What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

Fin-13. The Macho Man’s Shadow Stealth

Dense footsteps resounded from the corridor. A large number of H.C.F soldiers in black combat uniforms were fully armed and ran towards the corridor on the other side. Not long ago, they heard a loud noise coming from the corridor on the other side. - There was a burst of gunfire, and now they urgently needed to check the situation. As the dense footsteps gradually faded away, in the darkness beyond the reach of the emergency lights, a man wearing a hospital gown and a black body armor stood up and silently turned his head, watching - The soldiers in black ran over. I have to say that watching a group of people pass in front of him while ignoring him was quite a subtle experience for Li Yexing. After confirming that the patrol troops staying in the facility were gone, Li Yexing slightly poked his head and looked at the other side of the corridor. Seeing that there was no situation there, he held the gun in his left hand and used his right arm without his right hand to wrap it around the handle on the rail. Then he moved forward quickly. Because of his bare feet, Li Yexing's movements did not make the slightest sound. It was not until he came to the corner of the corridor that he stopped and pressed his back against the wall. is Recalling the structural diagram of the facility he had seen before and the house numbers of the rooms he passed along the way, Li Yexing roughly confirmed his location. After a moment, he squatted down and then poked his head again. Sure enough, it was just as he thought. , and further forward is the corridor, and there will be no patrolling enemies. However, if you go to the next level, the situation will be different. After all, it is an office area. Many staff and researchers from the European branch are detained in the office area. There must not be too few enemies. At the moment, Li Yexing's condition is not good. One of his legs is aching. The large wound on his body has not completely healed. Although he is not afraid of those low-level fish in H.C.F., his physical condition is definitely not the same as under normal conditions. It was comparable to his own, and the most critical point was that he was missing one hand. Li Yexing was not sure whether his left-hand shooting could be as accurate as his right-hand shooting. Huh. Li Yexing let out a soft breath and moved again. He left the corner of the corridor and quickly went up the stairs with his gun in hand.

He raised his gun to confirm the safety above his head. At this moment, darkness was Li Yexing's best cover. He needed to avoid being caught by the red light of the emergency lights as much as possible. Fortunately, there are still no enemies on the stairs. It seems they really don't have enough manpower. Li Yexing muttered softly, followed 2iZ and left the stairs. When he saw the office area logo illuminated by red lights on the corridor sign, he breathed a sigh of relief. , and then move on. Keeping his body close to the shadow of the wall, Li Yexing lowered his center of gravity and walked slowly forward with his gun raised. When he reached the corner of the corridor again, he clearly saw a room separated by glass on the other side. In front of the large office door stood soldiers in black clothes bathed in red light. Although he couldn't see what was on the other side of the glass due to the dim light, Li Yexing knew very well that H.C.F.'s combat team seemed to be composed of three people. In other words, there should be two enemies in the intensive office room 2. . Li Youxing doesn't think he will be stopped by a three-person team, but he is also not stupid enough to think that there is only one team on this floor. If possible, he needs to choose detours as much as possible, such as rene ventilation ducts and so on. Or, quietly kill the enemy in front of you. His body moved suddenly, and Li Yexing got out of the corner, lowering his figure. Under the cover of darkness, the black-clothed soldier was completely unaware of the threat coming from the side, until he noticed the man wearing a knife from the corner of his eye. As the dark shadows moved around him, he subconsciously turned his head. At the moment when his eyes collided with Li Yexing's, Li Youxing got angry. He stretched out his left hand to cover the mouth of the black-clothed soldier, and then rushed to the black-clothed soldier. Before the soldier in black clothes wanted to make a move, he raised his right arm and stabbed the dagger tied to his right arm into the neck of the black-clothed soldier. Suddenly, blood flowed profusely. The soldier opened his eyes wide and realized that There was no sound, and he could only die little by little in the darkness. Gently placing the body on the ground without making a sound, Li Yexing lifted the body again and walked along the corridor. As long as he passed the next corner, he could find the research director's office. Walking through the entire corridor was very important to Li Yexing. It only took less than ten seconds for a night walk. After reaching the corner again, Li Yexing stuck his head out and observed the situation in the corridor ahead. He saw that there was no one in the corridor and it was completely empty. The one in the middle was clearly the target of Li Yexing's trip - Director Casimir's office. Feeling slightly excited, Li Yexing walked out and was about to walk towards the office. Suddenly, he heard a soft sound. What should I do? The room was suddenly hit from the inside. Then, under the red emergency lights, , a tall black man wearing a long trench coat came out. It was the executive who was following Victor before! He suddenly retreated and retracted back to the corner. Li Yexing poked his head out under the cover of darkness and observed the black man. He saw that the black man was holding a stack of paper in one hand. He pressed the communicator next to his ear with his other hand. After a moment, he said in a deep voice: Mr. Speaker, I found the thing you asked for. Casimir did not lie. The thing was indeed placed in the drawer. It seems that It's a research and development plan and cost accounting information about a new latent B0W... Understood, I will handle it... After cutting off the communication, the tall black man turned around and walked step by step in the direction of Li Yexing. Come.

With his back pressed against the wall, Li Yexing lowered his center of gravity slightly, and at the same time gently raised his right arm, making the blood-stained black dagger become brighter red due to the light of the emergency light. He planned to hide under the black man's hand. In the blind spot of his vision, he let the body of the black-clad soldier in the corridor attract his attention, and then took the opportunity to sneak attack and kill him. In his ears, the footsteps were getting closer and closer, and Li Yexing's heartbeat started to speed up a little bit. Just when he was ready to take action, suddenly, the footsteps stopped, and then he heard the black man say: You're sure. Albero? Understood, let the patrol force change its position, watch all the exits here, don't let the mercenary escape. I can be there right away. The communication was cut off, and the black executive turned around and walked quickly towards the other side of the corridor.

, with his sudden turn back, the footsteps became farther and farther, and disappeared into the corridor before long. Frowning slightly, Li Youxing changed the probe. He didn't relax until he confirmed that the corridor ahead was safe. To be honest, Li Yexing was not sure whether he could kill an executive with a sneak attack. From this, it can be seen that Mr. Albero, who broke his cervical vertebra, was really helpful. No small favor. After leaving the corner, Li Yexing approached the supervisor's office in the center of the corridor ahead step by step with his gun in his hand. Not long after, he arrived in front of the door and saw that the door of the supervisor's office was open with a gap and it was dark inside - Pian Ye Not knowing what was going on, Li Yexing waited for a moment while sticking close to the door. Seeing that there was no sound inside, he gently stretched out his right arm, opened the door with his dagger, and then got into the room.

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