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Between the white mist that was faintly trying to dissipate, bursts of gunshots and explosions came at the same time. On the grass, heavy footsteps and rapid footsteps intertwined back and forth, mixed with the sound of slight breathing, and passed quickly- Tree after tree, Li Yexing gritted his teeth while running, letting the sweat soak into the soil on his face and then fall off together. What worried Li Yexing the most finally happened. In the forest, he was discovered by the apostle who was in perfect condition. The most terrible thing was that the apostle who discovered him was blocking his way up the mountain! In order to avoid the rapid attack from the apostle, Li Yexing turned around and ran without caring about the direction. It was not until he ran far down the hillside that he suddenly realized that his escape route seemed to be quite bad. At the moment, he The direction he was heading was completely opposite to his destination. Even so, the fact was that Li Yexing had no room for detours at this moment, because the monster behind him was running too fast. It was up to Li Yexing not to catch up. Relying on the complex terrain in this mountain, after all, it is somewhat difficult for a monster with a head height of more than two meters to flexibly get through the slightly dense trees. What the hell! Li Yexing took out the useless C4s he had picked up after killing Christo from his pocket and threw them into the bushes in front of him. Then, he suddenly turned sideways. , stepped on the C4 explosive in the grass and went directly between the two trees. Behind him, the pursuing apostle stepped on the tree trunk and was about to cross between the two trees. But Li Yexing directly pressed the detonator in his hand. In an instant, there was a roaring explosion, sawdust flew everywhere, and the broken tree fell directly, hitting the apostle whose leg was injured by C4. Ignoring the spear in his hand, he dragged his injured leg out and rolled out, letting the giant tree that suddenly fell suppress the spear he had left behind, looking at Li Yexing's back. As it got further and further away, the monster gave up running and instead dragged its injured leg and crawled among the grass on three limbs. The speed was not much slower than running on two feet! Damn it! I want to rely on C4. Bomb took the opportunity to fire a few shots. When Li Yexing turned his head, he saw the monster crawling towards him in an extremely evil manner. In his haste, he didn't even care about aiming. Li Yexing had no choice but to fire a few shots in a hurry, and then ran away. Although the monster's speed had hardly slowed down compared to before, when he saw the monster lying on the ground, Li Yexing had a hint of enlightenment in his heart. Just like before, Li Yexing was running while The straight line was passed through the dense trees as much as possible. Not long after, the distance between Li Yexing and the monster gradually widened. I knew it. A sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, and Li Yexing whispered. Even though Even with only three limbs, he can still climb at a speed that is not weaker than running on two feet. However, with the change of posture, the apostle's flexibility has obviously decreased. Due to the long arm span, the apostle is completely unable to learn as before. Following Li Yexing's appearance through the dense trees, if you want to keep up with Li Yexing, you have to waste time by forcefully passing through, or take a detour. No matter what choice you make, the apostle's pursuit speed will be slowed down. As the distance is widened, , Li Yexing finally had enough energy left. He stopped abruptly, then turned around, raised the HK-46 in his hand and pulled the trigger directly towards the oncoming apostle. The white mask stained with mud was 556 The millimeter-caliber bullets struck in waves, exploding cracks. In order to avoid Li Yexing's firepower, the apostle had to turn around, turned his head sideways, and crawled towards Li Yexing in a large circle. However, this hit Li Yexing. Ye Xing's plan! No matter how the apostle detoured, Li Yexing just silently triggered the alarm and let the bullet hit the apostle's head as much as possible. When the apostle detoured back to Li Yexing's side, Li Yexing suddenly started to move. , he turned his head, imitating the apostle's appearance, while making a circuitous move and keeping distance from the apostle. When the apostle stopped blocking the way, Li Youxing turned around, opened his legs and rushed straight to the top of the mountain. So, a monster is a monster, That's all we can do... Li Yexing easily exchanged places with the apostle. Li Yexing, who was running towards the top of the mountain, couldn't help but show a proud smile. He reached into his pocket and dropped a C4 explosive on the mountain. At his feet, Li Yexing held the detonator and ran quickly while whispering: Come on, I don't plan to take you up! He ran a few steps away and listened to the sound of the trees behind him. He had already distanced himself. Li Yexing pressed the detonator without hesitation. After a violent and loud roar, Li Yexing turned around suddenly. Just as he thought, after his movements became extremely inflexible, he could only stick to him. The apostle who was crawling rapidly on the ground was unable to avoid the explosion! Along with the weeds and clods of soil were thrown into the sky, the exploding C4 explosive directly knocked the apostle who was crawling directly above the explosive to the ground, while on the other side , Li Yexing raised his gun again, and fired a frame bullet directly at the apostle. Immediately, there was a dull sound, the frame bomb broke through the fog, and hit the apostle directly with its tail smoke. Another explosion sounded, and the white mask finally shattered, revealing the expressionless half of the face behind the mask. The black face with pale skin and half of the brain and parasites exposed.

It's over. With a slight arc at the corner of his mouth, Li Yexing quickly replaced the empty magazine, then raised his gun and pointed the gun directly at the parasite above the apostle's head before the apostle could get up. Pressing on the radio, Li Yexing was about to press it when suddenly he heard a sound coming from the grass in the distance. He was startled and Li Yexing turned his head sharply, and saw a black light penetrating through the air. Coming towards Li Yexing, as Li Yexing subconsciously turned his head to dodge, the black light brushed Li Yexing's shoulder and nailed it hard to the tree behind Li Yexing. It was a black alloy spear! No! His body reacted before his consciousness. Li Yexing ignored the apostle who slowly supported his body and lost the protection of his mask. He threw himself into the grass with a flying jump. In the next second, a strong wind blew over the head

Then, the long legs wrapped in black exoskeleton kicked out and jumped hard on the big tree next to Li Yexing, causing a burst of fallen leaves, while Li Yexing, who didn't care to look behind him, suddenly arched his head. He opened his waist and crawled under the apostle's thigh. Behind him, the apostle who suddenly burst out of the thick fog was stepping on the tree trunk with his feet and straining his arms, trying to pull the apostle away. The spear that was nailed into the trunk of the tree was pulled out. Damn it, why are you here again?! As new pursuers intervened, the situation reversed again. Li Yexing had no choice but to turn back and continue running down with his head down. According to his thoughts, the apostles were not moving slowly. It had been so long since he met the first apostle who took the initiative to open the jar. The apostles on the mountain should have gathered near the top of the mountain. He couldn't think clearly. It was already at this time. Why were there still apostles blocking the way? Halfway up the mountain? It's as if they were waiting for him here!

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