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As a combat uniform, it has very few pockets. A neat black piece falls from the collar, and is then tightly tied around the waist, highlighting the fullness that is tightly bound by a sports bra. On the shoulders, there are silver embroidery I don’t know what kind of fabric was used for the wolf head epaulettes. Even in the mist, it exudes a faint fluorescence. On the loose combat pants, what is tied is not a tactical belt full of magazines and grenades, but two An ordinary black belt with intersecting silver rings, with a small line of Italian written on the corner of the belt: Customized sincerely, with G's heart together, I wish the Ashford family immortality. The long golden hair is tied with a black lace hairband It was tied into a ponytail, hanging down and swaying on the back like flowing fire. Under the golden bangs, the narrow but not tangerine red snake eyes were embellished by small black tear moles, and because of this dress, it lost a bit of charm. , with a touch of heroism, even when walking through the grass, except for the trousers and soles, there is no trace of soil or traces in the wild. If you only look at the logo on the shoulder, others may think that this dress is a It is a combat uniform of the Uniasia Armed Forces, but in fact it is not the case. This suit is not an ordinary Uniasia Armed Forces combat uniform. It was made by Harman Butler and asked a professional costumer to match the style of the Uniasia Armed Forces standard combat uniform with Alekli. The custom-made Huanya Armed Combat Uniform was designed based on Lisa's figure and cut and wound by hand. As early as when the Huanya Armed Forces was first established, Alexa, who was far away on a small island in the ocean, said to Housekeeper Harman: After all, This is my family business with my dear and future sisters, and the Ashford family will also have a large stake in it. As one of the decision-makers of the future Huanya Armed Forces, I think it is necessary for me to prepare a suitable uniform for myself. Demonstrate my identity within the Asia-Pacific Armed Forces. Although I think Alexa's mentality of wearing the same signature top if you want to chase stars is a bit strange, Harman's housekeeper will never refuse Alexa. After all, Alexa is a pure-hearted person most of the time. Desireful people don't seem to have any special needs in life except for emotional problems, so in the opinion of Butler Hayan, it's a good thing that Alexa has what she wants. Just like that, half a month later, a combat uniform of the same style as the Huanya Armed Forces, which could fully utilize most of the performance of the combat uniform, but was so expensive that no one would wear it to fight, was placed in front of Alexa. Alexa only wore this dress once, and then put it in the closet. After all, it was more comfortable for Alexa to wear a looser skirt. She never expected that when she wore it again - The first time I put on this dress, it turned out that it was not to meet the employees of my family business, but to find my husband. There was no way, because Butler Harman usually took care of things on the island, and Alexa didn't even have to go out. So when Alexa opened the closet, she was surprised to find that this was the only one suitable for wearing it. Walking around in the jungle. Wearing a combat uniform that had only been worn once, Alexisa left the castle directly and entered the woods through the secret passage in the castle that only the Ashford family knew. For the young lady, the experience of leaving the dirt road and walking in the woods is quite novel, but now, she has a new corridor. I knew it wouldn't be that simple... Looking at the two tall monsters, holding spears, emerging from the thick fog, Alexa couldn't help but raised her eyebrows slightly. There was a trace of ambition in her red snake eyes, and she said with disdain: Seeing you, I know that Miss Jingti Lilith's guess is correct. In order to avoid my intelligence network, Victor really and H .CF has joined forces... is said, Alexa tilted her head slightly, looked around, then curled her lips and whispered: But, garbage is garbage, and the existence of garbage will not change qualitatively due to quantitative changes. , are you looking down on me too much by using this kind of mass production or dealing with me? As if she didn't care at all about the two apostles beside her, Alexa ignored them. She walked straight forward through the grass, Behind her, the two apostles turned around silently, and then followed her, just like the villains who followed the girl on that moonless night, until Alexa walked out of the woods and stepped into the crater left by the previous bombing. The apostle raised the spear in his hand at the same time and got into a throwing posture. Oh, he is smart enough. Because he was worried that he would not be able to swing the spear smoothly in the woods, did he wait for me to get here before taking action? Then I was so arrogant. There was finally a hint of appreciation in the shrouded snake eyes. Alexa nodded with satisfaction and said: 'I have to admit that Black Umbrella's technical department has indeed made a very good battle. Al, wait until I take over again. Black Umbrella, - we must lay off all the boring and procrastinating joint committee created by Victor, and then allocate all the wasted funds of the joint committee to the technical department. If we can push the controllability and intelligence of BOW to At this level, the government of country A will definitely be willing to listen to me talk about legalizing BOW. As Alexa finished speaking, the two black spears suddenly took off their hands and went straight towards Alexa like black lightning. On the other side, facing the surprise attack from behind, Alexa remained calm and unhurried. , she raised her arms, spread her fingers, and said with a cold smile: Die.

The next second, his hands suddenly swung, and dark green liquid spurted out from the fingertips, turning into a raging fire in the white and purple light that reflected each other. The scorching high temperature centered on Alexa, and fiercely The ground spread crazily around, and the rapidly ignited air even made bursts of explosions. Resisted by the violent airflow, it was not only Alexa's long golden hair that flew up, but also those two handfuls. The black spears, due to the interference of the air flow, the two red-hot spears passed through the fire curtain, crossed and brushed against Alexa's shoulders, and then were nailed hard into the soil. It's amazing. Is this... the power you get from being close to your skin? It's incredible. I thought I was strong enough, but I didn't expect to be perfect.

Feeling that the power of the flame became more and more skillful due to her mastery of blood control, Alexa's face glowed with a faint blush. She chuckled and said: Awesome, my dear, you and your The power makes me feel intoxicated. As soon as she finished speaking, Alexa was stunned. She turned her head and stared at the fire curtain behind her, as if she was waiting for something. The next second, she heard a gust of wind. With a roar, two monsters glowing red all over their bodies suddenly rushed out of the gradually dissipating fire curtain and headed straight for Alexa. A hint of surprise appeared in the orange-red snake eyes. Alexa tapped the ground lightly with one leg, rose into the air, and landed on the edge of the crater. She avoided the impact of the two monsters and waited until she lifted up again. At first, I saw the two monsters coming to the two spears inserted into the soil, one on the left and the other on the right. Then they pulled out the slightly red-hot spears at the same time and pointed at Alexa. Posture.

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