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Executive Officer No. 0? Well, it smells like an evil organization. In the white mist, accompanied by the lingering sound of the tide, Li Yexing stared at the woman named Gandaoyuan Yepan in front of him, with a hint of joke in his words Said: Miss No. 0, when will we start the fight? After all, you and I should be very busy, and we are in a hurry, right? Yes, we are all in a hurry, so let's stop the meaningless conversation here Slightly squinting, with an indifferent expression, under Li Yexing's watchful eyes, Gandaoyuan Yechuang silently pulled out the black long knife symbolizing the power of the executive officer from his waist, and just as Li Yexing was about to take out the dagger to fight, but Seeing that Qiandaoyuan suddenly threw out the long knife in his hand, it stuck firmly to the toe of Li Yexing's shoe and stabbed into the beach. Take it... Gandaoyuan Yasara said coldly: You defeated Miyamura Masamichi, so I will give you a fair duel. Is that okay? Miss No. 1? There is no need to be polite to the enemy, Li Yexing directly Pulling out the long knife, he glanced at the hidden 0 mark on the handle, then tilted his head slightly and said to Gan Daoist: This is not your knife, is it? The knife in your hand is I borrowed it from my colleagues. The Daoist Academy responded coldly: Besides, no matter how strong you are, it is impossible to change the outcome of this battle. It's quite confident. Looking at the black alloy long knife in his hand, Li Yexing raised his head and stared at the Qiandao Academy in front of him. Suddenly, a chuckle like a cartoon villain appeared on his face, and the corners of his mouth curled up. He whispered Said: It's a pity, I left the knife I snatched from that Miyamura Masamichi elsewhere. If that Miyamura Masamichi is your subordinate, wouldn't it be more appropriate to hack you to death with his sword? Suddenly, Baisha burst from under the black boots, almost in an instant, Gan Daoyuan rushed in front of Li Yexing, holding the handle of the knife with one hand, and pulled the blade out of the scabbard. Juhe chopped, and slashed at Li Yexing's arm. Facing the sudden attack, Li Yexing subconsciously crossed the long knife in his hand, and barely held back the blow. Li Yexing, who was hit hard, took a step back subconsciously. On the other side, Gan Daoyuan, who missed a hit, seized the opportunity to step forward again, and slashed fiercely at Li Yexing's face with a vertical slash. Damn! roared subconsciously, Li Yexing hastily turned the long knife in his hand, resisting the heavy blow from the Cadre General Academy, feeling the pressure from his arm amidst the continuously splashing sparks, Li Yexing bit Grinning his teeth, he forcibly pulled the corner of his mouth and asked: What's the matter? Don't you like the man I mentioned to you? No, I just don't want to hear you anymore, that's all. Backing away, surpassing Li Yexing, she swung the long knife in her hand out due to inertia. She seized the opening and bullied her again, and slashed directly at Li Yexing's abdomen with a horizontal slash. The black alloy long knife still left a shallow scar on Li Yexing's flank, and the location of the scar was almost exactly the same as the scar made by Masamichi Miyamura in Gaooshu City before - - To! Female horse. Suffering from pain in her abdomen, Li Yexing backed away again, while Gan Daoyuan stomped on the ground as before, and rushed up again. She slashed the black alloy long knife in her hand frantically, while coldly He said with a straight face: If you only have this level, then you can't beat Miyamura at all! Sorry, I really brought down Miyamura with only this level! Although the mouth is very hard, the face is also He wore a smile that seemed to be very easy to handle, but in fact Li Yexing was not feeling well, because the intensity of the previous battle was too intense. Li Yexing's body has not recovered until now, and right now, Miss No. 0 is obviously not a fuel-efficient lamp. , Her speed is extremely fast, and her eyesight is surprisingly powerful. Almost every time she parries against her attack, Li Yexing's wrist will be shocked. It is impossible for a normal human woman to have such exaggerated speed and strength! , has her body been strengthened by the Las PI gas parasite of the upper individual? ! It really disappoints me - Diandian pressed down the long knife in her hand, sporadic sparks splashed, and the expression of Gan Daoyuan finally Changed, the indifference between the eyebrows dissipated little by little, replaced by fanaticism and ferocity, staring at Li Yexing with the pair of blood-colored eyes due to being parasitized, the chief executive officer twitched the corner of his mouth and said coldly: Don't Urgent, mercenary, in order to ensure that you will not be too noisy on the helicopter, I will break all your arms and legs. You think so, so it is, after all I'm not going to explain to every idiot who says that to me..

Even though the knife in his hand was being pressed lower and lower, Li Yexing still moved his face closer, and the corners of his mouth curled up into a ferocious arc that was no different from the Qiandao Temple. He gritted his teeth and sneered in a low voice: And you, in my opinion, are It was no different from those of your seniors. As the voice fell, Li Yexing flew up suddenly and kicked Qiandaoyuan hard in the stomach. Even though his strength had been strengthened, the difference in weight still surpassed Qiandao. The courtyard was kicked and staggered, Li Yexing rushed up, and while slashing the long knife in his hand towards the neck of the Gandaoyuan at an alarming speed, he said with a grinning smile: Sorry! Miss No. 0! It's different from you! I But he came here to kill you! He didn't respond to Li Yexing's words, but the grim smile still on his face became the best expression. He held the long knife across his neck with his hands behind his back, Immediately stopped Li Yexing's offensive, and then used the power strengthened by the parasite to forcefully crush Li Yexing's blade, letting the long knife in his hand stick to the blade in Li Yeli's hand, sparking layers of sparks, and went straight Li Yexing's neck. Seeing that the sparks were about to splash on his face along the blade, Li Yexing bent down hastily, letting the blade sweep across his head and cut off a few strands of hair. At this critical moment, he lowered his center of gravity , following the muscle memory, he turned his body around suddenly, and then with the strength of his waist, he slammed the knife in his hand towards Qiandaoyuan's waist. Facing this sudden blow, Qiandaoyuan's pupils wrapped in blood red Sudden contraction, and hastily pulled back, but unexpectedly Li Yexing was hiding behind him.

The hand on the side actually directly took out the pistol, and frantically pulled the trigger at the Qiandaoyuan who was pulling away. The bullet pierced through the black windbreaker, and exploded into a flower of blood in Gandaoyuan's abdomen. Gandaoyuan let out a muffled groan, and then stopped his figure suddenly, waving the blade frantically along the direction of Li Yexing's pistol while circling around Flying around Li Yexing, accompanied by a clanging sound and splashing sparks, several blood flowers bloomed on the body of Gan Daoyuan. If ordinary humans were shot, it would be difficult for them to move at such a high speed again. However, in the face of this injury, the Qiandao Academy didn't realize it until Li Yexing emptied the bullets in the pistol and threw the pistol away, then she rushed up again, raised the long knife in her hand and slashed at Li Yexing's arm. come over

Facing the cold light falling from the sky, Li Yexing, who had no time to adjust his figure, lay down on the ground. He held the knife behind his back, and used the handle of the knife to block the slash of the Gandaoyuan at the moment of his attack, and then rushed to the main road. Before making another effort, Yuanyuan kicked Qiandaoyuan in the side face, and as Qiandaoyuan staggered for a while, Li Yexing turned over and stood up by the recoil of the kick, and then put on a posture again. At this moment, Li Yexing finally felt the pressure far surpassing that of Miyamura Zhengdao from Yetian, the chief executive officer!

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