Li Yexing was not surprised that Victor was a saint. After all, he had been lying in bed for two days and nights, and these two days and nights were enough for Victor to find out the details, which Teng had vaguely heard before. From those conversations and everything he saw in the corridor, Li Yexing could basically tell that the European branch had been completely taken over by Victor and the H.C.F. soldiers led by him, and it was obvious that he did not intend to share too much of Li Yexing's secrets with H.C.F. In other words, H.C.F. may not know about his special physique, at least not completely. Staring at the man with a pleasant smile in front of him, Li Yexing actually had a lot of questions in his heart, but whenever questions came to his lips, Li Yexing would swallow them all back. For some reason, Li Yexing always had a very strange feeling in his heart. He had an inexplicable feeling that once he took the initiative to speak, Victor would dictate everything that followed. Therefore, Li Yexing chose to remain silent. Compared to Li Yexing's silence, Victor seemed to be more excited. Many times, he sometimes spread his hands and sometimes clasped his hands together. Ever since he was alone in the room with Li Yexing, he kept talking. From science to philosophy to theology, he kept talking and Li Yexing didn't even listen. He didn’t understand the obscure topic, and he didn’t know if he was talking to Li Yexing or to himself. When he mentioned God again, Li Yexing finally couldn’t help it. He frowned and said to Victor: I’m sorry. I interrupt your interest, but I still want to ask you, what is the meaning of these things? I don't understand it at all. Why can't you understand me? As if he was confused by Li Yexing's words, Victor tilted his head and said, I think you are the only one in this world who can understand me. Since you believe in God so much, why? Not to disband Black Umbrella? Li Yexing frowned and asked in a deep voice, Although I don't read the Bible, according to God's words, the research of Black Umbrella should be considered blasphemy, right? I believe in God. Is there any conflict with me blaspheming God? Once again, he was stunned by Li Yexing's words, and then with a hint of enlightenment, Victor smiled and said

I, I understand what you mean, Mr. Li, it seems that there is something wrong with my expression... After a slight pause, Victor chuckled and said: I believe in God, which means that I believe in the existence of God, but not Saying that God is my belief, I never believe in God, I only believe in myself. 2. I have no belief, and I don't think God will exist. Li Yexing said expressionlessly: If God really exists, then he will The first thing I did was to strike you to death with a thunderbolt. So, I have to stay away from you so as not to be implicated by you. Look at you, Mr. Li, you started again. Telling the same joke again is a joke, saying Twice, it seems a little boring. Although he said it was interesting, Victor looked more cheerful. He seemed to be excited that Li Yexing was willing to discuss his topic with him. He curled up the corners of his mouth and said: And , If it is not God, why do you exist here? You have to ask my dad and my mom about this. Li Yexing responded coldly. I have tried to ask, I have investigated all your information, you are from the Celestial Dynasty, ordinary The family, his father was engaged in smuggling, and his mother was frail and sick. They were very ordinary people until their death and had never been in contact with any people or things related to the pre-Umbrella era. Tilting his head slightly, the pale Victor said with a smile. Not long ago, the mediocre doctor over at HCF detected highly harmless T viruses from your blood, T: Veronica virus, C disease. There were even Ouroboros viruses and parasite spores, Putting aside your overly curious hunting scope, I really can't explain it all scientifically. How can an ordinary Chinese couple give birth to a child that can be immune to any form of BoW and transform everything? What about the Son who is his own strength?

Speaking of this, Victor couldn't help but snap his fingers and said with a proud smile: So, your existence is the embodiment of the will of the gods, a miracle, and another evidence of the existence of the gods. Another evidence? Li Yexing raised his eyebrows slightly, tilted his head and asked: Is there any other evidence? Of course there is! Victor asked with a smile: Since you are the lover of Miss Ashford , then you should know Albert Wesker, right? Oh, I think... Li Yexing nodded, with a cold face: The Chosen Son, absolutely immune, was smashed to pieces by two RPGs in a volcano in Africa. , Mr. Victor, your miracle is so cheap, it is worth two RPGs.

No! No no no no no! Mr. Li, you are wrong again. This is where your ideas conflict with mine. Wagging his finger at Li Yexing, Victor smiled and said: I believe in the existence of God, but I don’t believe in God, I think God can be surpassed! I believe in the existence of miracles, but I don’t believe in God, I think miracles can be copied! Wesker is a miracle, but this has nothing to do with him being defeated by a mortal There is no conflict, because mortals can achieve miracles with their hands! Oh, I understand... Li Yexing nodded and said: Another person who wants to become a god, you, Wesker and Spin In fact, there is no essential difference

Yeah! Dear Li! You finally understand me a little bit, but there is still something wrong. He shook his head at Li Yexing again. There was no trace of boredom on Victor's face. He was like a tireless scholar, eager to learn more. While discussing his thoughts with Li Youxing, he waved his hand, and then said to Li Yexing with a smile: I don't want to become a god, I want to surpass gods. After all, I am a person who likes the new and hates the old. The more you hold in my hand, The things in it make me feel more and more boring. I always say that I have seen enough of the absurd comedies of those old guys in Black Umbrella. I long for more interesting things, more things that can bring me pleasure, so For example, you! Let's stop this thought as soon as possible, whether it's me or anyone else. Looking at Victor's eyes, his eyes became more and more weird, as if he was looking at a chuunishi, Li Yexing raised his eyebrows and said: If you I really don’t have much to say, so let me be quiet - just be quiet, to be honest,

I feel a little bored. How is it possible? Do you find it boring to be with me? Can't you agree with my ideas? After saying these words that made Li Yexing get goosebumps, the smile on Victor's face finally disappeared, replaced by a trace of frustration. , He sighed, and then whispered, Since I can't use words to make you agree with me, that's all, I will use actions to prove to you that my concept is correct. Brother Is, Victor reached out his hand. He opened his suit pocket and asked in a low voice: Please ask Mr. Li, do you smoke? He didn't feel that Victor, who had been talking to him for a long time, would harm him at this time. Some people are guilty of this. Li Yexing, who was addicted to cigarettes, nodded. Come on, in fact, when Miss Qian Daoyuan was still here, she would always nag me about smoking... Passing a cigarette to Li Yexing's lips, Victor put the next cigarette into his mouth. Li Yibi whispered: I think what she said makes sense, so I quit smoking for a long time, but now, she is gone and was killed by you, and I think nicotine and tar should not It hurts me, so it doesn’t matter if I quit smoking or something.

When both of them had cigarettes in their mouths, Victor gently snapped his fingers to let the flames burn from his fingertips. He handed over the burning fingers, while Li Yexing subconsciously put the cigarette to the flames until When the cigarette was lit, Li Yexing's eyes suddenly widened.

Wait...there seems to be something wrong!

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