What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

Fin-11. The change of mentality of the fierce male and female servants

In the forest, on the ground covered by wet soil, the black combat uniforms were mixed with dry and crispy residue, but there was no trace of blood. They were scattered with the empty bullets of the gun and bullet casings everywhere. Together, they add a touch of eerieness to the woods at dusk. Around them, gunshots and explosions can be heard from time to time.

The sky was suddenly far and near, and in the open space torn apart by the helicopter wreckage, only the sound of burning was still crackling. After a moment, a hand wrapped in a black gel glove stretched out from the cabin door, supporting a graceful body. The gray-haired maid wearing a black mask stood up and glanced around. It was not until she confirmed that there were no enemies around that she leaned slightly towards the hatch and said, Come out, ladies, Rita has cleaned up all the garbage around. With the soft call of the female lady, she was wearing a special black The girls in combat uniforms climbed out of the wreckage of the helicopter one by one. The first one to come out was Tililith. After climbing out, she turned around and pulled out Alexa who was following her. Then came Kanan and Hitomi Mikishima, and then Bai Muqing. Only a moment later, Tilly Hean climbed out of the helicopter dragging the coffin.

Standing on the wreckage of the helicopter, scanning the surroundings with the afterglow of the setting sun and the burning firelight of the helicopter, looking at the pieces of black combat uniforms that were carelessly abandoned in the forest, Kanan twitched his facial muscles slightly and said: The maid eats really cleanly. Do you have any advice on ladies' dining etiquette? Miss Mafal? Rita asked with a smile. No. Shaking her head vigorously, Kanan whispered. Said: “I’m used to being like this. It would be great if you can get used to it. Faced with Kanan's sudden resignation, Rita smiled and said. In the seven years since she became a monster, Rita could clearly feel , her own understanding of the world and creatures like humans is getting further and further away from ordinary human beings. After she obtained this power that does not belong to human beings, she already regards human life as trivial, her understanding of the world has changed. The way she thinks is becoming more and more like a monster. For her, every structure of her body is a weapon. She can easily kill one or even several fully armed humans, and now, she begins to Trying to move towards a higher level. Rita Griffiths, whose thinking is becoming more and more heterogeneous, is studying the fear of humans and monsters from the two-way perspective. Unlike before, she is no longer satisfied with using her own She wants to become fear itself. With this mentality, she begins to like to play with her prey more and more. She likes to stimulate her prey in various ways that are unacceptable to humans, and then with great interest Observe their reactions. After the battle, she can use neat fonts to record the enemy's reactions in the pink notebook filled with her sweet daily life in Li Yexing. In order to ensure that she is a human in her heart The part of her body will not be completely swallowed up by the monster's part. In her spare time, Rita keeps a diary. This is not a secret in the office, but only Bai Muqing knows a little bit about the contents of this diary. , After all, as a monster with a close combat nature, Rita really likes Bai Muqing. When the red and black monsters are in the same bed in the dead of night, Rita lying on Bai Muqing's back will be happy to kill the white mouse herself. Share the process with your two honeys. What method can be used to obtain interesting reactions from the enemy? How will the facial expressions change? How much cold sweat will drip? How will the endocrine be affected? What kind of mental oppression will be exerted on the enemy? To what extent? How can we make the enemy tremble and unable to aim well? How can we make the enemy lose their fighting spirit? How can we make the enemy lose their mind? To be honest, whenever Rita talks about these things, Bai Muqing will only feel a little disgusted, but I don’t know Why, it was difficult for her to open her mouth and shut up Rita. This was not only because of her elite upbringing, but also because for her, Rita's words seemed to have some kind of magic that she couldn't bear. Live and indulge, listen and even want to try. After adapting to this atmosphere, such as whispering but extremely evil in content, Bai Muqing, who has a little knowledge of psychology, occasionally cannot suppress the desire to show off. Put forward some constructive suggestions to Rita. Every time she opens O, it can inspire new inspiration in Rita and make Rita feel enlightened. You can always gain something from talking to excellent people. It seems that Griffey Mr. Si's teachings, even after leaving the Griffith family, can still be applied to some of the theories and opinions put forward by Bai Muqingyuer. Rita commented, I feel like I am doing something wrong. For Rita, Bai Muqing commented like this. Under Bai Muqing's recommendation, after reading several rare works by Lovecraft, Rita finally got the opportunity to put her new ideas into practice. From the results of this battle just now Judging from the results, the effect should be pretty good. When she turned the leader into a part of her body in front of a group of H.CF soldiers, the soldiers who were still alive were completely defeated. They lost their fighting spirit. She screamed like a little girl who had her skirt lifted up by a traitor, and ran away until she was killed one by one by Rita. Naturally, Kanan, who was more human-oriented in her fighting style and thinking, couldn't accept Rita's fighting style. Hitomi Mikishima also seemed to be slightly resistant, but Tililith didn't care, but Tililian's reaction was more intense. Carrying the coffin, she couldn't help but lean against her sister, and looked at the cannibal maid with hidden eyes. She kept sweeping over her body. Although Bai Muqing's face was full of disgust, there was some kind of throbbing deep in her heart, as if a voice was constantly urging her to try fighting like Rita. . As for Alexa, after looking around the tragic battlefield, she smiled and clapped her hands and praised: It's unbelievable. Is this the art of cleaning? Even Housekeeper Harman would have a hard time doing this, right? It's true. My beloved head maid! Where, Miss Ashford, you are so good. He praised your cleaning art, and by the way, he also mentioned

Being relied upon by Li Yexing, Rita's smile became brighter and brighter. She raised the corners of her lips and bowed slightly to Alexa, saying, This is all due to Mr.'s skillful training. The boss has never taught you this kind of thing, Hanan muttered in a low voice, Don't smear the boss in front of the little rich woman who supports the boss...' Here we go... Suddenly, the man who was cowering behind Tililith Tillillian raised her head, and under the dim dusk, she looked at the dense trees not far away that were shrouded in darkness. A faint light lit up in her eyes that gradually changed from blue to purple. After a few seconds, only Hear her whisper: Fifty meters ahead, there are twelve, approaching slowly. Is there any new garbage going to be thrown here? Really, don't increase the workload of the maid casually. Although she was complaining She looked up, but there was a faint light in Rita's gray eyes. It was obvious that she looked a little eager to try, but before she could jump off the wreckage of the helicopter, Tillillian suddenly lifted the coffin, and accompanied it. With the soft sound of the fingerprint unlocking, in a small second, the terrifying metal storm suddenly launched with a roar, dragging the light into the woods ahead. After a while, the coffin stopped firing, and there was still a faint green smoke coming from the muzzle. The girls who were startled by the coffin subconsciously turned their heads to look at Tililian, but heard Tililian say in a cold voice, Okay, kill them all.

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