What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

Fin-15. The back-up plan of the hunky former supervisor

Although the softness and thickness are no different from other papers, it is different from the white color of other pages. There are no lines in this diary page, and it is an abrupt bright yellow. Because of the difference in texture, Li Yexing’s fingers are on it. After staying for a moment, he realized that although this page was exactly the same size as the other pages, it seemed to have been glued in! There was no doubt that this was the clue Casimir had left for him. Squinting his eyes slightly and using the light of the tactical flashlight, Li Yexing read carefully. The format at the beginning was no different from the previous pages. It was still the same as before. However, Li Yexing could faintly feel that between the handwriting There seems to be an extra -Sijuanxiu. Although it still looks like Hebrew, it can be seen from the brushstrokes that this should be the result of deliberate imitation. The calligraphy level of the person who wrote it is undoubtedly a level higher than that of Casimir. Year and Month 8 Damn it, both Caliya and Angelica seemed to have some objections to the paintings I posted on the wall. Caliya was okay, but Angelica, that damn stupid woman, actually said something to me directly. She didn’t know how to appreciate her at all, especially those eyes! Those deep! Beautiful! Eyes that were similar to Jia Liya’s! She deserved it! She forgot who her boss was! It was decided, Next time when I get the funding from above, I won’t give her a penny! - Not even a penny! No!” is read the diary several times to make sure there is no missing information. , Li Yexing gently stuffed the diary back into the corner of the table, raised his head to look at the paintings on the wall, and murmured in a low voice: With quick eyes, Li Yexing found his goal, After all, there is only one portrait on the entire wall... If that thing can be considered a human being... the lines are twisted, combined, colored, and outlined... to piece together a human face with some weird proportions. This painting made Li Yexing unable to help himself. I thought of the paintings hanging on the walls in Alexa's castle. However, the paintings in Alexa's home should be true abstractions, but the one in front of me looks more like a realistic style. Inexplicably, it turned into an abstract style. This couldn't have been painted by that guy Casimir himself. His expression became more and more microscopic, Li Yexing raised his right hand, gently lifted the painting with the dagger, and touched the wall behind the painting. There was nothing hidden on the surface, so Li Yexing picked up the dagger again and gently cut open the painting. As a result, he still couldn't find what he wanted in the frame. It seems that there was something missing in my understanding. Subconsciously, he wanted to rub his chin, but he was lightly pricked by the dagger. Li Yexing shuddered at the slight sting, and then suddenly thought of something. Wait a minute. Eye.

Focusing his eyes on the painting again, staring at the pair of eyes that were said to be similar to those of the secretary, Li Yexing turned his head and looked at the row of bookshelves opposite painting E. After a while, he followed the The painting's gaze walked over and rested on the third row of the bookshelf on the left, where a whole row of paper materials were piled up. There was no mystery in the appearance, so he stretched out his hand, took down the materials and read them. As expected at first glance, he couldn't understand it at all.

After shaking lightly and confirming that there was nothing in the information, Li Yexing raised his head again, took out the information one by one, and flipped through it several times.

, after failing to find what he wanted, he raised his head again and looked at the bookshelf, only to see a piece of white paper stuck to the wall behind the books. With a clear understanding in his heart, Li Yexing put down the information and impatiently cut the white paper with the dagger on his right arm. Sure enough, on the wall behind the white paper, there was a square hole. Hidden in the hole was There was an anti-monitoring device from the if team, and it was not connected to any wires. It was still flashing a green light, and it looked like it was powered by a battery or rechargeable. Next to the anti-monitoring device, he was lying silently - - A piece of white paper had been folded. When Li Yexing saw this, he turned around and looked behind him. After confirming that there was no movement, he stretched out his hand, took out the white paper, and then put all the materials and notebooks back and returned to his desk. Finally, sitting on the ground leaning against his desk, Li Yexing unfolded the white paper by the light of his tactical flashlight and began to read. He saw the white paper written in neat small characters: Hey! Mr. Li, long time no see! If you can find this letter, it means that the expected riot happened, and I was right! To be honest, if the situation permits, I would prefer to tell you all this in person, but unfortunately, I can't, when you As I read this letter, I may be locked up somewhere in the European branch, being tortured and tortured. Of course, we can also think optimistically, maybe I will be killed directly? Haha! When you read this, you will be very anxious to save me, right? After all, our relationship is so good, but what I want to say is, don't waste your time looking for Ge! This is meaningless! Now, you You should already have a relatively basic understanding of the general situation. For example, the old guy is imprisoned like me. For example, the hidden stakes of the first agency are still secretly operating in the dark to fight for opportunities for you. Another example is A certain Mr. Speaker turned into a monster. Yes, turned into a monster, an unprecedented monster! That Mr. Speaker is a complete madman! Dr. Angelica thought that the transplant operation would kill Victor, but no one expected it. , your hand actually grew together with him honestly. However, it’s not all bad news here. F Liya said that after the transplant surgery, Mr. Speaker’s condition was not very good. , I speculate that his body may not be able to bear your power. If he cannot find a good solution, his body will probably collapse along with his reason and turn into something else. Once the situation becomes like that, then Everyone just wash their necks and wait, the world is going to be destroyed. Perhaps the Speaker can find some way to stabilize his body, but I am pessimistic about this. Everyone, next, your task is crucial. Mr. Li, I need you to help Mr. Speaker. Kill him before he collapses! l: Of course, this may be difficult for you. After all, your

Your condition has become extremely bad, and that guy is more terrifying than your wives, but don't be afraid, I still have a backup plan. I have been working on this day since the end of the cloning experiment on you. Prepare, and now, the day has finally arrived

Mr. Li, I need you to enter the Nibelungen Laboratory in the Level 4 danger zone and get a weapon from it. It is a weapon specially developed for the composite BOW and follows the design inherited from the Umbrella era. Ideas are a real killer weapon. They are the key to resisting the miracles of gods with the power of mortals. I believe that even if he becomes the ultimate creature, Mr. Speaker still cannot withstand the power of this thing! Remember to read on. Look, the internal map of Nibelungen is not included in the facility structure diagrams that can be seen everywhere in the corridor, so I asked Jia Liya to draw it. Next, this is your own war, Mr. Li. . I wish you a pleasant stay in the European branch! After taking a look at the clean and tidy structural diagram at the bottom of the note, as well as the logo of the target location and a long list of unknown numbers, Li Yexing put the note room into his waist. Suddenly, he raised his head and whispered: Okay, Casimir, let me see what good things you have prepared for me.

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