What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

7-50. The macho man is extremely dark

Give way! Give way! Damn it! Get out of the way! In the pure white corridor, a figure wearing a black combat uniform shouted to drive away the other black soldiers patrolling the corridor, while talking with a few wearing Bai Dashang's people were dragging a stretcher and running quickly. On the stretcher, they were shackled - a naked man, covered in mud and blood. He narrowed his eyes slightly and fell into a coma. He looked extremely weak, as if He might return to the West at any time. His right hand was missing, and the wound was only briefly treated. The rough bandage still revealed large amounts of blood. Li Yexing was carried on a stretcher with water hanging on and a ventilator on. Along with a group of people carrying stretchers whizzing past the corridor, beside the corridor, a man wearing a uniform

He glanced at his watch, then turned to look at the other side of the corridor. He saw a tall black man wearing a long black windbreaker taking off his sunglasses and walking towards him step by step. Hanging his sunglasses on the collar of his long black trench coat, the tall black man came to the man in white. Facing the man's somewhat joking eyes, he looked as serious as a stone sculpture and bowed slightly: Welcome back, Mr. Kalba. Feotian Victor, the speaker of the Black Umbrella Joint Council, slightly raised the corners of his mouth. He glanced at the black-clothed soldiers patrolling around him, then approached Kalba, Pretending to be whispering, he chuckled in an undisguised voice and said: To be honest, I am a little confused about the situation. Miss Qian Daoyuan only said that the situation has changed, but did not tell me the details. I am here Waiting for Miss Ashford's breath, an unidentified man came and dropped the H.CF who withdrew in advance... The curve of the corners of his mouth became more and more pleasant, and Victor suddenly lowered his voice and asked himself : What are you doing? Also, where is Miss Qian Daoyuan? It's really disappointing. I thought she would be the first one to see me.

Huh? Victor was stunned when he heard Kalba's words. The curve of the corners of his mouth disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye. It was not until a long while later that he asked in a low voice:

What is Jingyin? Miss Qian Daoyuan wanted to capture the mercenary alive. In order to bypass H.C.F., she did not directly disclose the relevant contents of the temporary plan to you, nor did she bring it with you. Kalba said in a deep voice: She said that this would allow you to Take the initiative in the next action. Mercenary? Victor gave a slight -E, and then said as if he remembered something: Oh, that mercenary, that mercenary from Lopulus in the northern hemisphere, his name is Li Night journey... Kalba replied in a deep voice.

Oh, by the way, Li Yexing... Victor nodded, and then continued: Miss Qian Daoyuan is a very decisive person. She can always handle the things I ask her well, so I am very optimistic about her, and then This time, she used her own life to buy me a half-dead mercenary? Victor narrowed his eyes slightly and asked in a deep voice: What kind of deal is this? Why do I feel so at a loss? That mercenary and Ashford has an extraordinary relationship. Kalba replied in a deep voice: They seem to be lovers. This time, the expression on Victor's face was even weirder, as if he had heard some cold joke. After a moment of silence, , Victor raised his eyebrows and said: This

Ms. Kandoin’s judgment? “This is the information we got from the pre-war commander of NH.C.F.” Kalba nodded and said, “Based on the current situation and dialogue information, Miss Kandoin and I both think this information is credible. I'm very willing to believe in Miss Qian Dao Yuan. I have always believed in Miss Qian Dao Yuan. Twitching the corners of his mouth slightly, Victor nodded with no smile at all: But, my common sense tells me, Ash It is impossible for Ford to hook up with a mercenary who is discussing issues in Idonia... Ten years ago, Ashford and her housekeeper successfully escaped from us and HCF under the cover of a team of mercenaries. Killed. Kalba said solemnly.

Oh, I understand. Miss Ashford, who doesn't understand people's hearts, doesn't understand love, doesn't understand pleasure, and is full of theories about evolution from monkeys to humans, has fallen in love with a mercenary, right? Victor tilted his head. Tou chuckled and said: If she was really so emotional, it shouldn't be me sitting in this position today, but her.

Miss Ganshouyuan proved her idea in the subsequent battle. Facing Victor's doubts, Kalba was silent for a moment, then leaned into Victor E's ear and whispered: Even after using las PI With the power of ags parasite, Miss Kandoin still failed to defeat the mercenary in hand-to-hand combat. Miss Kandoin told me before she died that the mercenary was not a real human being.

Instantly, Victor's pupils narrowed. Without continuing to speak, Victor raised his head directly, turned around and walked towards the other side of the corridor. Behind him, even though there were no words, Karl followed him consciously. The two walked through the corridor and came to In front of a filing room door, he opened the door without even looking at the sign on the filing room door. When Kalba followed him into the room and closed the door, he saw that he had reached the end of the room. Victor turned around. Come on, let's talk in detail about the non-human mercenaries. Looking at Kalba, Victor curled up his lips and said, I'm more interested in this.

More interested, he stood between the dimly lit file racks, facing Victor's eyes. In a daze, Kalba felt that Victor's eyes seemed to be glowing. After a moment, he said in a deep voice, That mercenary seems to have more power than ordinary people. With his strength, he can face the enhanced Miss Qian Daoyuan head-on. At the same time, he also has extraordinary self-healing ability. I have observed that when he boarded the helicopter from the Ashford family base camp, his injuries It was still serious, but by the time he got to the European branch, the wounds on his body had basically stopped bleeding. If it hadn't been for his head injury in the explosion, he might have woken up by now. This is really... so fun. The arc became more and more distorted, and Victor-face smiled happily and said: 'Unexpectedly

But there’s a second Wesker, which is incredible!”

It is not ruled out that he was just artificially modified by Ashford. Kalba couldn't help but remind him softly. No, it's impossible! He is definitely a born monster! He is the second Wesker! He couldn't control the corners of his mouth. Victor's face rose and he said excitedly: If this is the case, then it makes sense that the Ashford woman would look at him differently. For that woman, only the most unique things can match him. She will never A waste of time on an artificial superman that can be compounded, that mercenary. He is definitely a born monster! His existence itself is valuable! And its value is much higher than that of a mercenary targeting Ashford. Hostage! So, what are you going to do with him? Kalba asked in a deep voice.

Of course, do a comprehensive analysis first! Let the technical department of the European branch get started and take samples from him. I need to see the results immediately! He was clearly giving an order, but it looked more like he was talking to himself. Suddenly, the smile on Victor's face stopped, like a comedian sliding from great joy to great sorrow on the stage. He said with a frustrated look: No, I'm afraid it won't be convenient. If our hostages are taken away in a big way, Tied to the test bed, our partners may become suspicious. Speaker, just because the mercenary is imprisoned by H.C.F. doesn't mean we can't do anything... He slowly approached Victor, and in Victor's curious eyes, Kalba put his hand under his big black windbreaker and took out a plastic bag from his arms, and inside that bag, there was actually a severed hand that was pale and stained with blood.

Before she died, Miss Qian Daoyuan cut off the mercenary's right hand. Kalba explained in a deep voice: She has considered all the problems you may encounter and has made complete preparations for you. Look at her pocket. Suddenly, Victor smiled, his smile extremely bright. ..Misson.7.End...

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