What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

Fin-12. The macho man comes out of the cage

When only the emergency lights were left in the corridor, the white walls were illuminated by the red lights as if they were soaked in blood. Under the dim lights that kept flashing back, Li Yexing walked silently along the corridor. Behind him, Wu Qian The other person who commanded Albero was Biedermann, the pre-war commander from the No. 1 organization. Behind them were two H.C.F. soldiers in black. It was obvious that Albero was already colluding with Victor. The H.CF soldiers did not know this. Not long ago, the entire research facility was suddenly powered off, leaving only the emergency power supply still running. Then, Li Yexing, who was sitting in the dark interrogation room, heard the commotion coming from outside. The black men of MH.C.F. From the few words of the soldiers in uniform, Li Yexing learned that the European branch seemed to have been attacked on a large scale, and in less than three days, Lisa directly knocked on the door? This is really surprising. .According to Li Yexing's speculation, it would take about a week to receive new information, because he thought Alexa would try to negotiate with Victor, but he never expected that his Lisa's temper He seemed a little irritable and had no intention of talking to Victor properly. Due to the raid and power outage, the interior of the facility immediately fell into chaos. The H.CF brought by Victor was not much. Even counting the part that was withdrawn from Queen Veronica Island, in the face of a large-scale In times of armed conflict, it still appears to be somewhat stretched. According to the opinion of Executive Officer Kalba, the team escorting Li Yexing needs at least six people and must be fully armed. However, at present, H.C.F not only needs to deal with external enemies, but also allocates manpower to control the staff and security of the European branch. Department, in this situation where there is a serious shortage of combat personnel and the support troops do not know when they will be able to enter the scene, only four people can be responsible for the task of transferring Li Yehang's position. With a gun pressed against his back, Li Yexing walked forward slowly, paying attention to the facility structure diagrams on the walls, the house numbers and the road signs in the corridor. Because of the dim light, in order to see To clear those things, he had to squint his eyes and slow down, and this behavior caused Albero's serious dissatisfaction. Go faster! Mercenary! Albero said fiercely as he pressed his gun on Li Yexing's back. Mi could barely see the structural diagram on the wall clearly, and analyzed his approximate location based on the cards in the surrounding rooms. Li Yexing nodded perfunctorily and then speeded up his pace symbolically. At the same time, he gently shook his cuffs. , let the blade previously hidden by Biederman in his sleeve fall on his fingertips, and then relying on the cover of darkness, silently cut the restraints around his waist that were bound together with his arms. After a while, Li Yexing's steps slowed down again. .. Seeing that Li Yexing was holding back and retreating, Albero felt a surge of anger rushing through his heart. He gritted his teeth and slammed the muzzle of his gun into the gun again. Behind Li Yexing, this collision seemed to make Li Yexing lose his temper. He turned around suddenly and glared at Albero, as if he was demonstrating to Albero. The moment Li Yexing turned around, Albero almost pulled the trigger. Facing Li Yexing's eyes like an anxious beast, Albero felt flustered and subconsciously lowered his head and glanced at Li Yexing. After confirming that the restraint belt was still tied, he breathed a sigh of relief, then stared back at Li Yexing and said coldly: Don't stop! Let's go quickly. He pushed Li Yexing hard on the chest. However, at the moment when the check hit Li Yexing's chest, the gray restraints that bound Li Yexing suddenly fell off. In the darkness, Alberos' pupils Shrunk to the size of a needle's eye, he was about to pull the trigger when he saw Li Yexing suddenly stretched out his hand, grasped the tactical rail of the HK-46 in his hand faster than he did, and fiercely moved towards it. - Pushed aside, the next second, the gunshot exploded, lighting up the dim corridor with flickering firelights. Although the gun was in Albero's hand, it was completely out of Albero's control, because Li Yexing The power of his left hand was too great. After pushing the muzzle of the gun to the other side, sweeping across the wall, and knocking down a black-clothed soldier following behind him, Li Yexing strangled him with his right arm without his right hand. Albero's neck was blocked in front of him. Albero, who was controlled, subconsciously wanted to fight back, but another soldier in black who followed him opened fire directly, firing 5.560-caliber bullets at close range. Hitting the body armor, Albero let out a high-pitched scream, while Li Yexing continued to push Albero's gun with his left hand) until another black-clothed soldier was knocked to the ground. After grabbing Albero's magazine, Li Yexing dodged and pushed Albero, who had been shot hard, against the wall. At the same time, he lifted up his buttocks and pressed hard against Albero's legs. Suddenly, Albero let out an even more shrill scream, and his body instantly arched into a crotch. Li Youxing used his right arm to clamp Albero's neck under his armpit, strangled him tightly, and then lifted it up with force. There was a crisp sound, and a bulge appeared on Albero's neck, and Albero instantly softened. If there is a next life, remember to show some respect to me and threw Albero's body in the On the ground, Li Yexing snorted coldly. He turned his head and looked at Biederman, only to see that Biederman was already lying on the ground. He looked like a corpse when illuminated by the red emergency lights. I was knocked unconscious by a nasty mercenary...

Facing Li Yexing's subtle gaze, Biederman seemed to be talking to himself: All the equipment on my body was looted by that damn mercenary. So this is your script? He squatted down. Come on, Li Yexing took off all the body armor and tactical belt from Biederman's body, put it on his body with one hand with difficulty, and said in a deep voice: You also surprised me. How dare you? Playing this trick under the noses of Victor and H.C.F. It's precisely because they think we don't dare, that's why we dare. Director Casimir's arrangements are always radical but effective... Lying on the ground and moving

The motionless Biedermann said in a deep voice: Also, I need to remind you one thing. Dr. Angelica did not rebel. What she said to you before... I know, after all, with Casimir I've known this guy for so long, and when that female doctor started to complain, I understood everything. He stood up and looked at it under the dim light in the corridor. He put down the magazine, and Li Yexing once again focused his attention on this person for himself. The courier who delivered the equipment asked in a deep voice, I'm leaving, what should you do? I just fainted and will wake up soon... Biedermann replied in a low voice. In this corridor. There are monitors, right? How are you going to deal with the people over at H.C.F.? Using the previously cut restraints, he tied the black dagger tightly to his right arm. Li Yexing frowned and said, You were supposed to just now. Let me come down on your neck and then lie down again. You are acting too fake.

It doesn't matter. It takes time to switch the power supply line in the central control room. Director Casimir learned of the upcoming chaos from some source. He has already arranged everything. I have a way to escape. Biedermann said solemnly: Now, don't waste time, deal with the things you should deal with, the lives of all members of the first organization will fall on you!

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