Perhaps because of her uneasiness, Rita spent a lot of time in order to make the desserts reach the previous level. When the desserts came out, Rita controlled the tentacles protruding from behind and placed them all on the dining car. Then, she pushed the dining cart and took the elevator to the bedroom that Alexa lent to Li Yexing. The bedroom was not far from the elevator. Soon, Rita arrived at the door of the bedroom. Standing in front of the door, she tried her best to adjust a calm smile, and then knocked lightly. After a while, there was someone on the other side of the door. Alexa's voice came.

After getting Alexa's permission, Rita gently opened the door to the room. Inside the room, she saw Alexa sitting not far from the window, frowning slightly and typing on the keyboard, as if she was returning to Xia. After hearing the news, Kanan sat cross-legged in front of the window, smoking one cigarette after another. She squinted her eyes slightly, and there seemed to be a wild thing hidden in her eyes. Inkishima Hitomi hadn't changed clothes yet, she was holding the girl in her arms. He leaned against the wall, looking a little tired, but his eyes were sharp again, dispelling the previous panic.

With a stiff, mechanical curve at the corner of her mouth, Rita pushed the dining cart in and said with a smile: Excuse me, everyone, this is the afternoon prepared for everyone. No one has lunch today. To ensure that I have enough energy to meet our friends in the evening. I think we all need to eat something. Thank you. Even though her hands were busy typing on the keyboard, Alexa still turned her head and nodded to Rita. She brought a copy with her. The trays of desserts and Hongrong were placed next to Alexa's computer. She glanced vaguely at the small frames under the taskbar of the computer screen. Rita turned around and pushed the dining cart to Hitomi Mikishima. Next to him, he placed the same tray on the cabinet next to Chishima Hitomi, and then said softly: 0 Eat something, Chishima-chan.

Continuing to push the dining cart, Rita came to the window and stared at Kanan's profile. Rita placed a tray on the floor next to Kanan, and then whispered softly: Miss Mafal, eat something first. Well. Looking out the window at the sea of ​​trees that had become bumpy due to bombing, Kanan turned her head and looked at the dessert beside her. She held a cigarette in one hand and picked up the knife on the tray with the other. , but when the knife was about to touch the chocolate cream, she suddenly stopped. Shinu... Looking at the tight pastries on the plate, Kanan said listlessly: Tell me, boss, what did he eat for lunch? When Rita's smile froze, Mijima Hitomi smiled slightly. Raising her head, even the sound of Alexa typing on the keyboard stopped. Seeing that the atmosphere in the room was not right, Kanan instantly realized that she had said the wrong thing, so she roughly cut it with the knife. She went down, put half of the dessert into her mouth, chewed it and said with a forced smile: It's delicious, as expected of a maid. She sighed without any trace, and Rita changed the subject with that stiff smile on her face: Where are the eldest and second young ladies? It seems that Miss Bai is not here either.

As for Miss Bai, she is in her bedroom. Hitomi Mijishima, who was standing against the wall, replied in a low voice: Miss Tililis and Miss Tilililian both seem to be in Miss Tililis's room, and Miss Tililis's The leg injury is a bit serious. I understand. There was finally a trace of sadness between her eyebrows. Rita said softly: I want to give afternoon honors to the other three ladies. Please forgive me for being blind. Go ahead. With her fingers slightly stagnant, Alexa frowned and whispered softly: Also, please give Miss Griffith a good soothing touch on Tillylith's eyes. Her state is a little depressed. Miss Ashford looked at Alexa, who was typing on the keyboard and fiddling with the mouse, her brows furrowed. Rita couldn't help but whispered, I heard Butler Harman say that we are hosting a group of guests tonight. Approval of guests, you... Don't worry, I know what Butler Harman is worried about. Before Rita could finish speaking, Alexa said in a deep voice: Don't worry, I am the head of the Ashford family. Anyone can be depressed, but I can't. I will prop up the situation... After saying that, Alexa said coldly, Besides, that bastard Victor dared to kidnap Ah on the territory of the Ashford family. A member of the Ashford family. This is contempt for the Ashford family. I don’t have to wait too long. I will make him pay for his madness right away. So, sir, he has become an Ashford family member. Seeing that Alexa was not depressed, Rita was slightly relieved. She bowed slightly again, then left Alexa's bedroom, pushing the meal towards Alexa's bedroom. The nearest room was Bai Muqing's. After a while, she arrived in front of the room door. Before she could knock on the door, she heard Bai Muqing in the room talking non-stop, as if she was talking to someone on the phone. After a while, , Rita knocked lightly on the door. Immediately, the voices in the room disappeared, and Bai Muqing could only be heard asking in a deep voice: Who? It's me, Rita replied softly.

Please come in... As if he was relieved, the room was filled with Bai Muqing's voice again. On the other side, Rita opened the door of the room and pushed the dining cart into the room. As soon as she entered the room, she saw Bai Muqing was sitting on the edge of the bed, putting his laptop on his knees and hanging up his Bluetooth headset, arranging something constantly. Let the most elite teams be ready for battle and make sure they can move at any time. No later than tonight, I will I will send you the location of the battlefield, and you have to fight in advance. As for the remaining people, all leave Lopulus and build a defense line around Durande Technology and Medicine to ensure the safety of our partners. That's right, pre-war command We must all move. Before dawn tomorrow, I will provide you with information about this battle, and be mentally prepared. This is most likely a joint battle... Don't worry, although it is worse than the previous Lopulus incident. Those guys are stronger, but their overall quality will definitely not exceed ours, provided that those guys are willing to act according to the rules I set...

Go communicate with Mr. Giovanna. We need a secret whistle. The recent Lopulus may not be peaceful, so Mr. Yeager should also be prepared. Although the probability does not completely rule out the possibility of another war in Lopulus. Okay, let’s arrange it like this for the time being.

, waiting for my message at any time. Sorry to bother you, Mr. Agor. ls cut off the video call, took off the Bluetooth headset, Bai Muqing put the laptop on his lap on the bed next to -, and then turned his head Asked Rita, Is there any progress with Miss Ashford? There should be progress all the time, but there are always troubles. Pushing the dining cart next to Bai Muqing, Rita smiled softly and said : No one has eaten, so I prepared afternoon tea. Let's have something to eat. Even if we don't need to intervene in tonight's affairs, we still need to maintain good physical strength...

Rita called out to the girls who were forced to smile. Bai Muqing frowned slightly and said in a deep voice, You know, we don't need to eat chocolate cakes to maintain our strength. We are monsters. I just think that I should Do something. After a moment of silence, Rita lowered her head and whispered softly. Seeing the maid who had always been able to do everything with ease in the past become like this, Bai Muqing sighed. She opened her arms towards Rita and turned her face sideways. He whispered, Just this once, I will lend you my chest. Without any hesitation, Rita fell directly into Bai Muqing's arms.

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