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The black cold light with sparks grazed the blade of Xiantian Kuanggu, smashed into the grass, and stirred up a large amount of soil in a muffled sound. Feeling the shock lingering from the wrist, the cracks on Hitomi Mishima's body 2 A burst of steam suddenly escaped from the air. Before he could see the attacker's face clearly, Hitomi Mikishima suddenly raised his leg, stepped on the black spear that had not yet been raised, and swung it violently at the same time. Qi Tian Kuang Gu slashed violently, and with a burst of heart-wrenching sounds, sparks shot out again. The spear that Chijima Hitomi stepped on was suddenly drawn out, and the attacker single-handedly Supporting the ground, it did a backflip to distance itself from Hitomi Mikishima. After regrouping, it danced a gunshot, and then pointed the gun head directly at Hitomi Mikishima. At this moment, Hitomi Mikishima was finally able to get a glimpse of that A full view of the attacker. He has a tall and thin figure, a black metal exoskeleton, uses a spear, and can also use martial arts... Suddenly, Hitomi Mikishima remembered a strange BOW that Kanan and Li Yexing had mentioned before. It was said that it was because of the plant. It has entered a very advanced combat AI, so it is very difficult to deal with. The name seems to be 0... Apostle? On the other side, after a few seconds of confrontation, the monster over two meters tall suddenly moved and kicked with its hind legs. Landing on the ground, it stabbed out the spear in its hand, aiming straight for Hitomi Mikishima's face. Upon seeing this, Hitomi Mikishima suddenly dodged. The moment she dodged the spear, she lowered her figure and held the knife in both hands. He walked straight towards the apostle with thin but swift steps. On the other side, after stabbing into the air, he saw Hitomi Mikishima approaching him. The apostle did not turn the gun head, but used the gun as a stick and aimed at Hitomi Mikishima. Sweeping it fiercely, facing the counterattack from the apostle, Hitomi Mikishima stood up suddenly, stepped on the swept gun body and jumped into the air, spinning in the air like a dance, and then used the inertia to move the two swords in his hands. He slashed directly at the apostle's neck. Accompanied by the heart-wrenching sound of metal friction, sparks instantly flew in and out of the apostle's neck. He gave up his defense ability for the sake of being thin, and the exoskeleton, which could not withstand large-caliber ammunition, was instantly torn open with two cracks. Blood spurted out from the wound, but it was not fatal. Even so, the apostle still staggered back two steps from the impact. Her feet landed again, and her arms still maintained the open and closed posture. Mijima Hitomi's eyes seemed to contain sword energy. She twisted her waist and was about to pursue the victory, but she met the apostle's big feet. At the moment of the attack, she quickly crossed her two swords in front of her. The next second, with the sound of metal collision, Hitomi Mikishima flew backwards. She adjusted her posture in the air until her feet were inserted into the grass again. , dragging two traces on the soil, and with the power of the apostle's feet, she once again distanced herself from the apostle. In the mist, the black figure stood up again, and the apostle adjusted its posture, slowly moving around Hitomi Mishima, while constantly changing the posture of the gun, making it difficult to judge the angle and method of firing the gun. On the other side, Hitomi Mikishima faced the apostle, also moving lightly, and the two white figures slowly drew an arc around a certain point in the forest, as if outlining a picture. An unequal yin and yang diagram. Suddenly, the apostle's steps stopped. Feeling the change in the atmosphere, Hitomi Mikishima's nerves became tense again. Although it was impossible to judge the enemy's status through the white mask, she could feel that the opponent was about to attack due to the intuition of a warrior. !Sure enough, just as Hitomi Mikishima expected, the one that had already distanced itself tried to charge forward again. Perhaps because of the dense trees in the forest, it was difficult for it to confuse it by repeatedly changing hands and turning the spear during the charge. The opponent could only point the tip of his spear straight at Hitomi Mikishima and rush towards him. Seeing this, Hitomi Mikishima immediately put up a posture, ready to avoid Geng Zhen's attack at any time. However, just as the distance between the two was about to shorten, the spear hit him. During the attack range, a sudden change occurred! The charging apostle suddenly changed his posture. He stopped his body by stepping forward, and used the inertia of the charge to slide directly towards Hitomi Mikishima, and the stepping foot was like Like a bulldozer, the large area of ​​soil and weeds was splashed up layer by layer, and it went straight to Hitomi Mikishima's face. Hitomi Mikishima was startled, and subconsciously swung his knife to spread the dirt that came towards his face, but unexpectedly the mud was behind him. , surprisingly it was the gun that changed the momentum. The sharp tip of the spear shone with cold light! I didn't expect that the monster in front of me would not only use martial arts, but also play dirty tricks! Caught off guard, Hitomi Mikishima could only hastily wave the double blades in his hands, forcefully block it in front of his abdomen, and lower it. In one second, there was a huge collision, sparks exploded, and Hitomi Mishima's arms were pushed open! In desperation, she had to retreat hastily, while the apostle pursued the victory while getting close to Hitomi Mishima. -Bian stabbed the spear in his hand at Hitomi Mijishima's body repeatedly. For a moment, sparks roared wildly along with the sound of blacksmithing. Being plotted by a mass-produced monster using the algorithm results of the intelligent combat AI, he was unable to maintain his posture and was beaten. For a moment, violent anger rose up, filling Hitomi Mikishima's heart. The red cracks on Shima Hitomi's body seemed to emit a faint red light, and along with the large amounts of steam spurting out, Mikishima Hitomi's eyes widened suddenly as she kept resisting. She gritted her teeth, like an evil ghost - He roared and roared: Don't underestimate me, martial arts! You despicable scum with no martial arts at all! With Hitomi Inkishima's roar, suddenly, Hitomi Inkishima stopped. At this moment, she could feel She felt that there was an unprecedented power flowing out of her body. Under this mania, she no longer tried to parry and dodge, but rushed towards the spear, because she had not yet regained her posture. reason.

