Like Rita, Bai Muqing's mood is actually very bad, but compared to a girl like Rita who is more inclined to be driven by her backbone to move, Bai Muqing is much more assertive. After returning to the castle, Bai Muqing immediately started Trying to sort out the existing intelligence and arrange the Huanya Armed Forces to enter a state of emergency. When Agor on the other side of the computer recorded Bai Muqing's orders one by one, for a moment, Bai Muqing suddenly felt that the Huanya Armed Forces were about to become the Li family. of private soldiers.

After doing everything she could in the shortest possible time, Bai Muqing decided to comfort her annoying roommate. She knew very well that Rita had experienced more hell than her and was more like a willful monster. , so you don’t need too many words to treat Rita, just a hug. Lying on the soft bed, with four slender long legs wrapped in black stockings entangled together, Bai Muqing held Rita in his arms and used Her chin rested on Rita's head, rubbing it gently. There was a rare hint of tenderness and sadness in her wine-red eyes, while Rita buried her face in her chest, exhaling hot air with her breath, until After a while, Rita whispered to Bai Muqing: I'm going to deliver afternoon tea to the young lady and the second young lady. Aren't you going to take a little more rest? Bai Muqing asked softly. No need. Blinking her gray eyes at Bai Muqing, Rita chuckled softly and said: We are monsters, and there is no need for this level of fatigue. Relief comes from rest, right?

Physical fatigue is indeed unnecessary, but mental fatigue is. Bai Muqing tucked the broken hair behind Rita's forehead and whispered: We are monsters, but we will still love, and love will return. Now, the mind will be tired. When you are tired, you need to rest... Listening to Bai Muqing's words, Rita squinted her eyes and walked forward, pecked Bai Muqing's forehead gently, she raised the corners of her mouth and said softly :” Mu Qing, thank you

Capturing the widening between Rita's gray eyes, Bai Muqing gritted his teeth, then his face turned slightly red, and Rita's eyes were directly printed on Rita's surprised eyes. Although it was only for a moment, Rita was still stunned. She stopped, and on the other side, Bai Muqing turned over, with her back to Rita, waving her hands and saying disgustedly: Okay, you maid full of lust, my comfort is over, go and give Ti Miss Lilith and Miss Ti Lilian send the things. The surprise on their faces gradually dissipated and turned into a touch of warmth. Rita curled her lips and joked: Aren't you afraid that Mr. will be angry this time? Come on! Bai Muqing said in disgust: If the wild dog is really angry because of this kind of thing, he should have lost his temper long before the two of us merged.

Lifting up her arms and pressing on Bai Muqing who was lying on her side, Rita leaned into Bai Muqing's ear and whispered softly: Then, if I leave, will you miss me?

Sorry, no. He roughly stretched out his hand to push Rita's face away. Bai Muqing's face turned slightly red, and he frowned and said, Hurry up and arrange for the sisters. According to what I told Ash Miss Ford's understanding is that within three days at most, she will definitely operate on the Speaker of the Joint Committee. I hope that by then, we can all set out in the best possible condition and then bring the wild dog back... As he said that, Bai Muqing couldn't help but curl up his lips and said: ° Hehe, the most powerful mercenary in the northern hemisphere, the pre-war commander of the Asian Armed Forces and a part-time instructor, was actually defeated by two executives. He was not as powerful as he was when he dealt with me. , when I rescue him, I will definitely make some sarcastic remarks to make him unable to hold his head up in front of me. Well, let's get Mr. back. Come here. Looking at Bai Muqing who didn't want to turn around, a warm smile appeared on Rita's face. She sat up straight and got out of bed, covering her body with black She put her feet into the high heels, then stomped her feet gently, and straightened her slightly messy clothes. She turned her head and said softly to Bai Muqing: Then I'll leave first. Come on, hurry up! with a look of disgust on her face. Waving to Rita, Bai Muqing frowned slightly and said, I'll be busy soon. One last look at Bai Muqing who was lying on the bed. Rita pushed the dining cart and left Bai Muqing's room. Returning to the corridor, Rita's face showed a trace of hesitation. Next, she would face Tililith. When Rita arrived at the beach to meet the girls, Tililith's mental state was quite bad. Different from the previous time when Li Yexing was thrown into the Caribbean, this time, as the first girl to be with Li Yexing, Tililith watched helplessly as Li Yexing was taken away but could not do anything. It's hard for Ta to imagine whether Tililith would be able to work quickly under such circumstances. Sighing softly, Rita's gray eyes flashed with a trace of determination. She pushed the dining cart through the corridor and walked towards Ti Lilith's bedroom. She knew very well that Bai Muqing had comforted her just like before. , Ti Lilith also needs her comfort at this moment. Not long after, Rita arrived at the other side of the corridor and stopped in front of Ti Lilith's room. She took a deep breath. She was about to knock on the door, but saw the door in front of her suddenly opened. She stood in the room. Inside, Tillillian, who was wearing a light blue dress, was holding the door handle and looking at Rita, looking a little depressed. Ah, it's a cannibal... After a moment, Tillillian whispered, with two listless ponytails, she stepped away and motioned for Rita to enter the room. When Rita entered the room, she closed the door with her backhand, Then he walked to the bedside with heavy steps, jumped lightly, and threw his face down on the middle of the big bed, without saying a word. Seeing Tililith slumped on the bed, Rita turned her head. At this moment, Tililith was sitting in the rocking chair next to the bed. She was facing the window, with her back to Rita, wearing two bandages. On her legs, she was holding a half bottle of vodka in her hand. Beside her rocking chair, there were a row of empty bottles neatly placed, not a single bottle of which had been drunk. ls Miss... With a hint of distress between her eyebrows, Rita pushed the dining cart quickly to Tilly Jingsi's side. She subconsciously reached out her hand to take away the wine bottle from Tilithi's hand, but instead Seeing Tililith's head suddenly turned around, her ruby-like eyes were piercing, and she didn't look like she was drunk at all. Seeing Tililith's appearance, Rita was stunned.

I'm sorry for making Rita worried. Seeing Rita's astonishment, the expressionless silver-haired girl finally sighed softly. She held the wine bottle and took a big sip in front of Rita, and then Ye Xing said in a low voice, Ye Xing said, wine is chicken soup for the soul. When you are confused, you might as well drink a little to recharge your batteries. It seems that I am too worried. Miss, you don't seem to need my guidance. After a while, Rita said The small tray was placed on the small round table next to Tililith, then she smiled slightly and leaned forward: In that case, please have some afternoon tea first. I have always been confident in my desserts. It is definitely better than alcohol. More capable

Tililith just blames herself for not being able to stay in the night, that's all. She picked up the fork and forked the dessert. Tililith suddenly opened her mouth wide and swallowed the small dessert in one gulp, and then wriggled her cheeks like a hamster. , after swallowing the piece of dessert, Tililith said expressionlessly: Whether it was before meeting Tililith or after meeting Tililith, Night Walk has spanned countless lives and deaths. This time, it is different from the past. There is no difference. Tililith does not have the resources like Miss Ashford, nor is she as smart and capable as Xiaobai. Therefore, Tili Jingsi only needs to ensure that she can do the best of what Tililith can do. that's enough

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