What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

7-42. The macho's will trampling

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The distance was opened again, and Gan Daoyuan regained its posture. It seemed that it was because of the pain caused by the bullet entering the body. Her expression seemed a little unnatural, and there was a trace of fear in the eyes looking at Li Yexing. With a ferocious smile on her face, she asked in a deep voice: The sword just now has a shadow of a mirror of divine sense. Have you ever learned Japanese swordsmanship? The long knife twirled in his hand, and Li Yexing moved his wrist in the hairdressing salon- - said: I know a girl who is proficient in swordsmanship. When I have nothing to do, I will chop with her with a wooden knife to maintain My physical condition. After speaking, Li Yexing raised his head, chuckled and said to Gan Daoyuan: She is much stronger than you, if you fight with full firepower, you may not be able to catch her three swords. So what? Taking another step forward, Gan Daoyuan-yi approached Li Yexing step by step and said with a sneer, What does that girl you're talking about have anything to do with the fight between us? Even if I can't handle it She has three knives, so what about you? A mercenary? How many knives can you catch me? At least it's more than three knives. In the surprised eyes, he took a deep breath. Then, holding the handle of the knife with both hands, he slowly made a move like the mirror flow of divine thoughts. Seeing Li Yexing's posture, the corner of Gan Daoyuan's mouth twitched again. She sneered at Li Yexing as she slowed down her pace, Are you... wanting to practice swordsmanship in front of me? Come on, I have to try... Li Yexing responded with a smile. In fact, Li Yexing's idea is very simple. As a hardcore player who has perfectly cleared every Resident Evil game in his previous life, after fighting against various B0W and even the original protagonist group and even Wesker , Li Youxing already had a clearer understanding of the combat effectiveness of these monsters and his own. As a man who could overwhelm Chris head-on, Li Yexing did not think that his physical fitness would be much weaker than that of the Qiandao Academy in front of him. After all, this The body has been tempered by his own girls with viruses. What Li Yexing really needs to break through is not his own strength, but his own cognition. In a sense, Li Yexing is no longer a real human being. So, even if he is reluctant, he must learn to fight like a monster. Don’t be afraid of getting hurt, because my self-healing ability is stronger! If I use a more Japanese way, how can I explain it? The idea is clear? As Li Yexing's mentality changed little by little, Gan Daoyuan's approaching Li Yexing's footsteps suddenly slowed down again, and Li Yexing's eyes met, Gan Daoyuan felt that there seemed to be something changed in the mercenary in front of him. It's different. If I have to say it, Li Youxing's eyes seem to be more like a beast than before. With the help of the senses strengthened by parasites, she can even see the eyes of Li Yexing who are constantly coming from Li Yexing. There was a trace of heat escaping from the skin, as if something had broken the seal. Suddenly, Gan Daoyuan noticed that the wound on Li Yexing's waist seemed to have begun to stop bleeding and scab.

This is really... an unexpected joy. Staring at the wound on Li Yexing's waist that was emitting a trace of heat, Gan Daoyuan finally could no longer suppress the surprise in his eyes, raised his head, and looked at Li Yexing again. Cold voice: When I heard you say that you are Ashford's little pet in the monitor, I still didn't believe it, but now it seems that the monster ruled by reason and logic really has a reason to choose you. At first, I thought the same as you... Li Yexing chuckled and said, But then I realized that Lisa is soft and clingy, really cute. Soft and clingy? Lisa Sha?! Listening to Li Yexing's evaluation of his pet name for Alexisa, and seeing Li Yexing's soft and warm eyes, for a while, Gan Daoyuan felt a chill all over his body. , as if the nerves in his brain were cut off, at this moment, monstrous malice rose from the pair of blood-red eyes, and the Gan Daoyuan twisted his facial features and rushed straight up, slashing at Li Yexing like crazy, facing this Li Yexing just turned sideways slightly for the thunderous knife, allowing the blade to tear a wound on his chest, then suddenly changed the blade's posture and counterattacked, pointing directly at Gan Daoyuan's neck. Seeing the blade's rapid attack, Due to excessive movements and too many flaws, Gan Daoyuan could only forcibly deflect his body. The next second, the spear in Li Yexing's hand slashed fiercely on Gan Daoyuan's shoulder. Accompanied by the cold light falling , the black leather jacket was torn apart together with the white skin, and bright red blood gushed out from the wound, splashing on the snow-white sand. In front of her, Li Yexing still maintained the posture of swinging the knife down, but there was a hideous wound on his chest, which was mixed with the scars filled with mud. Together. Wounds for injuries, injuries for lives! This is a way of fighting that abandons common sense and belongs entirely to monsters! Damn, why is the self-healing ability of this body still unable to compete with that monster mercenary? Confrontation?! What? This is not enough? On the other side, seeing a slight hesitation and fear in Qiandaoyuan's eyes, Li Yexing changed his posture again, staring into Qiandaoyuan's eyes, grinning like a devil He whispered lightly and said with a light smile: No, there is nothing strange about it, after all Masamichi Miyamura died like this

Hearing Li Yexing's words, Gan Daoyuan was stunned, but saw Li Yexing smiled as if showing off something: I have to say, your starting point is a bit higher than him, after all, you already know what my body has. It's a pity that your subordinate, he doesn't know anything, he is like a fool, standing still

In the rain, I wanted to have a Japanese-flavored duel with me, but I didn’t give him a chance. When he cut his knife into my waist, I directly killed him with a backhand

He was stabbed to death... As he said that, Li Yexing twitched his lips and said mockingly: Really, Miss No. 0, I really should show you his face before he died, sitting in the rain, with his eyes closed. Staring so big, with a look of reluctance, he kept saying 'doide, doide', ah, really, what is he wondering about? Could it be that he thought he was the protagonist of a black and white sword halberd film from the last century You bastard!!! How dare you tarnish Miyamura's dignity and consciousness as a samurai like this! At this moment, the anger of Gan Daoyuan was completely ignited by Li Yexing's words. It began to tremble, and under the white skin, there seemed to be traces of brown blood streaks climbing, spreading, spreading wildly like weeds, and under the corners of the eyes, there were bright red tears of blood running down the cheeks, biting tightly. teeth, as if they were about to crush them into pieces, and the more and more distorted Gan Daoyuan growled like a wild beast and said hysterically: Kill you! You damn wild dog! I'm going to kill you! Kill you! Kill you! Cut you into pieces!

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