What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

Fin-9. The macho harem group descended from the sky

Huge turmoil is often caused by drastic changes, and drastic changes are bound to bring drastic personnel changes to Black Umbrella. When the Queen returns to power, a purge will be inevitable, and the reformists who are unwilling to die will definitely set off a new revolution. Against the flag, Alexa will need someone reliable enough to exercise the rights she has given her. Alexisa already has a general idea for the personnel changes in the European Division. Minister Alzerich will return to the center of power, replacing those stubborn old things. The position of European Division Minister will be Casimir. Inherited, as for the new research director, Anderson, who traveled all the way to deliver equipment, is very good, because he is very familiar with Li Yexing, and it is also convenient to connect with the Asia Armed Forces or the future Asia International. Casimir's Dr. Angelica is actually not bad, and she will also be considered. Unlike most other divisions, the European division has always had two research directors. Lord Freeman died in the line of duty two years ago. Later, because they did not want to be buried by the reformists, the European branch rejected the airborne director and insisted on letting Casimir control the laboratory alone. The actual power even exceeded the technical director of the European branch. Miss. Suddenly, his thoughts were interrupted by an old voice from the communicator. Butler Harman on the other side of the communicator asked in a deep voice: The vanguard force formed by the merger of the security department of the Baju branch and the Asia-Pacific armed forces. Landing is imminent, should we issue a warning to the European branch? lis No need, land directly, use air cover to land around the research facility, we don't need to save face for Victor and H.CF people, let the S center support do it at any time Get ready. Pressing the communicator to her ear, Alexa said coldly: Moreover, the special team under the No. 1 agency has stopped all power supplies except emergency power supply in the European branch research facility. System, even if we issue a warning, they will most likely not hear it. While they are in chaos and inspecting the facilities, we directly start to take over the European branch. Understood, arrange it immediately. Immediately came the message from the communicator Butler Man's reply: The deployment does not need to be too detailed, because the security department commanders of each branch and some mercenary groups invited by individual members of the Queen's faction will solve these problems on their own. There is no need to worry too much about the lone wolf mercenary who is paid for the victory, and Bai Muqing takes the cover. Now, what Alexa needs to consider is the sisters who are on the same helicopter with her. Due to the complexity of the combat members, In this operation, the girls except Alexa must not be exposed. It is precisely because of this that, except Alexa, all the girls wore masks specially made by the first agency. The identities involved in the battlefield have also changed from Li Yexing's girls to the non-mass-produced high-intelligent BOW of the Queen's faction. Sorry, I have wronged you sisters, but this is indeed the most convenient thing I can think of for you. A method that can directly intervene in the frontal battlefield. As for the identity issue of intervening in the battlefield, all the girls seemed completely indifferent. Bai Muqing could not help but praise it as appropriate, but as the proposer of the plan, Alexa always seemed to be concerned about it. I was a bit unhappy about pushing my sister 0 directly onto the battlefield as a monster. As the vanguard landed and the helicopter group advanced, gunshots and explosions gradually began to sound in the forest, and the communicator Orders from the security forces of each branch began to be heard continuously. Then, and then, the black armed helicopters broke away from the team and began to follow the coordinates guided by the ground forces and shoot wildly towards the mountains and forests. It has to be said, The posture of this battle looks exactly the same as the previous posture of H.CF against Queen Veronica Island. The only shortcoming is that the quality of the security forces in the various active branches of the Queen's Faction is generally lower than that of H.CF . Although strictly speaking, both sides are fighting away from home, but the security forces of each branch are likely to suffer heavy losses in a real fight. Besides, other mercenary groups other than the Pan-Asian Armed Forces all fight for freedom and may not be able to achieve an agreement with the security forces. Good coordination. If you want to end the battle before the Queen's Faction and the Wall Riding Faction lurking in the headquarters are unable to contain the Revolutionary Forces, you must give full play to the monster girls' battle to achieve the desired tactical effect. As the surrounding helicopters lowered combatants one after another, the number of helicopters in the helicopter group began to decrease little by little. Inside the helicopter, she shifted her sight from the battlefield outside the window back to the cabin, and Alexa sank. The voice said: Sisters, do you still remember our plan? Beheading. Tililith, who was sitting opposite, said indifferently: Go directly into the research facility, find Ye Xing, and get rid of Mr. Victor by the way. Add one more The premise is that rescuing my dear is the first priority. Alexa frowned slightly and whispered: There will definitely be a large number of Ht soldiers in the facility. They have already controlled the security forces of the European branch. If the situation is urgent, They may even release BoW directly under Victor's instruction. As for Victor, he will definitely delay as much time as possible to prevent us from finding him, waiting for the support of the reformists at the headquarters and even H.CF. And once a new enemy enters the scene, the situation will become even worse, right? Also frowning slightly, Rita rubbed her chin and said softly: Like this

, it is indeed safer to take Mr. out first, but we still don’t know the status of Mr. at the moment... And, what will the HCF support you mentioned look like? He reached out and scratched his head, click. Nan was a little uneasy and said: They won't just use bombers to plow the island like they did before, right? That would be too bad... My dear, there should be no problem there. Alexley Sha shook her head slightly and said: As for H.C.F.'s bombing, I don't think there is anything to worry about. Unlike most organizations that conduct Bow research and development, H.C.F. is highly armed, almost a paramilitary organization, and most of them are soldiers. origin, so I will not bomb this island casually. After all, Victor is stocking up here in the European branch.

With too many H.CF soldiers accumulated, their upper management will definitely take action.

To be honest, I don't care about Mr. Victor, whom I have never met before, or the people over at H.C.F. With a faint worry on his brow, Hitomi Mishima whispered: I'm worried that Yakou-kun has changed. If they become hostages, wouldn't it be difficult to rescue them? For our team's battlefield adaptability, rescuing wild dogs will not be difficult, but the prerequisite is intelligence. Bai Muqing - Bian Listening to the messages constantly sent out by the pre-war commanders of the Huanya Armed Forces in the communicator, Bian said in a deep voice: I propose that we first occupy the control center and obtain intelligence, and then consider looking for wild dogs. I have been to the European branch once. , The internal structure here is quite clear.... Nodding to Bai Muqing, Alexa said in a deep voice: I think Miss Bai is right, what do you think? I don't understand! Shake. With two strands of golden ponytails, Tillillian said confidently: I just want to take my perverted brother-in-law home. You just need to tell me where to go, who to kill, and how many to kill. That's enough. Then follow Xiaobai's instructions. Do it... Tililith nodded, and was about to discuss the details of the next action with Alexa, when suddenly,

Just hearing an explosion, following the sound of the explosion, Tililith suddenly turned her head and looked out the window, and saw a black helicopter falling next to her, emitting smoke. Then...the helicopter from the Australian branch. Alexisa said with an ugly face. The next second, the entire cabin suddenly began to tilt, climbing up little by little. Tililith vaguely heard the helicopter from the Australian branch in the cockpit. The helicopter pilot of the headquarters roared: Stinger missile! With a loud boom, the helicopters riding on a group of monster girls emitted flames and thick smoke and headed towards the research facility not far away. The woods were planted hard.

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