What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

7-44. The macho man suddenly changes

In fact, Qian Daoyuan Ye Dan is not stupid. From the moment she got Victor's reply, she understood that for Victor, she was just a dispensable existence. She was just deceiving herself. She didn't dare to think that she didn't I hope that her willingness to sacrifice everything for Victor and Black Umbrella will be like child's play in Victor's eyes. So, when she caught the tenderness in Li Yexing's eyes when he mentioned Alexa, Qian Daoyuan became furious. She didn't want to believe that a mad dog who was willing to get stuck in the quagmire and keep fighting for money could have such a thing as love. ! She is even more unwilling to believe that that woman can still be loved even though she has become a monster! Why? Why can she be loved? If it is said that Ashford's love lies in the fragile heart of Qian Daoyuan After cracks were created, Li Youxing's ridicule and trampling on Miyamura Masamichi and her beliefs became the last straw to crush the wall of her heart. Let the red and yellow liquid flow from the corners of her mouth and splash all over her cheeks. With her neck around her neck, Qian Daoyuan's vision became increasingly blurry as she stared at the sky covered by white mist. She knew she was going to die. On her deathbed, there was no blue sky, no sunshine, and even dark clouds in her sky. Out of sight. This... is so immature... Qian Daoyuan, who pursed his lips and looked expressionless, laughed at himself in a low voice. Unlike Qian Daoyuan, who fell to the ground and might die at any time, Li Yexing was still standing, but his face was ugly, even a little pale. Perhaps because his left hand was strong enough, Li Yexing's severed right wrist was no longer what it was before. Blood surged like a fountain, and he looked at his neat wounds with bones and flesh. Li Yexing frowned and whispered, This injury doesn't look like it can be healed by its own healing ability...

Moving his gaze to his severed hand, the blood-stained hand was still lying quietly on the beach, and the five fingers were still holding the broken knife tightly. Li Yexing thought about it and squatted down, using his knees and He pressed his severed hand on his chest, then stretched out his left hand to open the fingers of his right hand, picked up the right hand, and forced the wounds together, just like piecing together building blocks, as if he was afraid that the faults would not grow together. Ye Xing twisted it roughly until the pain was almost overwhelming, and then he let go. Then, just as he expected, his right hand fell back to the beach without any suspense. Female horse, I knew it wouldn't be so easy. Recalling the protagonist Ethan's severed hand connected with a leather stapler and a severed leg connected with hand sanitizer in Resident Evil 7, Li Yexing suddenly felt a sense of sadness, casually picked up the severed hand and stuffed it into the In his pocket, Li Yexing stood up, pinched the wound on his right wrist and walked step by step towards Qiandaoyuan who was lying on the ground. Now, he urgently needed a piece of cloth that could be tied tightly to control the wound on his wrist. After a while, he returned I have to carry this severed hand on a mountain climb. As a woman, Kandoin will definitely have suitable fabrics on her body. Arriving next to Qian Daoyuan, Li Yexing lowered his head and looked at the woman who had been fighting with him for a long time. At this moment, her face and neck were covered with yellow-brown dirt, and she was just looking at the sky silently, her eyes dull. , there seemed to be a trace of curvature hanging from the corner of her mouth. Even when she put her hand into the leather jacket and pressed the wound on her abdomen, her blood continued to flow out, staining the sand beneath her red. No one knows what she saw when she was dying. Logically speaking, it seems inappropriate to take off a woman's clothes in broad daylight, but now Li Yexing didn't have the capital to be entangled, so he squatted in front of Qian Zeng Beside him, he pressed his wrists with his neck and chest as before, and then stretched out his left hand, ready to lift Kansoin's leather jacket. However, just when his fingertips were about to touch the leather jacket, suddenly, Kansoin The right hand that was stretched under the leather jacket to press the wound slipped out, and a small silver ring was seen hanging on the ring finger of that hand. Li Youxing's pupils narrowed suddenly. His body moved faster than he realized. Li Yexing turned around suddenly. Just as he was about to fly out, Qian Daoyuan's leather jacket suddenly exploded, and the minced meat mixed with grenade fragments were scattered in the fire and explosion. The splash, carrying the sand thrown up by the explosion, directly engulfed Li Yexing. It hit the beach hard, and Li Yexing felt as if his consciousness was about to leave his body. He had almost lost his hearing due to the close explosion, and even his vision began to become blurred, with a look on his face. At a loss, he subconsciously wanted to support his body, but he didn't know it was against the law. His legs couldn't exert any strength, until his consciousness returned little by little, and a burst of heart-breaking pain began to spread from his right leg, biting Li crazily. Nocturnal nerves. Cold sweat continued to drip from his forehead, and even his lips began to twitch uncontrollably. Li Yexing, who used the elbow of his broken right hand to support his body, turned over, then looked at his right leg, only to see his The right leg was already riddled with dry marks, and the entire calf was bent in a strange direction. For a female horse. Li Yexing pursed his lips and could not move, frowning and whispering: It's over... As soon as he finished speaking, there was another burst of explosions. Li Yexing was slightly stunned, and hurriedly Following the sound, he turned his head and saw that not far from him, a large area of ​​white sand and smoke were thrown high by the explosion, as if it were a landmine detonating. In the blink of an eye, Li Yexing realized that there seemed to be explosives buried under the beach! On the other side, after the first explosion sounded, a series of explosions suddenly sounded, one after another, and they were like a bomb. The firecrackers were getting closer and closer to Li Yexing, and the sand kicked up by the explosion smeared on his face. Li Yexing, who could not move with his eyes squinted, finally understood why Qian Daoyuan said that his outcome had been decided regardless of winning or losing. I'm going to fuck your female horse!

With another burst of explosions, Li Yexing was thrown high into the air and completely lost consciousness. In the blink of an eye, the continuous explosions were over. In just a few seconds, the entire beach was filled with holes as if it had been plowed, and between the holes, Li Yexing, covered in blood, lay on the ground. , unconscious. There were no more gunshots and sword sounds, no more explosions and shouts of death, and the beach seemed to have finally returned to silence. But vaguely, there seemed to be a burst of footsteps, and soon, it appeared in the white mist.

A dark shadow appeared, and Kalba, the first executive officer wearing a black trench coat and sunglasses, came to the center of this mess. It's so tragic. Is this your desire to die? Miss Qian Daoyuan? Looking at the blood-covered Li Yexing lying in the sand not far away, he then looked at the body under his feet that only had half of it left. Kalba couldn't help sighing in a deep voice as his body was covered in blood. Just as he was about to step forward to retrieve Li Yexing, suddenly, a bloody hand grasped his ankle tightly. Startled, Kalba lowered his head again, and saw the incomplete Qian Daoyuan holding his ankle while pouting his lips as if he had something to say. When Kalba saw this, he immediately Lying on the ground, he put his ear to Qian Daoyuan's lips that were covered in blood and dirt. He vaguely seemed to hear Qian Daoyuan saying something intermittently. I heard everything. Don't worry, you have succeeded... After a moment, Kalba whispered to Qian Daoyuan in a deep voice: I will take care of the next thing.

Upon hearing Kalba's response, Qian Daoyuan, who could no longer see anything, slightly raised the corners of his mouth and completely lost his breath.

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