Chishima Hitomi's steps were chaotic and hasty, but in her eyes, the world seemed to have slowed down. Vaguely, she even felt that she could clearly see the faint water drops on the black spear and the people pushed away by it. Thick fog. The white skin was suddenly torn apart, and splashes of blood outlined the profile of Hitomi Mikishima. Look at Hitomi Mikishima who avoided the spear and moved towards her body with chaotic but nimble steps. During the shaking, she clamped the bone blade. Between the other hand and the crook of the arm, he violently twitched it, causing it to burst into flames, and then rushed the apostle to lift

Before his knees tried to counterattack, he used the arm holding the bone blade as a scabbard and struck Iai straight at the apostle's neck. In the same instant, blood fell like cherry blossoms, splashing on the green vegetation stained with mud. The horrific wounds were filled with heat, penetrating the exoskeleton and flesh, mixed with a faint fishy smell. The apostle's movements stopped, but his fingertips were still there. It was trembling slightly until it could no longer pick up the weapon in its hand. With the soft sound of the spear hitting the grass, it covered the wound that almost tore open the entire neck, staggered back two steps, and then fell headfirst. into the grass. Huh. With a loud breath, Hitomi Mikishima started to move again. She turned on the spot, half-crouched down, inserted the Xiantian Kuanggu in her hand into the scabbard from behind, then stood up and breathed with slightly squinted eyes. Breathing into the moist air in the forest, it was as if she wanted to expel the fire in her lungs. Under her snow-white skin, which was half-covered by the bandage, the light on the cracks dissipated little by little, and then, a large amount of steam suddenly surged up. When it came out, it was like the wind, causing the flowers and grass to sway. In a disadvantaged situation, she struck out a life-threatening blow, and with a vague feeling, Hitomi Mikishima felt as if she had -Simei 8.

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