What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

Fin-14. The little secret of the hunky former supervisor

After confirming that the room was safe and there was no danger, Li Yexing gently adjusted the i door of Office 2 back to its previous half-open state, then turned on the tactical flashlight on HK-46 and observed the layout of the entire office. The office is quite spacious, with walls on all sides and no windows. There are a lot of WF-like devices piled in the corner of the room, which seem to be used to prevent hearing. There is a wooden desk at the end of the office. There are various documents neatly placed on the desk. On the walls on both sides of the desk, various modern paintings are hung on one side, while on the other side are placed side by side There were four bookcases. With the light of the tactical flashlight, Li Yexing discovered that most of the things on those bookcases were binding materials, followed by some professional books. Two rows of grids were more conspicuous, and they were full of SpongeBob SquarePants comics. It looks old and seems to have been read frequently. Now, Li Yexing somewhat understands how Casimir named B0W. Let me think about it...the first element of solving the puzzle is the red-skinned one. . In this seemingly simple but actually complicated research director's office, Li Yexing felt that his Resident Evil player soul had awakened. After hurriedly scanning the bookshelf and confirming that there was nothing he wanted on the bookshelf, Li Yexing Ye Xing quickly came to the desk. He opened the documents neatly placed on the desk and searched for his target. After searching to no avail, he focused his attention on the crown of the desk. Slowly opening the first drawer on the left, Li Yexing found a loaded pistol and a rather high-end black aviation cup. It seemed that because it had been washed particularly clean, the aviation cup had not dispersed. There is no peculiar smell, and on the aviation cup, there are large and crooked words written in some kind of white font:

With his eyebrows raised slightly, Li Yexing slowly pushed the drawer back. According to his understanding of Supervisor Casimir, the supervisor didn't seem like someone who would clean the aviation cup himself. From this point of view, cleaning the cup for him Yes, she was probably the secretary who looked cold and didn't talk much. It seemed that his old father-in-law, a scientific madman, had quite a rich emotional life. Putting aside the distracting thoughts in his mind, Li Yexing gently opened the door. In the second drawer, I saw that this drawer was full of all kinds of documents, and it was a mess. It seemed that they had been rummaged through. Here, Li Yexing still couldn't find his target, so he opened the last page. Pulling out the crown one by one, I saw a large mess of wires in the drawer, which seemed to be connected to some kind of device hidden under the table, but the wires had been cut. Look at the break in the rubber. , I’m afraid the wire was cut not long ago. Jet pushed the last drawer back. Li Yexing smacked his lips and fell into a brief confusion. He did not expect that the first step of decryption would be stranded.

Where is that damn red-covered diary? It couldn't have been taken away by the nigger executive from before, right? With a little more worry in his heart, Li Yexing turned his head and wanted to search again, but just before he The moment he diverted his attention, a flash of red swept across the corner of his eyes. So he hurriedly lowered his head and picked up the tactical flashlight on HK-46. He saw a red hard-cover book that looked quite old, being cushioned on it. Under the corner of the desk. Well, I really have it for you, Qasimi... The corner of his mouth curled up. Li Yexing stretched out his hand and pulled out the red-leather notebook from under the corner of the table with a little force. He shook it slightly and said After confirming that there was nothing stuck inside, he couldn't wait to open it. With the light of the tactical flashlight, Li Yexing saw at a glance the unsightly fonts on the diary. The fonts were so ugly that they looked like It was fly droppings arranged along some disordered lines. For a moment, Li Yexing even thought that what was written in the diary was not in English but in Hebrew. However, after taking a closer look, we can still reluctantly separate the cases... Abandoning curiosity about Casimir's private life, and with a rigorous decryption mentality, Li Youxing began to look through Casimir's diary, which was different from the diary Li Yexing knew. Casimir's diary spans a very wide time span, sometimes only a few days apart, sometimes months apart, and the longest is even more than a year. The content can be traced back to Casimir's college days. The original content of the diary Very few, often only a few sentences, and the summer intensity is extremely high. Most of them are dates of years, months, and days. I went on a date with Angelica in the library and studied together until nine o'clock in the evening. Only one day, the content is What was unexpected was that Angelica doesn't like pizza. After flipping through it randomly, the number of words on a certain page of the diary suddenly became extremely short. It read: Year, Month, Day, after we broke up, we will continue. After that, the frequency of 2 diaries dropped sharply, and they were only recorded once a month or even several months, and all the contents were about going to the library. Trying not to make any noise, Li Yexing rummaged quickly until the number of words on a certain page He stopped when it started to add up. Although the number of words increased, it was actually just a few sentences. The general idea was that Angelica had unexpectedly entered the same work unit. Is this a renewed relationship? Li Yexing said softly, with a slightly subtle look on his face. He turned to the next page and found that the diary spanned several years in an instant, and the number of words was so frightening that it actually took up two full pages! Realizing that The content of the diary had its ups and downs. Li Yexing immediately frowned and read it carefully, only to see that the diary

Under the date, the first sentence at the beginning is: Ah! My Valkyrie! I'm up!

Next, the content of the diary became very interesting. Li Yexing glanced at it roughly and basically said: The security department has a new security captain. The father-in-law fell in love with him at first sight and felt that his life was rejuvenated. Then , he began to use poor language and weird metaphors to repeatedly describe how beautiful the woman was in the diary. After two pages of nonsense, the diary ended with the sentence No, I have to communicate with the supervisor and find a way. Trick her into being my secretary ending.

Then, the content of the diary became richer, and it began to record every detail of his life with a certain secretary, from almost breaking their hands to getting his wish and inserting his hand into the secretary's vagina.

skirt, and then had a battle of wits with a certain ex-girlfriend, Dr., who always had trouble with him, and then the original supervisor was taken away by an executive from the headquarters. Although the diary was mostly trivial, there was no mention of anything related to research work. Records, but in a sense, Li Yexing roughly understood the development trajectory of the European branch in recent years through Casimir's diary. He turned over it faster and faster until his name appeared in 8 entries. From the diary It can be seen that as his research on Li Yexing became more and more in-depth, Casimir seemed to deify Li Yexing's existence. Then, the diary mentioned that he planned to clone Li Yexing and try to mass-produce Li Yexing's body fluids. Then, the topic about Li Yexing stopped in the summer, as if he was avoiding something. Li Youxing still remembered that Casimir seemed to have mentioned to him about his clone before, but at that time Casimir seemed Li Yexing was very secretive about this topic. Originally, Li Yexing thought he could find the answer in his diary, but it was obvious that Casimir seemed to be caring about something invisible and intangible, so much so that he did not even record the experimental results in his diary. Don't dare. As Li Yexing kept turning the pages, suddenly, a page of diary with a strange color and texture appeared in Li Yexing's sight.

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