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People always have insincere words, such as the one just now. In fact, as an opponent, Li Yexing respects Miyamura Masamichi's strength, but Li Yexing himself is not a person who likes to fight. After all, in Li Yexing's opinion , The result is the most important thing, and fighting is only a means to achieve the desired result. In order to achieve the desired result, Li Yexing can abandon many things in the battle, such as Miyamura Masamichi's belief. It can be seen that, just like Miyamura Masamichi, the No. 0 lady in front of her has the same persistence and belief that cannot be abandoned. Otherwise, she could have chopped Li Yexing directly instead of throwing a knife to Li Yexing and then reconciled with her. He cut. However, it's a pity that Li Yexing doesn't have that kind of thing. Li Yexing's belief is to protect his family. As long as he can protect those girls who have been abandoned by the world, Li Yexing can do everything he can, including trampling a dead girl against his will. The dignity of a samurai is only to anger the enemy in front of him. When the skin turned pale and faintly covered with brown blood vessels, Qiandaoyuan raised the black alloy long knife in his hand and rushed towards Li Yexing with a roar, Li Yexing knew that he had succeeded. Phew. The slightly contrived sarcasm and disdain at the corners of his mouth were restrained, and Li Yexing's eyes became serious. Facing the alloy long knife that was suddenly slashed down by the Qiandaoyuan, Li Yexing turned his body slightly, and slammed his hands He put the long knife in the past, and then pressed the blade with one hand, gritted his teeth, and pushed the long knife in Gan Daoyuan's hand like Hitomi Ganshima responded to his slash. The sparks exploded, and Li Yexing could feel that although the speed of Gan Daoyuan hadn't changed, the strength seemed to be greater than before, and almost every knife was heavier than Li Yin. With the adjustment of the knife's posture, he retreated slightly One step ahead, before the Qiandaoyuan had time to return, he slashed at the neck of the Gandaoyuan. In the blood-red eyes with impurities, the cold light reflected in the white mist is getting closer and closer. Forcibly defending will only lose the initiative. In an instant, Gan Daoyuan made a judgment. Not only did she not parry, but she just Slightly dodging sideways, while roaring like a wild beast, he swept the knife in his hand towards Li Yexing's abdomen. In an instant, two blood lines exploded at the same time, splashing on the sand alternately, and slashed Li Yexing in the abdomen. At the same time as Qian Daoyuan, who had been chopped off in the shoulder, retreated back, clutching the wound and staring at each other. I have to say that this knife was a bit fatal to Li Yexing. If it wasn't for the quick reaction of withdrawing, I'm afraid the intestines would flow out again. His hands had begun to tremble uncontrollably. What's the matter?! Is this all you can do?! As if to cheer himself up, the hideous complexion and distorted facial features yelled at Li Yexing like a demonstration: It's just exchanging injuries for injuries! Can't I do it?! Do you know what kind of feeling I'm standing here with?! Before Gan Daoyuan could finish speaking, Li Yexing kicked on the sand and waved the long alloy knife in his hand. He slashed at Gan Dao Yuan fiercely, this knife was fast, but heavy enough, even though Gan Dao Yuan parried it for the first time, he was still suppressed by the slightest bit, facing the biting blade and Li Yexing, who was looking at Qiandaoyuan at close range, sneered coldly as the sparks splashed, I'm sorry! Miss! Just as I don't care about Miyamura's beliefs, I don't care about your opinion either. Things are worthless to me, as long as I want, I can throw them on the ground and step on them at any time! As soon as the voice fell, a huge force struck, and Gan Daoyuan, who had adapted to Li Yexing's power, pushed Li Yexing away with a blade. Then he bullied himself up, and slashed at Li Yexing's abdomen. Faced with this almost demented blow, Li Yexing suddenly raised his leg, and precisely stepped the blade in Qiandaoyuan's hand into the sand, Being pulled by the long knife in her hand, Gan Daoyuan's figure suddenly fell, and when she raised her head, her gaze met the long knife in Li Yexing's hand. Along with a burst of cold light falling, another splash of bright red rushed to cut into it. Before the long knife that was stuck on his neck stepped forward and fell, Gan Daoyuan gritted his teeth, held Li Yexing's knife handle fiercely with his wrist, and then suddenly pulled the long knife that was stepped on by Li Yexing out of the sand. Slashing fiercely from bottom to top, Li Yexing let out a muffled groan, and another hideous wound appeared on his chest, forming a bright red cross with the wound that hadn't fully healed before.

Beads of blood were still drawn on the tip of the knife that had been swung to the sky, and the blade that reflected the cold light fell down again with the reversal of Qiandaoyuan's wrist. Looking at Qiandaoyuan's eyes filled with hatred and madness, listening With the hoarse running and roaring of the Qiandaoyuan, Li Yexing, who had no time to evade, had to parry with his sword. In his sight, he saw the blood-stained cold light falling like thunder, and then, accompanied by a clear sound of iron striking, the sword in Li Yexing's hand The black long knife broke directly from the middle. Caught off guard, the long knife that cut off the blade in Li Yexing's hand fell fiercely on Li Yexing's shoulder. Half of Li Yexing's shoulder blade was submerged. His facial features were distorted in an instant by the pain, Li Yexing gasped and kicked Gan Daoyuan's arm, and when the arm and the blade left his shoulder together, Li Yexing gritted his teeth, stared at his red eyes, and held half of the knife in his hand. The backhand of the chopping knife slashed across the abdomen of Gan Daoyuan, and the blood splashed from the two of them again, blending together, staining the white sandy beach red. B. Your knife is broken Clutching the bleeding abdomen, Gan Daoyuan hangs down the hand holding the knife, - panting - and grinningly said: You have no way to go

Sorry, I have it! Staring at the Qiandaoyuan in front of him, Li Yexing's face became more and more distorted due to the pain. He held the broken knife in one hand, and took out the dagger from his waist with the other hand , even though his arms were not flexible enough due to the pain in his shoulders, he still put on a posture. Opposite him, Gan Dao Yuan Ye Sera, who looked a little weak, was pressing with one hand the wound on his abdomen that was about to leak out of his internal organs, and with the other hand Holding up the long knife, he pointed the tip at Li Yexing. The status of both of them is almost reached

At the limit, Li Yexing vaguely felt that the next blow would be the last blow of the two of them! This time, there was no words, only a slight gasp, and the two men with distorted and ferocious expressions were posing, sideways Body, moving in small steps, getting closer to each other little by little, until they entered the attack range of Gandaoyuan's long knife. As the tide hit the beach, a cold light passed in the eyes of the two of them at the same time. The next second, as the figures of the two collided, bright red blood splattered in all directions. A severed hand holding a broken knife rose into the air and landed on the sand. Li Yexing's forehead was covered with cold sweat. His face was pale, he gritted his teeth, - backed away while hissing cold air, at the same time, he firmly held the severed wrist with his good hand, to stop the gushing blood, in front of him, the Gan Dao Temple With her eyes wide open and the corners of her mouth drawn into a stiff arc, she lowered her head little by little, only to see a twisted black dagger piercing her chest, parasitizing her heart together with the specially made Las Plags in her chest cavity. Worms run through together. His body softened, and the black-eyed Gan Daoyuan staggered back two steps, then fell in front of Li Yexing, spitting red and yellow blood.

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