What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

Fin-8. Macho man landing on the island to fight

The roar of the helicopter's propellers filled the ears of the silver-haired girl, conveying a hint of anxiety diffused in the air. Tililith sat silently by the helicopter's porthole, staring out the window through a special gas mask. At this moment , she could see the sea under the setting sun, she could see the black helicopter flying together. She could also see the green island, which was beautiful, no less beautiful than Ashford. The family's Queen Veronica Island. This is an isolated island located nearly 40 nautical miles off the coast of Ireland. It is the hiding place of the European branch of Black Umbrella and is also the place where Ti Lilith was born. It can be regarded as Ti Lilith. Lilith's hometown, but Ti Lilith has not been back for a whole year. She hates this place very much. If possible, she hopes not to return here from now on. But now, she has to come back. She just thinks Her heart is imprisoned here. Miss Tililith. Suddenly, a voice pulled Tililith back from her thoughts, so she followed the voice and turned her head, only to see Alexisa wearing a replica Asia Armed Combat Uniform sitting there. Opposite her, Tililith looked over. She smiled and asked softly: Are you nervous? Miss Tililith. No, this is the place where Tililith was born. Tiilis is very familiar with it. After a moment, Tililith shook her head. She turned her head again, looked at the green island outside the window, and then whispered: Rush in, kill all the guys who are blocking the way, and then bring Ye Xing out, and be like before. What's the difference? It's great that Miss Neng can have such a mentality... Sitting next to Alexa, Rita smiled and said: To be honest, I was a little worried at first, but when I saw Miss Being so calm makes me feel a lot more at ease. You guys are pretty awesome, and you can still keep your composure. Kanan's facial muscles twitched slightly, and Kanan, who was a little restless, muttered in a low voice: What's wrong with this feeling? Speaking of which? The feeling of going straight into the enemy's base camp? Longtanhuliu, right? What's more, the boss is still over there. When I think of this, my mind

There's no point in being anxious, Miss Mafal... After hearing Kanan's words, Hitomi Mikishima, who had been closing her eyes to meditate, slowly opened her eyes, and still had the fierceness of a rich person, she whispered Said: Now, the only thing we can do is to act according to the previously scheduled plan. As for the follow-up, whether it is step-by-step or random changes, it will happen after the battle begins. Focus on the present! What is a headache should be a headache now! As for the follow-up, whether it is step-by-step or random changes, it will happen after the battle begins. Let’s leave the headache for the future!” He raised his small hand that was like a fist and waved it back and forth, squeezing Tililith who was sitting next to her and frowning. Tililian, who was stepping on the coffin, said with high spirits: This is what the perverted brother-in-law said! I think it makes sense! Ti Lilian just simply doesn't want to think about it. After ruthlessly exposing her sister, Ti Lilili turned her head and looked at Rita's side. , I saw Bai Muqing said nothing, just tilting his head, gently pressing the communicator by his ear, as if listening to something. Tililith knew very well that Bai Muqing was listening to the situation reported by the Huanya Armed Forces. , this time, in addition to the security forces of some branches, the Asia-Pacific armed forces also participated in the battle. After negotiating with Alexa, this sky-high hiring fee will be led by Alexa, and will be led by the Black Umbrella Queen Party. Several top figures shared the payment.

Very good. After a moment, Bai Muqing, who pressed the communicator to his ear, said in a deep voice: Let's follow your plan, King. Remember, our employer this time is a long-established European aristocrat with tremendous power, enough to shake the secular order. , so this battle will become a battle for the Huanya Armed Forces to gain a foothold in the international security contracting market. As the vanguard of this battle, the Huanya Armed Forces must show a beautiful record. Once again, although your mission is Flexible combat, but the essence is still delay. You must assist the friendly forces to delay the enemy as much as possible and buy time for the BOW used by the friendly forces. At the same time, you must try your best to destroy all the opponent's ground forces that may threaten the air power. Therefore, ensure the effectiveness of the enemy. It is very necessary... After a long period of instructions, Bai Muqing cut off the communication, then turned his head and met Tililith's eyes. Xiao Bai, it's really good. After a moment, Tiililith reluctantly said: Whether it's for Ye Xing, Ti Lilith, or my family, Xiao Bai is the most correct thing Ye Xing has done in these years. choice. After hearing Ti Lilith's words, Bai Muqing's face turned red. Immediately afterwards, she turned her head, gently clasped the special mask on her face with her hands, and said in a deep voice: In my position, I will pursue my political affairs. , that's all. What about me? On the other side, as if to adjust the tense atmosphere before the war, Alexa pretended to be dissatisfied and said: Am I not the right choice my dear made? Miss Ashford doesn't count... Shaking her head gently at Alexa, Tililith said expressionlessly: Xiaobai is the choice made by You Xing, but Miss Ashford is not. In front of Miss Shford, Night Travel had no choice. Hearing Ti Lilith's words, Alexa couldn't help but cover her red lips and let out a chuckle. After the laughter passed, she once again glanced at the girls sitting in the helicopter with her. There is no doubt that these girls are her family members and sisters, but judging from their clothing, Alexa and them don't look like a family at all. Except for Alexa, who is wearing the textile combat uniform of the Asia Armed Forces, the other girls all wear special black masks and wear a combination of black Umbrella logo and Durande Technology and Medicine logo. The special black combat uniforms are different from the ones worn by Alexa. The combat uniforms of other girls are in the true sense, customized combat uniforms for every BOW girl! Different from Tililith and Tilili An's tyrant-style combat uniform has been improved many times. Rita's combat uniform does not have excellent bulletproof properties, but in comparison, this combat uniform has strong elasticity, which can ensure that Rita's body will not be seriously damaged. , can be quickly restored, not only that

, the back of this combat uniform is completely exposed, making it easier for Rita to use various attack methods. Similar to Tililith's combat uniform, Kanan's specially made combat uniform also uses special bulletproof materials, but the design completely frees his arms, exposing Kanan's arms and shoulders to the outside at any time. Can mutate and fight. Compared with other specially-made combat uniforms for other women, Hitomi Mikishima's combat uniform emphasizes lightness. While it can resist small-caliber bullets to a certain extent, the clothing also has a large number of air holes, ensuring Hitomi Fshima's safety in combat. Good heat dissipation capability. In comparison, Bai Muqing's combat uniform is very strange. Strictly speaking, it can't even be called a combat uniform. It is just a hollow sphere made of high-strength materials that can withstand high temperatures and explosions. The sphere is Placing it in Bai Muqing's body can effectively protect Bai Muqing's overly fragile core, allowing Bai Muqing to drink freely in various explosions and flames like Rita. The only drawback is that because of this thing, Bai Muqing will not be able to drink like before. Crossing complex terrain at will. Although it was not a plan for a rainy day, when Anderson, who had followed the other queens to board Queen Veronica Island in confusion, took out these gadgets, the girls instantly realized that Director Casimir, I really left a lot of good stuff at the bottom of the box for Li Yexing.

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