What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

7-38. The macho man revisits his hometown

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Regarding the new apostle joining the battlefield, Li Yexing already had a rough guess in his mind. Since the apostle had installed a computer on his brain for easy control, it seemed that it would be appropriate to call in helpers through the parasite's unique communication network. It's not a strange thing, but for Li, who is eager to meet his wives,

For Ye Xing, encountering such an unusual thing was as uncomfortable as eating a fly! Behind him, the apostle who had been hit by Li Ye Xing and exposed the parasite had already propped himself up. The three-legged beast dragged the injured leg and moved again. In order to hide its weakness, it even twisted its cervical spine - 180 degrees, then raised its neck and forced the back of its head to face Li Yexing, and the newly admitted Li Yexing, who had been disrupted by the apostle, had no chance to replenish his gun. Behind him, the new apostle finally pulled out his spear with scattered sawdust, without even looking at his companion walking on the ground. It did not go straight up Li Yexing's back, but detoured to the side, completely blocking Li Yexing's retreat. There was no tree in front of the horse girl. Li Yexing quickly turned around and glanced at the two apostles behind him. After discovering the opponent's weird pursuit route, Li Yexing couldn't help but cursed. Although I don’t know what is going on, it is obvious that the two apostles want to prevent him from reaching the top of the mountain! “Don’t think that I really can’t kill you all!” Sensing the intention of the two apostles, a wave of anger arose. Instantly, Li Yexing's chest rose. He suddenly stuffed the gun under his clothes with his backhand, fired a few shots at random behind him to slow down the three-legged crawling apostle, and reached into his pocket with the other hand to take out the gun. With the last C4 explosive, he glanced at the apostle waving a spear and almost running to his side. He used the trees beside him to keep a distance from him while looking for a suitable position. After all, In this forest, it's not just the apostle who can't use it, but also him. Seeing that the trees in front of him were getting denser again, Li Yexing rushed over without hesitation. After getting through the trees, he turned around suddenly and opened fire again at the three-legged crawling apostle, even though the back of his head was pointed at Li Walking at night, but after losing the protection of the mask, the parasite still expanded slightly from the top of its head. After being accurately grazed by Li Yexing's two bullets and exploding two yellow blood flowers, the parasite let out a strange sound. He screamed sharply, and then controlled the apostle to run towards the other side, trying to take a detour again. Seeing this, Li Yexing was about to step towards the mountain when he saw the black spear at his side stabbing him suddenly. In a hurry, He had to retreat to avoid it, but just after retreating, he felt as if he had stepped on something under his feet. The next second, Li Yexing lost his balance and rolled down the hillside. This time, Li Yexing's speed really picked up. Li Yexing's body was already a little tired from the high-intensity fighting all the way. In addition, being driven by the apostle to run half a mountain in the forest with complex terrain, Li Yexing's physical strength was completely unable to keep up. At this moment, with the His body rolled between the hillside and the grass, and he felt as if he was being stuffed into a rolling washing machine. Even so, he still held the C4 explosive in his hand tightly, and held the HK.46 in his arms until His back hit something hard and his rapidly rolling body suddenly stopped. His eyes widened suddenly, almost bursting with blood, and all the air in his lungs was squeezed out in the violent impact. Li Yexing, whose face turned purple, looked up and saw the two apostles chasing after him in two directions. The one who was running on two feet had even raised his spear. In desperation, he ignored the severe pain all over his body and stuffed the C4 explosive into the Jingsheng behind him, then gritted his teeth and turned over, carrying a large amount of dust with him. Tumbled down. His vision suddenly became clear, revealing the sky that was not obscured by leaves but still lingering in the mist. The thoughts in his brain passed like lightning and flint. Li Yexing suddenly realized that he had fallen into a crater left by the bombing. In an instant, for a long time, The brain and body memory reacted synchronously after the battle. Li Yexing suddenly curled up. Then he pressed the detonator in his hand without hesitation. Suddenly, the roar of the explosion sounded from above his head, shocking Li Yexing. His ears were ringing, but right now, he couldn't stop. At the moment when the explosion sounded, he kicked up his legs and stood up amidst the random splashing of mud and sawdust. He saw that both apostles were blown over. In front of I, and in front of the two apostles, was a huge tree that had fallen in the previous bombing. So, I just bumped into this damn thing, didn't I? I didn't have time to think too much. Before the two apostles could regroup, Li Yexing directly tore off the grenade from his waist, pulled the tab, and then said to He threw the three-legged crawling apostle over without hesitation, then turned around and ran, all the way down the crater full of clay soldiers. It wasn't that Li Yexing didn't want to shoot the apostle, but that the crater was too wide. He had no ability to outrun the apostle here. If he stopped in place in order to shoot the apostle who was walking, then After a few seconds, the spear apostles regrouping can kill him directly! The more critical the moment, the less greedy! - You must be careful and cautious. For now, as long as you can prevent them from closing the distance in the crater. !The super crawling apostle was severely injured by the grenade, and the Changqian apostle who failed to regain his posture was blown to the ground again. Li Yexing gritted his teeth, endured the fatigue and pain, quickly passed through the crater, and ran into the woods again , seeing that the two apostles failed to bite them immediately, he started to check the ammunition on his body while running. Girl, I've run out of C4, I have a few frames left, and the magazine is almost out...

Touching the tactical belt he snatched, Li Yexing's face became increasingly ugly. As the sound of rapid footsteps stepping on the grass came from behind again, Li Yexing frowned. Right now, he needed someone. A battlefield, a battlefield that can restrain the apostles, prevent them from wielding their spears, and ensure that they can exert their full strength! Damn it! Where is Queen Veronica's island?

Is there such a place?! Is there a big bed in the bedroom?! Wait... Bed? Suddenly, a burst of thoughts drifted from Li Yexing's mind and could not be dissipated for a long time. Until a moment later, the arc of the thread gradually became natural. The corners of Li Yexing's mouth curled up with a hint of pride, like a son-in-law pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger. With thoughts in his mind, his body gained strength again. Without even looking at the two monsters chasing behind him, Li Yexing opened his legs and suddenly accelerated his speed. Time, accompanied by the continuous sound of rapid footsteps behind him. , the trees on both sides of his sight passed quickly, until the thick fog in front of him seemed to have ended, as if it had reached the end of the woods. The moment he rushed out of the woods, Li Yexing spread his legs and jumped, following the uncounted cloud in front of him. He jumped off the high cliff, then made a tactical roll, and landed firmly on the ground, leaving his own traces on the white beach. When he arrived at the beach, Li Yexing did not stop. He continued to run forward until the black shadows standing in the mist gradually took shape. Those were huge black rocks! Turning back and glancing at the two apostles who jumped down with him, Li Yexing dodged and hid between the rocks, leaning against a large rock covered with water vapor. Ye Xing stuffed the ammunition into the ammunition launcher attached to the HK 46 and said with a low voice, I remember, the view here seems to be pretty good...

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