What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

7-32. Strong and good brothers have no misfortunes

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Blood stained the grass blades, mixed with dew, and then dripped between the soil. In the white mist, corpses in black combat uniforms lay scattered in the grass, with bulletproof vests pierced through their bodies. The lacerations looked particularly hideous. Leaning against the tree with bullet holes, feeling the rough touch from behind, Kanan sat among the grass, stretched out his legs, and let the dew on the grass blades soak through his pants, spreading out the The right sword arm was wrapped in a silver-white exoskeleton and a trace of muscle and flesh. She raised her head and looked at the sky above her head, which was faintly past the thick fog and leaves, with an expressionless face. After a moment, Kanan seemed to feel that something was missing. Kanan stretched out her left hand and tremblingly touched her pants pocket. After taking out half a pack of cigarettes, she shivered and held one in her mouth, and then began to try to light the lighter. For some reason, her body seemed to be out of control. She failed to light the fire several times and finally lit the cigarette. With a sweep of her lips, the cigarette came out of her mouth and landed on her pants. . Her eyebrows were raised slightly. Kanan didn't care about the holes in her pants that were burned by cigarettes. She picked up the cigarette with her left hand and stuffed it into her mouth again. A large amount of white mist was sprayed out, and as nicotine attacked the old smoker's parasites in his brain and body, Kanan's expression finally became relieved. Nemma's bit her cigarette holder, and Kanan whispered: These beasts, they shocked me... At the beginning of the battle, Hanan followed the route planned by Alexa and relied on the two modified pistols in his hands. Beretta 92F, crippled several enemy squadrons in the castle. After several maneuvers, she quickly left the castle and arrived outside the castle. According to the plan, she should have continued to fight along the road ahead until she found Li Yexing stopped, but right now, the only flaw is that she has run out of bullets. For a BOW that is perfectly integrated with Las PI ags parasitism, bullets will not become a frame of the battle, so click Nan didn't pay too much attention. When she met a new enemy in the woods, she freed her right arm without hesitation, preparing to use her body's super healing ability to withstand the enemy's firepower as before. - A massive killing spree, but then trouble came. Seeing that Kanan's right arm turned into a huge blade glowing with silver, a group of enemies who joined together took out the sizable knife from their backs. The weird-looking stun gun. Due to the lack of a correct understanding of the new toy in the enemy's hands, Kanan was stunned by the electric shock in the first round of fire. Until now, her physical condition has not improved.

There is full recovery. He gently moved his fingers, and the numb feeling still lingered. The power from the parasite was still trying its best to repair the damaged body. However, because the parasite was also badly injured, the recovery speed of the body seemed to be a bit slow, until Feeling the strength returning to her body bit by bit, she held onto the big tree beside her with one hand, gritted her teeth and stood up. I don't have time to waste here. Shaking his head vigorously, Kanan gritted his teeth and whispered: The boss is still waiting for me to catch him!

Taking steps and walking through the grass, Kanan started moving again along the rough planned route. Compared to the previous rampage, this time she looked much more cautious, especially when she saw many people who were electrocuted along the way. After the death of Veronica's BOWP body, Kanan's face became even more ugly. It was obvious that the weird stun gun carried by the enemy was used to deal with monsters like her! Damn it, Come prepared. Recalling the feeling that life was worse than death when the high-voltage current passed through the body, Kanan couldn't help but whispered: I really don't know if the eldest lady and the others can handle this... Although she wanted to move forward according to the predetermined route, in fact, Kanan was a road addict. In the woods shrouded in thick fog, she could only walk through the grass and keep going down the slope. The gunshots coming from the forest behind him were thrown behind him little by little. Not long after, suddenly, a loud noise was heard in the distance. It seemed that something had exploded violently. Kanan was slightly stunned, and then moved toward the sound. She turned her head when the sound came from the direction. She stopped in place and considered for a moment. She felt that the movement should not be that of Li Yexing, so she continued to move down the mountain. However, the moment she took the step, Kanan's eyes widened suddenly. eyes. Although the surroundings were silent, Kanan could vaguely feel that something was approaching rapidly! Turning around quickly, Kanan held his breath and looked to his side, only to see in the thick fog, A looming black shadow became more and more solid as the distance quickly approached. At this moment, his body moved before he realized it. Kanan pulled away and stepped back while placing the huge right blade arm across him. The next second, suddenly, I saw a tall and thin black shadow tearing through the thick fog. He suddenly jumped up with the black spear in his hand and headed straight for Kanan! Holy crap! Why is it you again? ! Seeing the extremely familiar monster falling from the sky with a spear, Kanan couldn't help but cursed. Seeing that he couldn't hide in time and didn't want to take the blow forcefully, Kanan rolled aside with a tactical roll and let the Cong escape. The cold light falling from the sky scratched her shoulders, and her body was stained with mud. Kanan suddenly stood up with the inertia of the rolling, then looked up at the monster in front of her, and saw that the monster was half-crouching in a frog-like posture. On the ground, it held a black spear that had been inserted into the soil in both hands, twisting its body. When it met Kanan's eyes, it suddenly tilted its head. Yes! That’s right! It’s this familiar feeling! It’s clearly doing human movements and assuming human postures, but it doesn’t feel human at all! In an instant, Kanan felt a numbness in his scalp. On the other side, seeing that the blow missed, the apostle wearing a black exoskeleton pulled out the spear inserted into the mud soldier, picked up a piece of soil and weeds, and stood straight

She stabbed Kanan in the face. Seeing this, Hanan tilted her head subconsciously, and at the same time waved her right sword arm to swing the tip of the spear away. Amidst a burst of steel sounds accompanied by sparks, she

He kicked off his hind legs and ran straight towards the apostle in front of him. However, he saw that the apostle used the force of the gun tip to swing away and directly turned the sound of the gun. He danced into a big windmill and faced the oncoming Haha. Nan, it slammed the butt of the spear in its hand. Due to the previous electric shock, Kanan's body had not yet returned to its best condition. She had no time to defend herself with her right blade arm, and she could only watch the tail of the spear thrust into her arms like a long stick, because her body Transformed by the power of the parasite, it was like rubber, and the tail of the spear almost came out from Kanan's back! The next second, with amazing elasticity, the apostle's arms were limp, and he staggered back two steps. , almost dropped the spear on the ground, and Kanan flew directly backwards. She flipped in the air and adjusted her posture, landing on her feet, waving her arms to maintain balance, so that she could not fall directly into the grass. Damn, I didn't expect that they actually threw all this stuff up here. Seeing the apostle in front of her regain her posture, Kanan, who had dealt with him before, didn't dare to complain. She spit it out and bit it between her teeth. cigarette butt, his center of gravity was slightly lowered, and he shook his left arm violently. Suddenly, the tattoo from the left shoulder squirmed and climbed onto Kanan's cheek. When the tattoos on the left and right cheeks were symmetrical, large areas of flesh and blood were mixed. Kanan's left arm, whose tendons and bones were torn, was wrapped and transformed into a short sword with a cold glow. Come on. There was a trace of madness in the corners of his mouth, and Kanan whispered: This time, don't try to stop me again!

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