When everything returned to calm, the lights finally lit up again in the corridors of the castle, reflecting the bullet holes on the walls, the destroyed art, and the blood and minced meat splashed everywhere, until a bucket of water was splashed on the floor, and then , the mop swept across the ground, and as the white cloth was instantly stained with blood, Butler Harman, who was holding the large mop, stopped what he was doing. In this way, it can't be wiped clean.

His heart was suppressed by a heavy gloom. Butler Harman knew that there were more important things than cleaning at the moment, but those things were not within the scope of Butler Harman's processing. Now, he could only do his job well, such as Go take care of the seriously injured Alex Cross on the top of the mountain, and prepare afternoon tea for all the ladies. However, the top priority is to clean up the Ashford Castle, which has just experienced a fierce battle, because soon, New guests will visit here.

Even if those people are supporters of the Ashford family, Butler Harman still has the obligation to make them feel at home, especially at this critical time. The Ashford family must maintain a steady posture and never mess up. Get into position. Maybe I should prepare some tea and desserts for the ladies first. After a moment, Butler Harman, who was cleaning the stains, couldn't help but whispered. After all, he was the first to watch Alexa grow up- For the first time, I saw unconcealable panic on Alexis's face. Butler Harman. Just when the old butler was wondering whether he should give priority to stabilizing his young lady's mentality, a slightly familiar voice sounded from behind. Butler Harman, who noticed the visitor, turned around and leaned the mop in his hand against on the wall, and then leaned slightly and said: Miss Griffith, is there anything I can do to help? No, Butler Harman, this is my problem. He shook his head at Butler Harman and changed it again. Rita, who was dressed as a maid, smiled and shook her head and said, Can I help you with anything? Even though the corners of her mouth had a mechanical arc, Butler Harman still caught the difficulty in Rita's gray eyes. Hiding fatigue and a trace of confusion. There's no need to force yourself to smile, Miss Griffith... Sighing slightly, Butler Harman said in a deep voice: Things would turn out like this. Neither Miss nor I could have predicted that we would be raided. , Mr. Li was even plotted against by those evil villains using humble and shameful means. In the final analysis, this was my dereliction of duty.

It's not your fault, and I don't mean to blame you or anyone else. He broke through his thoughts. Rita's smile finally changed from a smile to a bitter smile, and she shook her head gently. She said: I'm just not used to waiting. I hate this feeling of not being able to do anything, so please at least let me do something. If Miss Griffith wants to insist on carrying out her duties as a maid, then she might as well Do me a favor and prepare some honorable drinks and desserts for you ladies. After a moment of hesitation, Butler Harman squeezed out a formal smile and said: At the latest in the evening, supporters of the Ashford family will arrive one after another. I'm afraid people from Mr. Li's side will also be present. By then, I hope that the lady will not be disturbed by Mr. Li's matter. Once those people realize that the lady has been taken advantage of, their determination will definitely be shaken. I understand... Now that she has something to do, Rita bowed slightly and said, I'm going to get ready. You know where the kitchen is, Miss Griffith, but I'm sorry I can't lead the way for you. Butler Ma whispered. It's okay, Butler Haman. Squeezing out a smile again and nodding to Butler Harman, Rita turned around and walked towards the upper kitchen. As she got further and further away from Butler Harman, she turned the corner and finally found herself in the corridor. It became completely quiet, and only the sound of Rita's high heels hitting the ground disappeared. After the others disappeared, the smile on Rita's face finally disappeared, replaced by fatigue and confusion. During the battle a few hours ago, Li Rita was the last to arrive at the beach because she was stuck on the beach where H.C.F. forces must pass through. After the battle with H.C.F. Fanchen, Rita not only failed to completely prevent the evacuation of H.C.F. troops, but also Feeling a little embarrassed by the stun guns, she was stunned when she finally dragged her tired body to the beach where the purple flares were fired. is Li Youxing was not waiting as she expected. On the beach, on the other hand, all the other sisters had arrived. Almost all of them were injured, and each of them looked gloomy and scary. Tililith's legs were dripping with blood, and she sat motionless on the beach, her eyes lost. Kanan, who looked hollow and covered with wounds, sat beside him with his knees propped up, holding a cigarette in his mouth that was almost burning to his lips. He said nothing. Hitomi Mikishima stood beside him, still holding a knife in his hand. But her eyes were no longer sharp, like a panicked little rabbit, and Ti Lilian, who had taken off her shirt and was only wearing a white short shirt, was sitting on the coffin, gnawing her fingers, and the reflection around her left eye was The blood vessels coming out of the skin have not yet dispersed. As for Bai Muqing, even though her face was so cold that it was almost freezing, there was an unconcealable fear in her wine-red eyes. And the young lady from the Ashford family, Ah Lexisa was wearing a tattered combat uniform, leaning on two black alloy spears that were crossed and stuck diagonally on the beach, her brows furrowed, as if she was thinking about something. Vaguely, a trace of emotion rose in Rita's heart. A different premonition, and soon, this premonition came true. From the mouths of the sisters, Rita soon learned that Li Yexing had been kidnapped, and that Li Yexing had been kidnapped in front of Ti Lilith. The night traveler took the helicopter directly, without even a chance to pursue him. The guy who kidnapped the wild dog was Peppin Kalba, the first executive officer. The guy who was killed by the wild dog was Kandoyuan Yefeng, After the head of the execution department listened to Tili's description of silk making, Bai Muqing - while gently rubbing the bridge of his nose, gritted his teeth and whispered: Damn it, a wild dog can do this to plot a plot! Not long after, Butler Harman, who was carrying a giant ax and wearing a broken suit, also arrived. After learning about the situation, he came to Alexa's body, bowed slightly to Alexa and said: Miss, Go back first

Well, they have already withdrawn. There is no point in discussing the remaining matters here.

You're right, Butler Harman. With a slight frown, Alexa stood up and walked slowly to Tililith. She whispered: Let's go, go back and figure out what to do... Tililith There was no reply, but she nodded indifferently. Then, Alexa turned around, hugged Tililith, and then said to the girls around her, Go back first. It won't take long for the communication to be restored. When we get there, At that time, overwhelming information will be conveyed to us. Victor's actions this time are too abnormal and sudden. Before solving the problem, we need to understand the situation outside. is like this, with a heavy heart, - Everyone returned to the castle. After the communication was restored, just as Alexa expected, all kinds of information were sent to them. At the moment, Black Umbrella seemed to have exploded. Victor The people with H.C F took direct control of the European branch without going through the Joint Committee. The opinions within the Joint Committee began to be seriously divided. It seemed that most people were waiting for Victor to give a result. ... Faced with the situation in front of her, Alexa couldn't help but sneered: Do you all want to sit on the mountain and watch the fight between tigers and wait for me and Victor to kill you to the death? These old people, compared with ten years ago, There is no change at all.

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