When he was the only one left in the small interrogation room, Li Yexing began to look at the layout of the room. There are four white walls, and there are only chandeliers on the ceiling above the head. There is a vent on the wall near the door, but the other side of the door must be full of HC. - It seems a bit unrealistic to run away from the vent when there is no movement. Even if there is a way to get rid of the restraints, Li Yexing still can't do anything now. He can only wait.

Moreover, he hadn’t eaten for two days and one night, and he was so hungry. Because he was dragged by Victor to talk about things, Li Yexing actually forgot about his hunger. After Victor left, the sense of urgency crept up immediately, causing Li Yexing to He was a little uneasy, and just when he was thinking about when the food delivery person in Victor's mouth would arrive, suddenly, the door to the room was opened again, and all the soldiers in black came in with guns in hand, including Albero and Biedermann before, and then a woman walked in on high heels, holding a box of shawls in her hand.

Hello, Mr. Li, this is the first time we meet. I am Bernice Anjie... He sat directly on the chair where Victor had sat before and pushed the pizza in front of Li Yexing. The blonde girl called herself Angelica. The woman said in a feeble voice: If you like, you can also call me Lord Angelica. is

Glancing at the pizza in front of him that exuded a faint aroma and warmth, Li Yexing raised his head and stared at the woman in front of him. He saw that this woman had blond hair, but it looked a little messy, as if she had not taken care of it. She has a beautiful face, but her complexion is a little pale, and there are dark circles under her eyes. It is different from Victor's extreme morbidity. The woman in front of her should be in sub-health and lack of sleep. Angel... Supervisor ? Looking at the woman in front of him, Li Yexing raised his eyebrows slightly. He whispered: I always feel like I have heard your name somewhere, but Houman should be a Ph.D. I will get a promotion and a salary increase. .. Still looking that weak, Angelica said in a deep voice: Casimir was dismissed, and I took his place.

.. With a hint of coldness in his eyes, Li Yexing nodded and said, That is to say, you took refuge in Victor, right? What a strange statement. Angelica tilted her head slightly and said, Mr. Victor is black. Speaker of Umbrella, I am Black Umbrella

Employee, do you think I would offend my chairman for my project manager? What’s more, the project manager has dismissed get out of class and I took over his position. After looking at Angelica for a moment, Li Yexing lowered his head and looked at the pizza in front of him. He asked in a deep voice: I have no intention of getting entangled in Casimir's lack of kindness. Now, can you tell me? How are you going to make me eat? Feed me? After rolling her eyes, Angelica turned to Biedermann and said, Untie Mr. Li. Without words, Biedermann walked quickly. Walking towards Li Yexing, he winked at Li Yexing, seemingly hinting at something. Then, he bent down and untied the restraints on Li Yexing. When his arms were free again, Li Yexing moved. He flexed his arm, and then stretched out his right hand out of habit. It wasn't until he found that only a bare wrist was left on his right arm that he retracted his hand angrily, then switched to his left hand and picked up a piece. After cutting the pizza and taking a big bite, he squirmed his cheeks and said: This battle is quite exaggerated. I just want to eat. You have more than ten guns pointed at me, which makes me crazy. Somewhat lost my appetite

After all, you are a living saint, and there is nothing wrong with being more vigilant. As if she was really afraid of Li Yexing's violent attack, Angelica moved her chair back and distanced herself from Li Yexing, while the other While swallowing the whole piece of pizza, Li Yexing did not rush to pick up the next piece, but asked Angelica in a deep voice: The hand on Victor's chest was sewn on by you. It's not surprising to make such an inference, right? Because Li Yexing still remembers the preliminary analysis of H.CF experts when he just woke up, so it can be determined that the person who performed the transplant surgery on Victor was definitely not... At least not all people from H.C.F., Europe

With the branch now in its current state, Casimir will definitely not have the chance to perform this level of transformation surgery. Thinking about it this way, there really is no other candidate besides Angelica.

Yes, we did that surgery, and it didn't take much effort. On the other side, facing Li Yexing's question, Angelica admitted openly, the corners of her mouth raised slightly, and she smiled. Said: 'After the first round of analysis on you, Mr. Speaker came to me directly and asked me to transplant Mr. Li's severed hand to his chest. I have to say that as the Speaker of Black Umbrella, his My imagination is really wild. At first, I refused. After all, it was too outrageous and not scientific at all. But Mr. Speaker’s attitude was very firm.” Angelica shrugged and said, “At gunpoint.” When it's on your head, no matter how outrageous the operation is, you still have to go through it. You should have seen the result. Even this kind of thing can be achieved. I have to say, Mr. Li, your existence is beyond my understanding. Once you understand science, you can only rely on theology. You are undoubtedly a living saint... After a slight pause, Angelica continued: It's just that you can't maximize the power of God. That's all. Aren't you a scientist? Why are you so nagging? After taking a bite of the pizza and tearing out the art, Li Yexing raised his eyebrows and said, No wonder you would join Vito. It seems that you two really have the same chemistry. No, don't say that. I can't reach the height of Mr. Speaker. From the very beginning, I didn't think the transplant could be successful, but Mr. Speaker was full of confidence. Angelica shrugged and said, And to be honest, I believe I'm really looking forward to it. After all, Mr. Li, you just have the name of a saint, but you can't exert the power of a saint. So, - I think that the new saint will be from me.

I was inexplicably excited when I was born. When my brother came here, Angelica suddenly said: Of course, there are also other reasons. For example, I think the position of supervisor is good, and I don't want to continue to stay under Casimir. Let’s do it, that man is crazy and crazy, I’ve had enough of him.” Next, a meeting between the violent mercenary and Dr. Evil completely turned into a meeting of complaints. Li Yexing - while eating pizza in silence - listened to the increasingly emotional Angelica, who was getting more and more excited, complained endlessly about Casimir, from complaining about Casimir's capriciousness at work and making people crazy, to complaining about Casimir's move to the office, which caused her to have physical problems every day. Climbing the stairs several times, and then complaining about Casimir’s noisiness through the paintings hanging in Casimir’s office

His artistic taste, and even used Casimir's diary to complain about Casimir's ugly handwriting, and they were about to talk about their love experience at Cambridge University, - Albert next to him Luo finally couldn't help it anymore. He quickly stepped forward and took away the unfinished pizza in front of Li Yexing. Then he frowned and said to Angelica, Supervisor, don't forget, you have something else. I have a lot of work to do.* So I really don’t understand what Caliya is thinking? Oh. Albero interrupted her complaint. Angelica raised her wrist and glanced at her watch. Then, the excitement on her face disappeared, and she returned to her dead-eye state. She stood up and said feebly to Li Yexing: I'm sorry, you have to listen to so many boring things, and you just think of this as an older leftover girl. Be resentful. Li Yexing didn't reply, but there was a hint of indifference in his eyes, as if he was feeling aggrieved by Casimir's betrayal. Soon, Li Yexing was tied up again, and everyone left the interrogation room. For a moment, the room became quiet again. Until there was no more footsteps from outside the room, Li Yexing slightly raised the corners of his mouth. The corners of his mouth were red. There are clues in the two leather diaries, and there are things hidden in the paintings on the wall. Casimir's office is in the west corridor on the fourth floor of the --level dangerous area. These people under Casimir seem quite interesting... Li Yexing couldn't help laughing as he touched the blade in the cuff of his right arm that came in from Biederman's room. It seems that the next course of action has been determined, and all that is left is to find a good opportunity to escape.

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