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For Li Yexing, it was a helpless choice to choose the battlefield here. Since he was frantically chased by the two apostles, his half-hour-long mountain climbing was in vain, and even the substantial supplies on his body would be swept away. However, Li Yexing is very clear that only by surviving can he be qualified to think about the future. No matter how long it will take to return to the mountain, he must first deal with these two haunting apostles! , In the mist, two apostles rushed out one after the other. The running apostle with a long spear dropped from the sky with his long legs and landed on the beach. A layer of wet white sand was splashed, while the crawling apostle Because of his unbalanced body, he fell fiercely into the beach, and following Yin D, who was left on the beach by Li Yexing, the two apostles went straight to the black reef standing on the beach. Here we come. Listen. The chaotic footsteps were getting closer and closer, Li Yexing was not in a hurry to shoot his head, but walked quickly towards the interior of the reef forest, stepping on the black reef and turning sideways, squeezing through the gap between the reefs where only one person can pass After the gap, he poked his head out again with his back against the reef. Behind him, he faintly saw the two distorted figures through the fog. One of the two apostles landed on the reef, looked around with the back of his head, and the other side Putting on his body, he walked slowly between the reefs with a spear in hand. . Taking a deep breath and calming down, Li Yexing frowned a little bit. Right now, because there are not many supplies, he needs to use every bullet on his body carefully to ensure that every bullet has a purpose. , Through the scope, Li Yexing raised the muzzle of the gun little by little, and pointed it at the black figure lying on the reef. After locking his head, he directly pulled the trigger, accompanied by two rapid gunshots The head of the crawling apostle shook violently, while the spear apostle on the other side turned his head suddenly, facing Li Yexing's direction, and then followed Li Yexing's gunshots, squeezed through the rocks and strode forward rushed up. Along the gap that only one person could pass through, Li Yexing didn't panic at all as he watched the apostle rushing out of the mist while holding the spear and twisting his body, he just dragged the muzzle of the gun towards the oncoming man. The apostle pointed at its white mask and pulled the trigger again. Normally, the apostle could swing the spear like a whirlwind to block all the oncoming bullets, but in this reef forest, the apostle is simply Cannot wield a spear. After the white mask was hit with a few cracks by the gun in Li Yexing's hand, the apostle had to turn around and run back towards Li Yexing in an arc. After taking a few steps, he pointed the muzzle of the gun at the top of his head. In the next second, accompanied by the rising white sand, the apostle soared into the air like a frog, holding the spear with both hands, the point of the gun pointing down, facing the slender body. After crossing the rock blocking the way, what was waiting under it was Li Yexing and the black muzzle of the gun that had been prepared. Go back. Accompanied by the indifferent whisper, Li Yexing directly buckled the button of the bullet launcher. Immediately, a bullet pierced the chamber with the soft sound of the bullet firing, tearing through the fog and heading straight to the apostle jumping high in the air. In the air, the apostle could not dodge at all, he could only watch Seeing the bomb getting closer and closer, the next moment, the flames of the explosion pushed away the mist, and the scorching air directly bit Li Yexing's cheek, resisting the shock wave of the bomb explosion and bursts of tinnitus , Li Yexing - holding a gun in one hand, and subconsciously protecting the top of his head with the other hand, he ran quickly to the side. Then, he saw the apostle who had eaten a bullet hit Li Yexing hard with black smoke. place. Taste this! Before the apostle could get up in time, Li Yexing pulled the last grenade from his waist, then pulled off the ring and threw it over. Seeing this, the apostle lying on the ground tried to wave Like a bat, he used the spear in his hand to shoot back the flying grenade, but saw the three-legged apostle crawling over the reef and coming straight to Li Yexing, and Li Yexing fired directly at the apostle's head. Accompanied by the balance of his body, the apostle fell directly from the reef, suppressing the flying grenade, and squeezed between it and the apostle with the spear. The next second, there was a loud explosion, and a burst of flames exploded from between the bodies of the two apostles, the upper and lower, and the exoskeleton of the apostles that was pressed below suddenly shattered, blasting pieces of black debris, and the one that was pressed on top The crawling apostle rolled over directly, staring at the cracked exoskeleton twitching on his chest, and on the other side, Li Yexing, who was lying on the ground, suddenly turned over and stood up, picked up the gun in his hand, and aimed at the Crawling the exposed parasite of the apostle, Li Yexing directly pulled the trigger. Suddenly, there was a loud gunshot, and the red and yellow liquid was torn off by the bullet and splashed in all directions. The parasite - waving its tentacles - released There was a shrill neigh until the bloody flesh from the beating shriveled up like a leaking balloon. One! After completely killing the parasite exposed on the apostle's head, Li Yexing quickly replaced the last magazine as he stepped back, while the spear apostle who fell on the ground struggled to kick away the weight on his leg. The corpse of his companion on the ground, and then stood up staggeringly holding the spear, exposing the purple heart that was constantly beating on his chest.

After hiding on the reef again, taking advantage of the mist and heavy rocks to hide his figure, Li Yexing stuffed a bomb into the bomb launcher, then poked his head out to look at the other half of the rock, and saw Not far behind, the apostle who stood up again was walking towards Li Yexing staggeringly through the thick fog. Li Youxing remembered very clearly that Alexisa once said that the apostle was developed based on the tyrant, and when the apostle stood up just now, Li Yexing seemed to have indeed seen a 0u exposed heart-like structure on the exposed chest of the apostle. He thought for a while, then stuck his head out under the cover of the mist, and directly pulled the trigger towards the black figure's chest. The gunfire rang out again, and the monster swung the spear violently, trying to create a whirlwind. However, the long spear in his hand had just started to move, and was slammed by the rocks beside him.

It got stuck and made a loud clang. The bullet hit his unprotected chest, and the apostle staggered back two steps. Then, it rushed towards Li Yexing, with the spear in his hand held high. It dodged around behind the rock, and then It slammed down violently, and with the white sand splashing in all directions, it suddenly realized that its long spear was smashed into the air. Look? Miscellaneous?! There was a hint of indifference in his voice. Li Yexing, who had climbed onto the rock at some time, looked down at the apostle. Following Li Yexing's five rings, the apostle just raised his head and saw Li Yexing. Yexing directly aimed at its chest and pulled the trigger of the bomb launcher. Immediately, another explosion sounded. Li Yexing lowered his figure to ensure that he would not be pushed off the reef by the heat wave. Under the rock, the heart of the apostle who ate a bomb exploded in front of him was completely shattered, and the crimson blood was splashed like a fountain. Holding the spear in one hand and covering his chest with the other, the apostle staggered back two steps, and then directly Falling down on the sandy beach, accompanied by a burst of sharp mourning, its cracked mask suddenly burst, and the parasite occupying half of the brain was waving its tentacles while struggling separately, as if trying to escape from the dead Host. Picking up the gun in his hand, Li Yexing pulled the trigger expressionlessly until he emptied the last magazine. Seeing that the parasite became shriveled little by little and stopped moving, he let out a mouthful of stale air, and then squatted down. on the reef. When he let go of his exhaustion, Li Yexing just wanted to light a cigarette.

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