What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

7-33. The awareness of the macho good brother

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When the hind legs kicked the ground again, exploding the soil, the blade arm that shone with cold light began to wave wantonly, colliding with the black alloy spear, making a sonorous sound, ignoring the explosion of sparks, Kanan gave up completely. In order to defend itself, it attacked the monster in front of it crazily. Under Kanan's rapid offensive, even the apostle's combat A could only barely defend. Whenever it wanted to counterattack Kanan like before, Kanan's left arm The transformed dagger would knock back the spear in the apostle's hand. For a moment, the tall apostle was beaten back by Kanan. ls What? No more attacks? Is this the limit? Huh?! As the corners of his mouth widened a little, the smile on Kanan's face became more ferocious, and he avoided the apostle's hasty kicks. She lowered her center of gravity again, and kicked the apostle's other leg hard with a sliding shovel. Suddenly, the apostle's center of gravity was unstable and almost fell to the ground. In order to avoid Kanan's pursuit of the long sword on his right arm, it leaned forward. His body suddenly thrust the spear in his hand into the ground, and then his arms suddenly exerted force, jumping up like a pole vault, letting his body flip in the air, and then landed heavily behind Kanan. Obviously, The apostle's weird dodge action exceeded Kanan's expectations. Without even looking behind her, she directly twisted her body and used the torque to throw out the long blade of her right arm. Suddenly, another burst of sparks exploded. Opening, with a sound like iron being struck, Kanan and the apostle both ran back two steps under the impact of this huge force, widening the distance. .. Looking at the monster in front of him who had once again put on a posture, Kanan couldn't help but smacked his lips, lowered his figure again, his eyes were like wild beasts, and the tattoo extending from his arm to his cheek was faintly restless, accompanied by Looking at the soft sound of bones cracking, Kanan's spine bulged one by one, and a strange mark was outlined on the skin of her back. A stream of hot air came out of her nostrils. She said nothing, but rushed forward again. , this time, her speed became much faster, and this sudden acceleration was obviously beyond the apostle's expectations. The spear in his hand was suddenly thrown out, and the apostle's spear point went straight to Kanan's chest. It seemed that he wanted to use this to force Kanan's defense and stop Kanan's charge. On the other side, he faced the tip of the spear that shone with cold light. The smile on Kanan's face became colder and colder. She swung her right sword arm at an astonishing speed, swinging away the tip of the spear. At the same time, she pointed the short sword arm blade of her left hand directly at the apostle's abdomen. Upon seeing this, the apostle followed suit, He subconsciously kicked his legs to stop him, but Kanan's eyes revealed a smile as if his conspiracy had succeeded. Putting his feet on the ground, his body stopped instantly, splashing a large amount of soil. Kanan's sudden stop caused the apostle to be kicked directly into the air. Then, Kanan's left arm suddenly stretched out, as if it was being pulled. Like a rubber band, it slammed into the apostle's abdomen with its sharp arm blade. Accompanied by the heart-wrenching sound of metal friction, a spark shot along the cutting path of Kanan's left arm blade. Then, blood spurted out from the apostle's flank. When the apostle waved his spear and tried to defend, Kanan But she had already pulled back and distanced herself. Then, she swung her right blade arm from top to bottom, and pulled out the suddenly lengthened right arm like a whip with a blade, until The apostle's neck. In desperation, the apostle had no choice but to raise the spear above his head and wave it like a whirlwind. However, after only swinging half a circle, the spear slammed into the tree next to it. Can't you use it?! Accompanied by Kanan's ferocious laughter, the elongated right arm with tattoos slashed the blade on the apostle's neck, and the exoskeleton shining with black metal luster Completely torn into pieces, as Kanan withdrew his right arm, blood spurted crazily from the apostle's neck. Throwing away the spear in his hand, the apostle raised his hand to cover the wound on his neck while spinning in place until his body could no longer support it and it fell down in the grass. Ha, so F said, no brain means no brain... With a hint of contempt in her eyes, Kanan came to the apostle step by step. She raised her right sword arm high and was about to cut off the apostle's arm. Suddenly, an extremely weird feeling came over his head. The feeling was difficult to describe in words, but it made Kanan feel uncomfortable all over. The most important thing was that this was the last time Kanan felt this way. Malvia in Africa! is This. Parasite? Looking at the monster's head, Kanan couldn't help but whisper. Kanan vaguely remembered that Li Yexing once mentioned that under the same species, Las PI Individuals of ags parasites have a very strange way of communication. They can exchange information with each other through special sound waves, and then command their hosts based on the information obtained. Among them, upper-level individuals within the same species have a relationship with lower-level individuals. Absolute command authority. At first, the first agency analyzed the parasite spores in Kanan's blood, and finally concluded that the parasite itself had mutated to adapt to the host because it was too compatible with the host. In other words, Ha The parasites in Kanan's body do not belong to any species, or even to any class. Strictly speaking, they should be between the lower class and the upper class. It is because of this that when in Malvia, Kanan was able to parasitize by intervening closely related species. Insect communication network to eliminate the hostility of some parasite-infected people. As for the insect egg later provided by the third agency, it was a special parasite customized by Casimir himself, as a conceptual fourth-generation parasite , it possesses the power of a superior individual and attributes specially adjusted for Hanan. The only drawback is that it has no kin, so it can be said to be a mere commander.

At this moment, feeling the special feedback from the first parasite in his body, Kanan was almost certain that although there was a huge gap in species, at that moment it seemed that a special communication network for parasites had been established! And for this The only explanation for this situation is that there are lower-level individuals of a certain type of parasite in the bodies of these apostles, and just now, the upper-level individuals appeared and quickly formed a command network! With the help of the parasites faintly transmitted from their bodies, It feels like Kanan directly locked the location of the parasite inside the apostle. In order to prevent the parasite connected to the network from passing through

When the wind broke the news, she swung her sword arm and split the apostle's head in half. Along with a strange and shrill scream, yellow liquid mixed with red blood spurted out from the wound, indicating that The apostle in front of him was completely dead. It turned out to be a large-scale parasite network. Damn it, how many of these bastards did they dump on the island? Looking at the corpse of the apostle lying at his feet, Kanan couldn't help but whispered, At this moment, she She can clearly feel that this parasite network is mainly concentrated near the top of the mountain. In other words, there are a large number of monsters like this around the top of the mountain at this moment. Moreover, now she is more concerned about who is passing the parasite. Commanding these monsters? Well, instead of worrying about this, it's better to find the boss quickly. While muttering to himself, he subconsciously reached into his pocket. It wasn't until the cold touch squeezed his thigh through his pants that Kanan suddenly Remembering that her arms were in a mutated state. Squirt. Because she couldn't smoke, Kanan could only smack her lips in displeasure, turned around, and threw the apostle's body behind her. He moved his sword arm, took steps, and continued walking down the mountain.

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