisp sound of broken bones. Christo flew out again and fell heavily into the grass. Half of his teeth were smashed together with the bones. Even his cervical vertebrae were somewhat deformed. He lay in the grass. Christo in the middle was twitching, looking at Li Yexing with fear in his eyes. Mr. H.CF who can't remember his name, I hate two things the most. He slowly came to Ke Beside Risto, Li Yexing knelt down and whispered: The first thing is to make fun of my girls. The second thing is to call my girls monsters even though they are not familiar with me. Two, you stepped on them all. As he said that, Li Yexing's expression suddenly became ferocious, he pinched Christo's mouth, and grabbed a large ball of soil from the ground with his other hand. Staring at the pair of red eyes, Li Yexing roughly stuffed the mud into Christo's mouth while gritting his teeth, You're a female horse! What I can't understand the most is that you finished scolding me. My girl, you still think that I can let you run away?! Huh?! Dare to scold my girl?! Who are you?! Are you worthy? Look at me shutting up your stinky mouth! Bastard! Misty! Suddenly, the wailing sound dissipated little by little. After a while, Li Yexing stood up, patted the dirt on his hands, and walked towards the mountain without looking back. Behind him, Christo's body opened with his mouth open, turning the Eyes rolled, tears and snot mixed with blood flowed all over his face, from the mound of dirt that overflowed from his mouth,

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