What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

Fin-10. The fierce maid’s daily cleaning

Report, Group C shot down two helicopters, and the rest have dispersed towards the perimeter of the facility. Each team pays attention to interception. Release the hand pressing the communicator next to his ear, and the black-clothed soldier lifts the HK- 46, and then turned to look at the soldiers behind him. There were four combat groups in total, temporarily assembled into a team of twelve. The equipment of the team was completely in accordance with the standard equipment of the Black Umbrella security force, except that each The team carried two portable Stinger missiles as individual weapons. This equipment is quite luxurious, but for war, it is simply unimaginably shabby. Oh, Stinger missiles Compared to the temporary captain's restraint , the soldiers seemed to be much more straightforward, throwing away the fired stingers, and the soldier mocked: If we follow H.CF's specifications, these helicopters will be targets, but it's a pity that the Black Umbrella said The concerns of the person involved seem to be too much, otherwise the people above can directly transport all the armored vehicles and anti-aircraft artillery to the island. Black Umbrella is different from us. Most of their armed forces are used to wipe their own butts. The team leader shrugged, then raised his arm, and was about to press the communicator to confirm the current situation, when he heard the other side of the communicator suddenly say: This is Group F, confirming the results. The helicopter that landed on our side is not there. survivor. Very good, this is Group C, ready to confirm the results of the battle... Released his finger from pressing the communicator, the team leader turned his head and said solemnly: Okay, stop talking nonsense, let's go see what else is on that helicopter. There is no living person. How can there be any living person here? - A soldier in black whispered.

Let's go, just think of it as a formality. The leader said solemnly: There is trouble over there in Group A. The enemy army that landed near the coastline seems to be very entangled. They don't seem to be the dregs of the security force, but Mercenaries, it is estimated that we will have to fight a tough battle soon. After the training was over, the leader took the twelve-man team and set off. Listening to the gunshots that kept coming from the surroundings, and following the thick black smoke not far away, after a while, a group of soldiers came I found another downed helicopter. I saw that the helicopter had broken several trees and smashed into the forest. The propeller had long since disappeared and was still on fire. No one survived. Lightly. After touching his comrade, a soldier in black chuckled and whispered. On the other side, seeing the helicopter crashed like this and still on fire, it really didn't look like there were survivors. The team leader pressed his ear The communicator said:. Confirmation, this is Group C, no one survived. After reporting the situation at hand, the team leader turned his head and said: Let's go, let's intercept the airborne troops in the surrounding area. With that said, the team leader took steps forward, preparing to leave with his soldiers. However, just as he was about to lead the team out of the area, suddenly, there was a dull sound from the wreckage of the fallen helicopter. Turning his head suddenly, he raised his gun and pointed the sight in the scope at the wreckage of the helicopter. The leader frowned slightly. Around him, the soldiers in black reacted equally quickly. They all turned around and faced Their leader also raised his gun towards the wreckage of the helicopter and waited silently. After a while, a black-clothed soldier couldn't help but whispered: Maybe something just exploded? Go over. Look. After a few seconds of deliberation, the leader said solemnly. He raised his gun and locked the muzzle firmly on the burning helicopter wreckage. The leader led his team closer step by step until the temperature of the flames reached He stopped after his face was scorching through the mask. Vaguely, he seemed to hear something making a noise in the helicopter. The sound sounded like the flesh was being torn apart. It was full of B-level horror. Suddenly, an ominous premonition flashed through the leader's heart. He was about to retreat when he heard a muffled sound of eat and the helicopter's distorted hatch was knocked straight away by a huge force. It stood up, then hit the ground heavily, and then, a blood-red tentacle as thick as a tree twisted out of the helicopter's cabin. Blood red muscles. Above, the haphazardly arranged turbid eyeballs were turning crazily. Between the eyeballs, there were ferocious cracks. In the dull eyes of the black-clothed soldiers, those were more than ten meters long. The tentacles stood up crookedly. On the tentacles, the cloudy eyeballs rotated faster and faster, and then stopped suddenly, staring at the soldiers in black. Then, the cracks between the eyeballs Suddenly, it bent up, revealing jagged and sharp teeth, and let out a laugh that made people laugh. And that laugh was just like a girl's charming smile. Fire! It's BOW! Fire! Facing this moving and laughing mental pollutant, the team leader immediately made a judgment after a brief moment of sluggishness. Following his order, dense gunfire roared, The iron curtain composed of rounds of bullets roared and attacked the strange and twisted tentacle, until a bloody flower bloomed, and the tentacle twisted crazily, as if struggling with pain, but it floated in the air The girl's delicate laughter did not dissipate, but became even crazier. Hit its eyes! Its weak point should be those eyes! In the chaos, the leader of Group C relied on his rich experience in fighting BOW and shouted and commanded while firing, but the next second, Seeing the tentacle waving violently, it bent its body and stayed close to the ground, and like a deformed long whip, it fiercely swept towards the legs of a group of black-clothed soldiers. The black-clothed soldiers immediately pulled back upon seeing this. , trying to dodge, but even if they reacted quickly enough, several soldiers were still hit in the calf, and then, a terrifying scene appeared!

I saw that the soldiers in black who were hit in the calf did not fall to the ground, but stuck directly to the tentacle. When the tentacle completed the attack and stood up again, four people were already hanging on it. The black-clothed soldiers, at first, the leader thought they were being bitten by the mouths on the tentacles, so he led the other black-clothed soldiers to shoot as much as possible, until the tentacles began to twitch violently. , that team leader is so fierce

Suddenly he realized that he seemed to have seen it wrong. The legs of the black-clothed soldiers were not bitten, but grew together with the tentacle! At this moment, the leader of Group C only felt that his scalp was hairy, accompanied by cold sweat. The water kept flowing down from his forehead. He turned on the fire and retreated hastily. The soldiers in black clothes hung on the tentacles became more and more shriveled, as if they had been drained, until their flesh and blood completely merged with the tentacles. As one, the combat uniform fell down mixed with debris, guns and ammunition, and fell to the ground. Kill it! Kill it! Kill it quickly! His eyes were red, and the leader stepped back while pressing his hand on the communicator. His lips were trembling and he said urgently, This is Group C! We have been attacked by an unknown BOW. Attacked! Repeat! We were attacked by an unknown B0W! We need reinforcements! We need reinforcements! The coordinates are on the 3rd, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah! Yelling, a one-sided massacre is taking place in a corner where no one is watching.

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