What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

7-36. The prelude to the end of the macho man

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Wearing a black windbreaker with a stand-up collar, he stood on the white beach, leaving traces of his high-waisted black boots on his back. Even though his whole body was enveloped in thick fog, the mottled green on the mountain could be vaguely seen. When the waves hit the shore, the sound of the tide lingered in the ears of the night wind in the Qiandaoyuan, making everything look like a dream. In this environment, the sound of gunshots and explosions came from the mountains from time to time. It became the only discordant note. Unknowingly, there seemed to be another sound in my ears. It was the sound of footsteps caused by the soles of shoes trampling on the sand. It was very light but steady. It did not stop until it reached the Qiandao Courtyard not far away. Miss Qian Dao Yuan heard the voice of her colleagues, Qian Dao Yuan silently opened her closed eyes, subconsciously touched her hand on the handle of the knife, and asked in a deep voice: It has been arranged.

Yes, Miss Qian Daoyuan. Standing beside Qian Daoyuan, Kalba, the stalwart first executive officer, replied in a low voice: It has been arranged, exactly as you requested.

Okay. Above the eyeballs, a trace of blood-red light passed through the black pupils. Qian Daoyuan Yefeng nodded and said: Next, we just need to wait, just wait. After saying that, Qian Daoyuan raised his head, Looking at the mountain shrouded in thick fog, she whispered: I can feel it. I can feel the position of the apostles. They are gathering around the top of the mountain. They are fighting and then dying. Las PI Can the ags parasite's communication network cover the entire island? Hearing Qian Daoyuan's words, Kalba's always very indifferent face finally showed a hint of surprise. Is The one implanted in my body That upper-level individual was specialized by the Technical Department, and was specially used to command the apostles in frontline operations. Logically speaking, this work should be left to the Security Department, but the Security Department is not trustworthy, so I I can only come in person, and judging from the current situation, my choice is wise... With a cold expression, Qian Daoyuan squinted her eyes slightly, as if feeling something, she said in a deep voice: That Ah Shford, she hid a lot of trump cards on this island and in the mountain bunker, but she has no way out. Those monsters lurking in the forest will be dealt with by H.C.F, and those hiding in the castle will be dealt with by H.C.F. The apostles are holding back, and she has no room to interfere with our plan. What's the price? Suddenly, Kalba asked in a deep voice: The specialized upper body implanted in the technical department, don't Speaking of surgery, it can be removed even with the use of instruments. If you are lucky, you will be paralyzed and completely unable to move from the chest down. If you are not lucky, you will be killed by the instrument together with the note. In order to deal with that queen, you have to sacrifice The price is the rest of your life, do you think it's worth it? I said, for Black Umbrella, nothing can't be sacrificed, including myself. 2. He lowered his head and looked at the palm of his hand. , Qian Daoyuan gently clenched her fists, and she whispered: In the past, I couldn't understand why someone in this world would be willing to turn themselves into monsters, but now, I think I can understand. This kind of power flows within my body. The feeling is really irresistible. If I had been given such power ten years earlier, maybe I could have changed this situation.

That day, looking at the figure riding the flames in the night sky through the screen, a trace of jealousy arose in Qian Daoyuan Yefeng's heart. She couldn't understand.

How could a woman who was supposed to die in the mountains and snow gain such powerful power? Why could she return to the public eye with such a high profile instead of just like a mouse hiding in the gutter? Afraid all day long? Why...like a god descending to earth? At this moment, Qian Daoyuan deeply realized that there are limits to being a human being. Only monsters can defeat monsters, and if someone wants to be buried completely Ah

If Shifu turns into a monster because of his family, then she is the perfect fit. - After a lot of struggle, before this battle, in order to ensure that the battle would go smoothly, and at the same time in order to respond to someone's expectations, Qian Daoyuan Yefeng finally made up her mind. She applied for an injection for herself, which was administered by the technical department in order to cooperate with the apostle's battle. The new las PI ags parasite specially developed by the sect, and this specialized upper-level individual not only brought physical strength to the Qiandao Academy, but also gave her the ability to command multiple apostles to fight at the same time. And now , just as she had thought before, HCF's offensive was not going smoothly, and the Ashford family's resistance was fierce. It's time for her to appear as a monster. Although she was not from the technical department, Qian Daoyuan knew what would happen to her if she was injected with parasites. After asking Victor to inject parasites to complete her revenge, she felt very uneasy. She did not know what Victor would do. What kind of response, but in the end, Victor's response was quite calm. In the dim projection office, with an unbending smile on his lips, Victor sat in the false singing of birds and the fragrance of flowers, crossing his legs. She asked softly, Miss Qian Daoyuan, have you thought it through? I have thought it through. Qian Daoyuan nodded and responded: This is my revenge, I must do it. I understand. He clapped his hands gently and said with a chuckle: Then just go ahead and do it. Miss Qian Daoyuan, I always respect your decision, and I believe you will not let me down this time. After getting Victor's permission, he left Victor's office. For a moment, Qian Daoyuan felt as if his chest was stuffed with something. Getting Victor's permission and trust should have been a happy thing. , but Qian Daoyuan couldn't laugh at all, because Victor's attitude was too understated, as if he didn't care about her life or death at all. Do I really want him to reject my application rather than agree? I have learned swordsmanship since I was a child. Although her talents are limited and her talents are not outstanding, Qian Dao Yuan has always prided herself as a warrior. She understands that the front is a key turning point for Black Umbrella, and it may even turn into a chaos.

Fighting, at this time, the more distracting thoughts there are, the more hesitant her heart becomes, so in order to take the next action, she needs to cut off all distracting thoughts. As for Victor's thoughts, she can only survive the pressed battle. Qualified to find out! In Is's slightly squinted eyes, mixed blood-red light flashed, and she turned her sight to the greenery hidden in the fog. Qianzongyuan waited silently until a moment later, she suddenly said in Japanese He said coldly: Found it. What? Kalba, who was standing aside, was slightly startled. That mercenary, the apostle found him. There was a trace of excitement in his eyes, but then the pain replaced it, and the Qian Daoyuan suddenly She bent down, covered her mouth and coughed violently. Looking at Qian Daoyuan, whose face was full of pain and whose body was arched like a shrimp, Kalba frowned in a rare way, but saw Qian Daoyuan forcefully stand up straight. She He frowned and said in a hoarse voice: It doesn't matter! As he said that, Qian Daoyuan, who did not show any weakness, clenched his palms to hide the blood that was coughed into his palms. Kalba. Relieving the somewhat chaotic breath, the pain from the chest subsided little by little, Qian Daoyuan turned his head and whispered: Our guests will enter the venue soon, and by then, I hope you can be alone. Stand by and help light up our stage. I hope that I will receive our guests later. I want to see how much the guy who can kill Miyamura head-on weighs, and then let him experience it. Why? In order to face the monster

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