What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

Fin-1. A macho man opens his eyes to see the world

The blood pressure is stable and the heart rate is normal... Oh my god, this self-healing ability, this guy is really human. 9. The wound on the wrist is close to healing, there is no need for special treatment... Preliminary The blood sample has been analyzed. This... This is simply unbelievable. We need to return the information shop to the headquarters. This is important research material and cannot be used as a hostage by Black Umbrella idiots. Wait! What are you talking about? What do you mean?! Let me go! I'm from HCF... I've wronged you, doctor, hand over your communication equipment... Albero! You bastard! You were bribed by Black Umbrella, right? ?!You must have been bribed!⑥!La!

The sound of gunshots suddenly rang out. Li Yexing, who was in a daze, suddenly opened his eyes as if waking up from sleep. Facing the dazzling light from above his head, he felt the faint pain from his body and wrist. He subconsciously wanted to get up. But the restraints tied to his body tied him tightly, making him unable to move. For a moment, he could only reluctantly raise his head and look at the thin tubes inserted into his body one by one and around him. The various instruments, as well as his scarred body that had not yet completely healed. Then, he turned his head and saw beside him, a man wearing a black combat uniform said with an indifferent expression. : Dispose of the body. The next second, two men in black suits stuffed a body in a white coat into a black pocket and dragged it out. Stuffing the pistol back into his waist, the man left He curled his lips and turned his head habitually to look at Li Yexing who was lying on the hospital bed, and then he faced Li Yexing.

I woke up unexpectedly. With unconcealable surprise on his face, the man in black combat uniform pressed the communicator next to his ear, turned his head and whispered, I have already sent several people, including Dr. Klein, to The researchers were all done, but something else happened here. The mercenary woke up. Are you sure? Okay, I understand. After ending the communication, the man turned around and dragged a chair to sit on. Standing next to Li Yexing's hospital bed, his eyes were fixed on Li Yexing. On the other side, after observing the environment of the white ward, Li Yexing turned his head again and met the man's gaze. Where is this place? After a moment, Li Yexing asked in a deep voice. The man in black combat uniform did not answer Li Yexing's question. He just stared at Li Yexing silently, seemingly not wanting to speak, so Li Yexing began to observe. Pick up the opponent's equipment. Pure black combat uniform and body armor, HK-46, with a hand ax on the waist. At first glance, it looks like the standard equipment of the security forces. But judging from the conversation just now, this man is probably the second or fifth generation of H.C.F. I just don’t know. Was he a hidden stake for a long time or was he temporarily instigated by L? Moreover, if you want to snatch his disguise,

Just when Li Yexing was thinking about how to snatch the opponent's equipment while being tied up, the man in black combat uniform suddenly asked coldly: You killed Christo?

I'm asking you a question, monster... The man in black combat uniform repeated the question in a cold voice: You killed Christo, right? Where am I? How long have I been asleep? There was no answer to the other party. Question, Li Yexing asked back. Black Umbrella, European branch, you were unconscious for two days and one night. After a moment, the man in black combat uniform said in a deep voice: Now, it's your turn to answer my question. I don't know. Li Yexing shrugged. What?! There was suddenly a hint of anger in his tone, and the man stared, seeming a little angry. When you look at me like this, you just don't know. Putting on an innocent expression, but with a trace of sarcasm in his eyes, Li Yexing said with a smile, How can I possibly remember every person I kill? People's names? Can you remember the names of everyone you kill? Hearing Li Yexing's question, the man in black combat uniform was speechless. Right? Seeing that the other party couldn't answer his question, Li Yexing asked He smiled and said: Why should I remember the names of a group of dead people? Burn paper money for them on the next year's paper money day? It's not me who should remember the names of the dead, but the people who set up tombstones for them. You bastard! Finally I couldn't help it. Angry, the man stood up suddenly, took out the hand ax from his waist, and was about to chop it down at Li Yexing. In response, Li Yexing was calm and even greeted him with a smile, because he knew that the other party would Absolutely not daring to move 2. Sure enough, the hand ax with cold light inside stopped when it was about to hit Li Yexing's neck. If you are always so hesitant about killing people, then you may actually have a chance to remember the name of every unlucky person. When the bully opponent dared not take action, Li Xing laughed and mocked, the man's face turned red. The veins on his head were about to burst out, and even the hand holding the ax was shaking. Just when he was thinking about whether to strike down with the ax regardless of the consequences and avenge his friend, suddenly, the ward The white door of the room was opened, and a large group of people wearing black combat uniforms and helmets rushed in with guns raised, aiming their guns at Li Yexing who was lying on the hospital bed and trying not to chop Li Yexing into pieces. A man in black combat uniform walked in. When he saw Li Yexing being held up by an axe, he immediately frowned and said, Mr. Albero! What are you doing?

Hey, you're lucky... Being put on the fire by Li Yexing's words, the man named Albero walked down the steps with a stubborn cold snort, as if he would have really come down the stairs if he hadn't been blocked. As if he dared to chop down, on the other side, the man who stopped Albero walked up quickly, used his body to push Albero away in a subtle way, and then looked down at Li Yexing. On the other side, watching this stop Li Yexing was slightly startled when he saw the man who met Albero. He knew this man. If he remembered correctly, his name should be Clay Spiderman, and his identity was a member of the security force of Black Umbrella Europe Division. At the same time, he is also an internal member of the first agency. He participated in the Caribbean rescue operation a few years ago. Because of cooperation, he often dealt with Bai Muqing. Impression

Here, he seems to be a man who likes flattery.

This is the first time we meet, Mr. Li. I am Kleins Biederman. Biederman looked deeply at Li Yexing and said solemnly: Next, I am going to loosen your bonds. Please don't try to resist. While you are injured, you may be able to deal with a few guns in the room. Looking around at the soldiers in black who were armed with live ammunition, and then looking at Biederman who seemed to have some deep meaning hidden in his eyes, Li Yexing nodded. He nodded and responded coldly, I don't want to die yet. Very good. Did you get Li Yexing's answer? Biederman bent down and untied the restraints on Li Yexing's body bit by bit. As the restraints fell off one by one, a group of black-clothed soldiers in the room pulled them out one after another. His finger was lightly pressed on the trigger, ready to fire at any time. On the other side, Li Yexing, who had no intention of resisting from the beginning, just got off the hospital bed. He was barefoot, gently moving the joints of his body, and then said coldly. Biederman asked, Where are you going to take me?

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