What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

7-45. The macho man took a sudden turn

In the quiet woods, the white mist has not dissipated, and the clean and green grass blades are stained with soil. The soil is mixed with the dew condensed on the grass blades, making it particularly sticky, with a faint smell of gunpowder smoke. Under the grass blades, a corpse lay quietly, wearing a black combat uniform, dripping with blood, and with a small branch stuck around its neck. Suddenly, there was a sound in the silence. As the grass swayed gently, a petite figure with long silver hair flew past. The black leather coat on his body was full of tears, and the dress covered with mud was even more. Because there were too many bullet holes, Tililith forcibly tore her into a short skirt. Although she was traveling at a slow speed, her ruby-like eyes became a little dim, and her little face with some burnt marks was even more so. There was unconcealable fatigue.

Along the way, Tililith never stopped, fighting from inside the castle to outside the castle. After killing all the humans and apostles who tried to stop her along the way, she finally broke out of the encirclement and was able to follow the mountain road to the east. Next, because she wanted to search for Li Yexing, Tililith couldn't run too fast, but as the distance to the beach got closer and closer, Tililith's heart finally sank a little bit. Night Travel, disappeared... couldn't be found anywhere. Also, Liquid Line was on their side, so why didn't they launch a signal bomb? Suddenly, an explosion sounded, one after another, echoing wantonly in the mountains and forests. When I heard the sound, Tililith's heart was shocked. That sound seemed to come from the direction of the sand... Is Ye Xing there? Why did Ye Xing go to the beach? Why didn't Ye Xing come back to everyone? More and more questions piled up in Tililith's heart, and then fermented. As he stood there, he felt a strong sense of uneasiness. Vaguely, the fog seemed to thin. As the visibility increased little by little, Tililith quickened her pace. The trees on both sides passed by quickly on both sides of the line of sight. Tililith's steps seemed a bit staggering due to the soft and bumpy soil under the grass. Despite this, she did not stop, and she didn't know how long she soaked until her sight was blocked in front of her. There were fewer and fewer trees, leaving only the mist that had not completely dissipated. Tilly gritted her teeth and suddenly accelerated her speed. Suddenly, the trees were left behind. Wherever she saw it, there was the snow-white sand. Disaster. Standing on the spot, ignoring the sound of waves, Tililith looked around. Although the fog dissipated slightly, the visibility on the ground still did not follow the direction of the previous explosion. Tililith ran quickly After passing by, not long after, she came to the scene of the explosion. She saw that the beach was in a mess, and there was a faint trace of blood under the fine sand that was thrown up. And in the center of the explosion, lying silently There was half a mutilated corpse. The corpse looked like that of a woman, but the flesh and blood were so bloody that it was difficult to distinguish the body shape and appearance. After taking a look at the corpse at her feet, Tiililith turned her head and narrowed her eyes slightly. Even though the beach was completely unrecognizable, Tiililith keenly found a long series of feet ED.

Without the slightest hesitation, Tililith followed her intuition and ran after the footprints. Maybe this series of footprints was not long, but for Tililith who was chasing the footprints, this process was extremely painful. She knew that it was definitely not. Li Yehang's footprints, but she longed to find the answer at the end of the footprints. Unless that answer was the one she couldn't accept the most. Finally, perhaps because the fog became thinner, Tililith saw a vague black shadow in the direction where the footprints extended. In desperation, she

The speed accelerated. As the distance got closer, she finally saw the true form of the black shadow. It was a black helicopter parked on the beach. There was no identification mark on the face. In front of the helicopter's cabin, a A tall black man wearing a large black trench coat was facing away from Tililith. He was holding a broken knife in one hand, and on his other shoulder was a man covered in blood. Even though they were far away, even though they were blocked by the fog, Tililith recognized it at a glance. The person being carried on her shoulders was none other than Li Yexing! Her red eyes suddenly widened, and there seemed to be something in the whites of her eyes. About to burst a blood vessel, Tiililith's expression instantly became ferocious. Seeing the man carrying Li Yexing onto the helicopter, the ferocious-looking Tiililith roared like a wild beast while running fast: Stop! One foot has already stepped onto the helicopter. The man in black who was carrying Li Yexing turned his head, glanced at Tililith through his sunglasses, then calmly got on the helicopter and closed the door with his backhand. After a while, the helicopter's The propellers roared and turned, and on the other side, seeing that the helicopter was about to take off, Tililith gritted her teeth and accelerated again. As the potential of her body was squeezed, - the blood vessels of Tiilisi's contamination emerged. The white skin stained with mud and blood exudes a faint

With a pale pink light, accompanied by the explosion of flesh and blood, Tililith's arms instantly turned into a pair of ferocious giant claws mixed with bones and flesh. Amidst the roar that resounded on the beach, the black helicopter stirred up the strong wind and rose into the sky little by little, and all of this was reflected in Tililith's eyes that were as bright as rubies. among. Hurry up! Hurry up! Hurry up! Hurry up!

Staring with blood-red eyes, looking at the helicopter flying higher and higher, Tililith roared like a wild beast again, her calves suddenly tightened, and then suddenly became violent, in the pink light dragged out by the bright blood vessels , the fine sand under Tiililith's feet exploded in an instant. Under this powerful impact, Tiililith rose into the air, raised her sharp claws high, and slammed into the helicopter flying higher and higher, until the huge The tips of her claws rubbed against the bottom of the helicopter, creating a streak of flowers. Bound by gravity, she fell headlong and hit the beach heavily. As the white sand splashed up, Tililith roared like a vicious dog and stared at the helicopter flying farther and farther away. She supported the pair of giant claws and was about to get up, but her body became weak and she fell into the fine sand again. With a trace of panic flashing between her brows and eyes, Tililith turned around, only to see that her legs trailing behind her were already dripping with blood. During the jump just now, the muscles in her legs

It has been severely broken, and all the blood vessels floating on the surface of the skin have burst. Now, let alone catching up with the helicopter that is getting away, Tililith can't even stand up. There is a trace of confusion in her eyes. Tilisilis stretched her giant claws in vain towards the direction of the helicopter, as if begging it to fly back, but this was destined to fail. In her sight, the helicopter flew farther and farther until it disappeared into the sky. A small black spot of sunlight shone down, dyeing the beach golden again. The golden sand was covered with the blood flowing from Tililith's legs. The fog cleared. At the moment of writing, the desperate monster girl finally lost the power to resist fatigue. She collapsed on the beach, her mind went blank, and unprecedented panic instantly filled her crazily pulsing heart. After a while, she lay on her back Lying on the beach, looking at the sky, she reached into the arms of the leather jacket. After taking out the black flare gun, she took a look, and then directly pointed at the sky and pulled the trigger. That look, It was as if she wanted to kill the sky that took her away from her.

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