What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

Fin-2. The pros and cons of a macho man

Wearing slippers and a hospital gown, walking in the white and bright corridor, Li Yexing was swaying slightly due to his slight weakness. With the gun pressed against his lower back, he glanced around, and as he moved forward, he looked around a lot, only to He saw soldiers wearing black combat uniforms patrolling back and forth, and looking at him from time to time. Because through the mask, Li Yexing could not confirm their eyes, but he knew that as long as he acted rashly, the surrounding people would The person with the + number will instantly beat him to death

Tsk Thinking of this, Li Yexing couldn't help but smacked his lips: Has my salary finally improved? Don't talk nonsense! He pushed Li Yexing hard on the lower back with the muzzle of his gun. Albero, who was guarding behind Li Yexing, said coldly, Go faster! Mr. Albero! He stopped Albero again, and Biedermann, who was following on the other side, said in a low voice: Executive Officer of Kalba Having said that, the Speaker hopes that Mr. Li can meet him in a full state. Then let this bastard walk faster! Albero said coldly, He seems to regard this as shopping! Seeing Albero looking like he had eaten gunpowder, Biedermann frowned. , then quickly approached Li Yexing and whispered to Li Yexing, Li, please hurry up first. I don't want the speaker to wait too long. Look, isn't this a good way to talk? It seemed that he was deliberately trying to disgust Albero behind him. After hearing Biederman's words, Li Yexing immediately quickened his pace, causing Albero's facial muscles to twitch. . Surrounded by a group of black-clothed soldiers, Li Yexing was brought to a small door. When the black-clothed soldiers on the side pushed the door open, a small room that resembled an interrogation room was exposed to Li Yexing. In front of him. Go in! Albero hit Li Yexing's lower back with the muzzle of his gun and said coldly. Let's go, Mr. Li, you need to stay here for a while... On the other side, Biederman's His attitude was much better. He squeezed Albero away and lightly touched Li Yexing's arm with his cryptic fingers, as if he wanted to convey some message. Li Yexing immediately understood it. He took steps forward and was escorted by Biedermann. He came down to the metal chair on the other side of the small square table in the center of the room, and then sat on the chair obediently. Upon seeing this, Biederman immediately bent down and began to tie the restraints on Li Yexing. He pursed his lips and thought Li Yexing was looking for a chance to say something, but Albero on the other side of the room was staring at him. Finally, after tying the restraints and fixing Li Yexing on the chair, Biederman slowly returned to the room. In front of the door, a group of black-clothed soldiers, including Albero, watched Li Yexing silently. Being surrounded by a large group of men and staring closely, even Li Yexing would feel a little uncomfortable. Just as he was thinking about it When I was thinking about saying something to see if I could get some useful information, suddenly, a group of black-clothed soldiers suddenly stood on both sides and made way for them. Then, a tall man wearing a long trench coat suddenly appeared. The black man walked into the room. He glanced at Li Yexing through his sunglasses, then stepped aside and bowed slightly towards the door of the room. The next second, a figure walked in with some weird steps. I have to say In Li Yexing's view, he was a very strange man. He was probably less than forty years old. He wore a pair of large sunglasses and had gray hair. He was attractive.

It was wet and messy, as if he had been fucked and fucked randomly after being sprayed with hairspray. His face was very pale, his eyes were covered with thick dark circles, and even his lips were a little purple. Coupled with his vain steps, he looked like he was overindulging in lust, as if he might die at any time, but even so, he still had a cheerful smile on his face. Wearing a black suit that looked like ink, and a pure black tie hanging around his neck, the man did not keep the color, and allowed his pale chest muscles with a trace of purple blood vessels to be exposed at the collar, in front of Li Yexing's eyes. In front of him, he smiled and turned his neck, making a sound like a broken bone. Finally, he pulled out the chair in front of Li Yexing and sat on it. He looked at Li Yexing through his sunglasses, holding his hands Spread out on the table, with his fingers crossed in front of him, exposing the black fingernails dotted on his pale fingers, he chuckled and said to the people behind him: You guys go out, I have something to say and want to talk to my new friend alone. Chat. Following the man's order, the soldiers in black and the sturdy black man in a long black trench coat all left the room. After the door was closed and the sound of footsteps disappeared, the man sitting opposite Li Yexing faced Li Yexing raised the corner of his mouth and chuckled: Hello, Mr. Li, first time meeting me, I am Feotian Victor, the Speaker of the Black Umbrella Joint Committee. Feotian Victor? In an instant, Li Yexing remembered this name. After all, Li Yexing had heard Alexa mention him more than once, and now, he finally met the one who usurped Alexa's throne. They met, and it was under such circumstances that he had never expected! At this moment, looking at the man in front of him, for some reason, Li Yexing only felt a chill. From the first time he saw the man in front of him - From the first glance, he was sure that the man in front of him was either seriously ill and might die at any time, or he had undergone some degree of body modification, turning himself into this inhuman appearance. On the other side, seeing Li Yexing's eyes full of gloom and wariness, Victor sighed softly, as if he was a little disappointed. He showed an affected sadness and said softly like an opera singer: Don't say anything? Really? It makes me so sad. I respect you so much, worship you, and long to get a response from you. After all, you are a living saint, the Christ of this world! Then, what can you give me in this world? Saint, in this world, Christ should loosen his ties and change into clean clothes. Then send him home? Li Yexing asked coldly. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, this is not possible. Saints should stay in the church. Stay in the temple. As if he did not expect Li Yexing's words to be so harsh, Victor was slightly startled, then smiled and shook his head and said: Of course, I prefer to crucify you so that more people can see you. I look up to you just like you are now, look at you

A saint whose bow is nailed to a cross! Bieba, with a saint like me, God can't be so angry that he launches the end of the world? Li Yexing raised his eyebrows and said, By the way, I also advise you. Stay away from me. If I am really a saint, when God strikes me with lightning, you may be affected. That's great! That's great! Even if I have a lot of doubts and indignation in my heart, I can still maintain a sense of humor! Face His smile became even brighter, Victor clapped his hands excitedly, and then said hurriedly to Li Yexing: Mr. Li, really, I like you! Master! Looking at the sickly smile on Victor's face, Li Yexing said Ye Xing only felt that the coldness in his body was getting stronger. He shook his head vigorously and said with a look of disgust: I was dragged here at gunpoint by more than a dozen people just to hear you say this? What do you really want to say? What? You might as well say it directly so as to save each other's time. No, no, no, Mr. Li, you really misunderstood me... Shaking his head at Li Yexing again, Victor chuckled happily and said: I really like you, and at the same time, I really I just want to have a chat with you, that's all. After all, you are a saint! I want to hear some of the saint's teachings from you.

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