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In the mountains and forests, sparks were flying everywhere, and in the thick fog, there seemed to be dense and frantic gunshots and iron hammers roaring, until a moment later, continuous screams 2. Then, everything returned to silence.

Among the grass, broken limbs wrapped in black combat uniforms were scattered randomly, and the wounds were all scorched black. Those scorch marks locked the blood in the wounds, preventing them from spilling out and contaminating the green grass. Among the stumps, stood the black-haired warrior girl. The white bandage tightly tied the chest, and then wrapped randomly along the waist and arms. It could cover the skin without blocking the strips engraved on the snow-white skin.

The red cracks on the clothes, and under the white waistband stained with soil, are the black warrior pants with cracks torn by branches. With her bare white feet stained by mud, her soles that looked soft but were actually tough enough stepped on the branches and soil between the grass. Mishima Hitomi - long and short, had a black Umbrella executive saber slung across his body. With Shantian Kuanggu, he held the bone blade that twitched from his chest in his hand. On the blade, faint sparks floated, extinguishing in the white mist. It seems that there are more enemies. After a while, looking around at the thick fog, Hitomi Mikishima whispered to himself while wiping the blood on his face. Not long ago, Mikishima Hitomi successfully left the Ashford family castle along the route planned by Alexa and came to the mountains and forests. At this moment, her location was very close to the top of the mountain, and in the area near the top of the mountain, there were still There are a large number of enemy soldiers, but right now, Inuishima Hitomi has no time or mood to take care of them. After all, Inuishima had killed enough when he was in the castle before. Right now, Alexa's plan to lure more intruders into the castle to support them by clearing them as much as possible along the way has basically been successful. Now, what Mishima Hitomi has to do is to avoid unnecessary battles as much as possible. , find Li Yexing as soon as possible. However, many times, things do not develop as people expect. Without turning his head, he just casually extended the bone blade in his hand to the side and danced a sword. With a light sound like iron, a spark exploded from the mist, Chishima Hitomi's face was stained with a hint of impatience. , her eyes were sharp: You are obviously weak and pitiful, but you still want to get together and die, you scum, there is no end. On the other side, I saw Hitomi Mikishima stopping the bullet with a knife, and the bullets that were pouring up from the hillside were The soldiers in black immediately let out a soft cry of surprise, and then, with the roar of gunshots, bullets came from all directions. Facing the barrage that was enough to beat anyone into a sieve, they... A cold light suddenly flashed through Shima Hitomi's sharp eyes, and then, the fire suddenly started, and the black and white blades danced wildly at a speed that was difficult to catch with the naked eye, making tinkling sounds in the air like music. With the sound, accompanied by the music brought by the collision of steel, Hitomi Mikishima rotated and swayed in the white mist in the forest. In order to avoid the bullets that had no time to bounce, she sometimes stretched her waist and sometimes raised her waist. The jade legs wrapped in the samurai uniform then rotated the body and danced gently. The movements were classical and elegant like a witch goddess's music, but embellished with the unrepressed murderous aura, it was like the ancient sword dance of the Celestial Dynasty. Until the guns There was an empty sound in the air, and Hitomi Mikishima fell back to the ground. She held the executive saber in her left hand and the bone blade in her right hand. She raised her head and silently stared at the group of soldiers in front of her who were changing magazines in a panic, her eyes spooky. Looking at it, it was as if he was looking at a corpse that could shoot. Well, who would object to the fact that there are too many things that can be used to chop? Thinking of this, Hitomi Mikishima finally grinned, even his sharp eyes. Infected by the weird and evil smile, he lowered his body slightly, letting the cloudy eyeballs squeeze away from his forehead and tremble wantonly. The thin red lines on the skin slowly opened up, exposing the muscles and letting out a faint steam. , before the group of black-clothed soldiers could change the magazines, Hitomi Mikishima kicked the ground suddenly, letting the soil and weeds explode under her feet, waving her two swords as if to tear apart the mist, she walked Running towards the black-clad soldiers with thin and fast steps, he laughed wildly and said in Japanese: Cut! Cut! Kill you all!... Seeing the monster girl Mikishima who can deflect bullets with a knife Hitomi hit him like a strong wind. The soldier in black who was closest to Hitomi Chishima immediately retreated in panic. As soon as the magazine in his hand was inserted into the gunshot, the strong wind hit his body. The gun and his head were raised together. Just as the black-clothed soldier was about to pull the trigger, he saw Hitomi Mikishima's evil smile reflected on his mask. Cut! With Hitomi Mikishima's excited cry, the pupils of the black-clothed soldier suddenly narrowed. The next second, the still-warm bone blade was cut from the neck, tearing open the black-clothed soldier's body and the body protected by the body. Immediately, blood spurted out from the body armor, and the black-clad soldier's head, half of his chest, and his entire arm slipped off his body, leaving behind a half-mutilated body. Before the blood splattered on him, Hitomi Mikishima kicked the still standing corpse to the ground, and then directly danced the two knives in her hands to resist the bullets coming from her side. Her body slid through the strange arc in the grass, Dodging the bullets that were being dragged, she walked towards the black-clothed soldiers with astonishingly fast steps. A cold light flashed, and she stepped forward, quickly walking past the row of black-clothed soldiers. With a dazzling cold light, she left all the black-clothed soldiers behind her. She suddenly stood up straight and allowed a stream of steam to escape from the cracks on her body. The next second, accompanied by a burst of There was a uniform tearing sound, and blood spewed out from the necks of the black-clothed soldiers behind Hitomi Mikishima at the same time, like a fountain. The black-clothed soldiers who could not figure out the situation fired their guns- He fell to the ground and died on the spot. The blood soaked the soil, stained the flowers and leaves, and flowed through the soles of Taketohime's feet. Hitomi Mikishima turned around silently, danced the executive sword in his hand one by one, and then slowly She slowly put it into the scabbard on her waist. Just when she opened her legs and was about to move forward, suddenly, Hitomi Mikishima's movements stopped, her pupils suddenly shrank, and she turned quickly

He turned around and put the bone blade in front of him. At the same time, he saw a beam of black light rushing out from the white mist, tearing the air and hitting Chishima Hitomi's hand hard. On the bone blade, accompanied by a loud clang sound, large sparks exploded instantly. Hitomi Mikishima was shocked by the huge force and his arms were slightly numb. He staggered back two steps and saw the black light that he had stopped spinning in the air. He just saw clearly that the thing seemed to be a spear. A slender and tall black figure suddenly emerged from the thick fog. It jumped out, caught the black alloy spear that was deflected by Hitomi Mishima, then spread its legs and swung it violently, slamming the gun body into Hitomi Mishima's head. Due to the sudden attack, her steps were not stable yet. In desperation, Hitomi Mikishima had to pull out the Shangtian Kuanggu with one hand behind her back, and held it sideways until the black alloy spear fell from the sky, fiercely It hit the blade, and then followed the arc of the blade and smashed into the grass with a trail of sparks.

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