Looking at the girl in front of her who was holding a bottle and swiping vodka, Rita suddenly realized that this tyrant girl who had followed Li Yexing since the beginning was much stronger than she had imagined. After experiencing After a brief period of depression, she quickly adjusted her mentality and was even mentally prepared for the next action.

However, there seems to be something wrong with adjusting yourself in this way. Miss. After a moment, Rita said softly, Have a glass of Hongrong. Drinking may not be conducive to the healing of the wound on your leg. Leaning sideways and placing the empty bottle in her hand on the ground, Tililith turned her head, looked into Rita's eyes, and said expressionlessly: 'Come again.

Okay. After all, she couldn't resist Tilithis, and Rita's eyebrows showed a hint of helplessness. She turned around and went to the small refrigerator in the corner of the room.

i. Opened the refrigerator and saw that it was empty. Miss... There was a hint of joy on her face. Rita turned her head and bowed slightly and said: The wine has been finished. Her ruby ​​eyes always had a touch of resentment, after confirming that Rita would not go to other rooms to get it for herself. After drinking, Tililith, whose legs were inconvenient, retracted into the rocking chair. She glanced at Tilihian who was lying motionless on the bed, then gently patted her thigh and looked at her sister. Called:

Tillillian. Hearing Tililith's call, Tililian looked up with a depressed look. After finding Tililith patting her thigh gently, she feebly got out of bed and walked to the rocking chair with small steps. Then she climbed up onto the rocking chair holding the armrest, and gently pressed on Tilili's body. This time, Tili Jingsi rarely showed disgust in her eyes. She crossed her arms and went around Tilili's waist. He held his sister in his arms, then turned to Rita and asked: How is Xiaobai doing there?

The dispatch has been basically completed. Rita replied softly: Huanya's armed forces can be mobilized at any time. How is Mafal's condition? It feels... not very good. There is some news... Is the same with Hitomi? It should be better than Ma Fal. Miss Farr is slightly stronger. After roughly understanding the girls' psychological conditions, Tililith said expressionlessly: Xiaobai will habitually squeeze herself. She will not give herself a chance to feel depressed. Miss Ashford is very strong. He will not be easily overwhelmed by setbacks. Mafal is too emotional and needs Rita to spend time and take special care of her. If it’s Hitomi, if Ye Ye

Okay, okay, I will definitely hide all the bad thoughts in my heart, this won't work... After saying that, Tililith lowered her head and looked at the blond girl in her arms. She slowly moved her white arms up, while gently While gently stroking Tililian's blond hair, she said expressionlessly: Tililian is the worst, she was crying just now. But...but...the perverted brother-in-law was taken away. After hearing Tililith's words, Tililian She raised her head, her eyes were red, she pinched her nose, and said as if she was about to cry again, I heard from Casimir's father that the fathers in the headquarters are all bad people. Will they give away their perverted brother-in-law...

Tililith said, it won't... Tililith hugged Tilizi's arm tightly. Tililith said expressionlessly, It was obviously an action against Miss Ashford, but she only captured Ye Xing. , they must have known about the relationship between Ye Xing and Miss Ashford from somewhere, and planned to use Ye Xing as a hostage and ask Miss Ashford to compromise, so Ye Xing is absolutely safe. But, Mr.'s physique Hearing Tillis's words, Rita frowned slightly and said, Sir's physique is a secret that only we, the first agency, and a very few people in the BSAA know. If they discover your special condition, I'm afraid. is No.. Even though she didn't finish listening to Rita's words, Tililith still knew exactly what Rita wanted to say. Looking at the woods outside the window and the sea in the distance, she said expressionlessly: If you are friendly If their special physique is discovered by them, then traveling at night will only be safer. Whether it is for us or for them, traveling at night is unique... What if those humble and shameful reptiles did experiments on Mr.'s body. Li Tayu said worriedly. Not even... Overruling Rita's concerns, Tillilis continued: This is a cooperative operation of Black Umbrella 5H.CF. Night Walk is the trophy of Black Umbrella SH.CF. If they find out Due to Ye Xing's special physique, even if Miss Ashford and Xiaobai had done everything, they would not be able to argue over the ownership of Ye Xing before the fight, and it would be even more impossible for a certain party to start research on her own. Summary_Part 1 Miss Tillilis made a summary of what was said, she whispered: So, even if he is kidnapped, there will be no danger in traveling at night, let alone suffering, because

Night Walk is one of a kind. So, is there no problem at all with the perverted brother-in-law? With a hint of surprise in her eyes, Tililian couldn't help but raise her head and asked. In a short period of time, there won't be any problems... Tililith He said in a deep voice, But the longer the time drags on, the worse it will be for night travel, so time is very important.

Seeing that Tililian's expression improved due to her words, Tililith silently patted Tililian's waist and signaled Tililian to stand up. When Tililian obediently stepped away from Tili Jingsi, Tililisi said Si turned her head and said in a deep voice to Rita: Take Tililith to see Miss Ashford.

After holding up the entire wooden rocking chair together with Tililith, Tililian saw her betrayal and immediately ran all the way to the door of the room. When she opened the door, Rita held Tililith in her arms. Stepping into the corridor, Ti Lilian closed the door and followed closely behind. When she returned to Alexa's bedroom door, she saw Bai Muqing in uniform holding her laptop. Walking towards her, she couldn't help but raise her eyebrows slightly after seeing the rocking chair held up by Rita's tentacles and Tililith sitting on the rocking chair like a rich man. Miss Bai, aren't you going to rest? Seeing Bai Muqing coming, Rita couldn't help but asked in a low voice. Have you done anything yet?

After finishing the matter, I can't rest peacefully. Pushing up Zi 2's black-rimmed glasses without lenses, Bai Muqing said in a deep voice: Moreover, some details must be carefully discussed with Miss Ashford. That's just right. Rita Wan glanced at Ti Lilith sitting in the rocking chair. Bai Muqing didn't say anything, but turned around and knocked lightly on the door of the room.

Qing Jin. Immediately, the familiar voice came from the room, and Alexa said loudly: I can hear clearly what you said outside.

With Alexa's permission, Bai Muqing reached out and opened the door for Rita, Tililith and Tililian behind her. When everyone entered the room, the rocking chair was placed firmly on the ground. Bai Muqing closed the door and lifted it up. He began to scan the room. At this moment, all of Li Yexing's monster girls were present. Perhaps because their appearance was so stunning, Tililith instantly became the focus of the room. Facing everyone's gaze, Tililith, who was sitting on the rocking chair, raised her head and glanced at the monster girls in the room. After a moment, she said expressionlessly: Tililith has something to do and wants to be with everyone. Let’s talk..

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