The European branch of Black Umbrella is located on a large island in the Atlantic Ocean, close to Ireland, but more than 35 nautical miles away from the Irish coastline. Because the island is basically covered by trees, it is difficult to see clearly from above. The facilities are somewhat similar to the castle of the Ashford family.

The sea breeze blew by, swaying the leaves, and at the same time blowing several ropes hanging on the cliffs on the side of the island. Facing the glow of the setting sun, on the ropes, several black shadows were moving slowly and evenly. Climbing up at speed, until a moment later, the first person climbed onto the cliff. After confirming that it was safe above, he turned around, stretched out his hand, and pulled up the following teammates one after another, until there were six people. After everyone climbed up, he straightened up and picked up the HK46 hanging on his waist. Okay, now, let's confirm the status of all members. The previous one was just an appetizer, and the next step is the highlight of this operation. We need to protect the friendly forces. The raid is ready... Under the gas mask with red lenses, a hoarse voice came out, and Hank said in a deep voice: Do you still remember our mission goal?

Pull the switch, right? the red-haired commando Pagliese, who was also carrying the HK-46, said with a smile. After entering the power supply facility of the institute, use the secret key to cut off all power supplies except the emergency power system. On the basis of ensuring that BOW will not be out of control or the virus will spread in the European branch, the European branch will be plunged into darkness as much as possible. Compared with his girlfriend's rough and straightforward answer, the short Chinese sniper Jiang Xueyang, holding an HK-46 and carrying a TAC-50, looked much more professional. In addition, we also need to protect the power supply system for at least half of the time. Hours until our main team breaks into the research facility of the European Department. Li Zhijiao, a new assaulter and field biology expert of the Crazy Team who stood aside with a shotgun, added in a deep voice. Very good. Nodding happily like an old father, Hank turned his head and looked at the other team members around him. After a quick glance, he whispered: Are you ready? Ready? Okay! All the team members replied in a low voice.

Very good, then let's go. Nodding to the team members again, Hank turned around and led the team members towards the dense woods. To be honest, I have stayed in the European branch for a long time. Walking through the forest, following the route Hank had planned before, avoiding various detection and surveillance devices hidden in the forest, the blasts of the Crazy Team Fisher whispered: I didn't expect that I didn't even have to leave when I came back this time. Shut up... Before Hank could speak, Anna, the field doctor next to him, responded in a deep voice: ' According to the intelligence, those who are now taking over the defense of the European branch are probably H.C.F. Don’t treat them as trash like the security forces... Aren't we all from the security forces? Anna choked hard -0 Fisher whispered in a low voice. He walked cautiously through the woods and moved forward cautiously. Not long after, a small-looking facility appeared in front of the Crazy Team. It was hidden in the woods. Hank lowered his body and stood alone. He raised his hand to signal the whole team to stop advancing. Then, he raised the gun in his hand and observed the surrounding situation through the scope. After a moment, he whispered: There are two fixed positions on the east side and two fixed positions on the west side. They were patrolling, and there was a hidden sentry on top of the power supply station, a total of five people. Lying next to Hank, Jiang Xueyang also observed the situation around the power supply facility through the scope. After a moment, he whispered: They don't seem to be very alert.

We are already very vigilant. Normally, the power supply facilities are completely protected by the monitoring system in the woods, and there are only staff inside. But now, H.C.F has specially sent a team to patrol here. Hank whispered, 'After all, Having already taken control of the Security Department, they would not have thought that the Security Department also had a small team of non-staff members who stayed in Idonia all year round, and this team of 65 pairs knew the layout of the monitoring system in the forest of the European branch.

After saying that, Hank gently pressed his finger on the radio, and he whispered: Canned Fish and Quack Doctor respectively deal with the two fixed posts on the left, one left and right, Chili Pepper and I deal with the two mobile patrols on the right. enemies, one behind the other, be sure to fire at the second before the two of them cross each other. Leave the hidden stake above to the Arctic Wolf. Once they are all dealt with, the Arctic Wolf will immediately find a suitable sniper position. Chili is responsible for protecting the Arctic. Wolf, do you understand? I understand... Following Hank's order, everyone in the Crazy Team except Li Zhijiao raised their guns, looking for their prey under the cover of the woods and the sunset, and then confirmed that the team members were all ready. After getting ready, Hank locked the sight on the head of his prey and slowly moved the muzzle of the gun while counting down in a low voice: Suddenly, a burst of gunshots covered by a silencer broke the silence in the forest, and the guard Four black-clothed soldiers around the power supply facility fell to the ground at the same time. Immediately afterwards, a black-clothed soldier holding a gun fell from the top of the facility and fell to the ground. Action, action, action! The moment the obstacles were cleared, the frantic team suddenly moved at Hank's command. Pugliese and Jiang Xueyang rushed towards the other side of the woods, while Hank took the others with him. The team members suddenly rushed out of the woods, walked through the open space, and passed the corpse in front of the door. Hank lowered his body to confirm the environment inside the house. After discovering that there were no enemies, he quickly waved his hand and motioned for the team members to follow. Enter. Standing by the door, protecting the team members, it was not until Anna, who was walking at the back, entered the room that Hank followed. As the team went deeper along the corridor, the dim power supply facility gradually became noisy, and the machinery The sound of running filled the eardrums. When the team's way was blocked by a metal door, Li Zhijiao, the leader, leaned against the door and took out a shock bomb from his waist with an indifferent expression.

Slowly pushing the door open a gap, allowing the light from the other side of the door to shine into the corridor along the gap. Li Zhijiao pulled the ring and threw the shock bomb in. The next second, a strong light came on. The shock bomb exploded, and Li, who was wearing a heavy body armor,

Zhijiao directly opened the door and rushed in. As soon as she entered the door, she saw soldiers in black covering their eyes with their arms while trying to raise their guns. So Li Zhijiao didn't say anything and directly picked up the shotgun. The trigger was pulled. For a shotgun, even with a silencer, the sound of the gun was still loud. In the sound of the gunshot, the soldier in black was sent flying backwards, and then fell heavily to the ground. After killing another enemy, Li Zhijiao quickly turned around, raised his gun and scanned the surroundings. He saw that in this large room filled with various instruments like a factory, except for the soldier in black who had just been killed, there were only There were only a few technicians left. They covered their eyes, screamed in terror, or crawled and huddled under the instruments, looking extremely embarrassed. Stop shouting! No killing! Everyone stand still! Seeing the chaos in front of her, Li Zhinu couldn't help shouting. She waved her hands to indicate that the threat had been eliminated. Then, everyone in the frantic team filed out, and in an instant Controlled the power supply facilities.

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