What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

Fin-18. The breakthrough of the macho harem group

Turning his body into a part of the darkness, he broke through the air blockage and quickly passed through the barrage. Hitomi Mikishima jumped back and forth between the thick branches while constantly waving the blade in his hand. Under the cold light, the oncoming stray bullets were accompanied by The star-studded fire slashed, chopped, and shot to the side. Gradually, as the distance from the large black shadow got closer, Mishima Hitomi was finally able to see the dense firepower point. In the open space around the large facility, I saw a large group of enemies dressed in black wearing night vision goggles, constantly pouring out firepower following the guidance of tracer bullets. Just by looking at the bright and extinguishing gunfire in front of me, Hitomi Mikishima could draw a conclusion. , this line of defense consists of at least hundreds of enemies, equipped with a large number of heavy weapons. It also relies on favorable terrain. If other teams arrive here now, they may be attacked head-on. Not even with air support! It seems that today, Hitomi will complete the killing of a hundred people here... The beating of the heart gradually became fiercer, and the thin red lines between the skin began to overflow steam, flowing along the black combat uniform. Misty words came out of the air holes, and as her emotions became more and more intense, a bright red appeared on Hitomi Mikishima's cheeks, and mist appeared in her sharp eyes. The moment she was about to rush out of the forest, she He pointed his body towards the machine gunner dragging a heavy machine gun and firing tracer bullets in front of him, and then suddenly kicked his legs. Suddenly, the body splashed with steam ejected like a cannonball. Holding the handle of the sword with his right hand and covering the scabbard with his left hand, turning his body into the brightest heat source in the enemy's night vision goggles, Hitomi Mikishima suddenly pulled out the Niangtian Kuanggu in the air, letting go of the iron chain on the handle. The bells rang, and the cold light was extremely cold, but the blood it brought was extremely hot. As Hitomi Mikishima's body streaked through the night vision like a meteor, the machine gunner's head suddenly flew up, and the blood It turned into a new source of heat, pouring out like a spring. Maintaining the posture of swiping the blade, he lowered his center of gravity and stood among the groups of black-clad soldiers. Before the surrounding enemies could react, Hitomi Mikishima twisted his slender waist and turned around again, wielding the sword from bottom to top. Cutting off another head, until the lines of sight met her through the night vision device, making her the focus of his sight, she stood up straight, shook the Odachi in her hand hard, and shook the blood on the ancient blade. ... There was contempt between her lips, and there seemed to be a hint of provocation in her sharp, sword-like eyes. Even though no one among the dozens of soldiers at the front of the defense line could see clearly how Hitomi Mikishima appeared next to them and how he cut off the machine gunner's head, this did not prevent them from reacting. After a lull, the roaring gunfire rang out again, and bullets came like raindrops from all directions. In the center of the firepower, Hitomi Mikishima's face suddenly turned red, and she even started to pant slightly. She suddenly pulled out the gun The long alloy knife that symbolized the power of the executive started dancing wildly on the spot with the knife in both hands. The cold light collided with the bullets, making a sound like blacksmithing. Hitomi Mishima whirled her body, cutting down every bullet from the darkness. She whirled her body, waving the sword, like an elegant and calm woman. The dancer, just between those gorgeous dance steps, is full of murderous intent! Her heat source is wrong! The temperature is too high! She is a ghost! This woman is not a human! She is a monster! She is a monster! Heavy firepower! Heavy firepower! Firepower! Where is the sniper?! Seeing that the girl who suddenly came in could chop bullets with her knife, even H.CF who often dealt with B0W couldn't help but feel a little confused. Just as they shouted loudly to focus on firepower and sniper As he was holding his hand, he heard a loud and furious voice coming from the facility above his head: Are you looking for a sniper? Hearing this sound, the soldiers in black raised their heads in panic, only to see a man wearing a The woman wearing a black combat uniform and a single ponytail was standing where the sniper had been lurking. She saw the soldiers in black below looked over, and the black mamba named Kanan Mafal grinned. From the corner of her mouth, she kicked the half of the sniper's body with the entrails attached from the upper floor of the facility. Then, she raised her right arm that had turned into a long knife high towards the group of black-clothed soldiers, without any hesitation. Demonstrating his identity as a monster. This woman is also a BoW! Fire! Fire quickly! Accompanied by a burst of miserable howls, the leader of the black-clothed soldiers shouting instantly became two pieces. Immediately afterwards, behind him, two more heads flew into the sky with blood gushing out like a fountain. On the ground, I saw Hitomi Mikishima constantly deflecting the incoming bullets with a long black knife. While cutting off every head that passed by like chopping melons and vegetables, letting the sticky blood pour on his body, Hitomi Mikishima laughed wildly like a ghost of nine ghosts and shouted in Japanese: You are watching. Where is it? Oh! Isn't Xiao Mikishima crazy about killing?! - While admiring Hitomi Mikishima's crazy killing posture, he unhurriedly pulled out the silver Beretta from his waist, and smoothly After killing a black-clothed soldier who wanted to sneak attack from behind, Kanan's mouth was filled with madness, and he said with excitement: In this case, I have to work harder! With that said, Kanan moved again, she She climbed up the wall of the research facility as nimbly as a gecko. While climbing rapidly, she kept moving left and right, dodging the bullets that were biting behind her. After a while, only Kanan heard Someone from the upper level of the facility shouted: Santa Claus is here! The next second, accompanied by a burst of screams, large amounts of blood fell from the sky, pouring on the heads of the black-clothed soldiers below the facility. Then, Kanan saw such as kicking a ball

Generally, a sniper's head was kicked off the top of the facility. Can you do it? She spread her arms and looked down at the soldiers in black. Kanan let the bullets hit her body and burst into bloody flowers. She just grinned and laughed loudly: Are you tickling? Where's your stun gun?! It's the highly intelligent and powerful B0W that appeared in the report! Where are the heavy weapons?! Heavy weapons! It seemed that he was stimulated by Kanan's naked ridicule. The leader of the black-clothed soldiers couldn't help shouting hysterically. He turned his head sharply and just wanted to

He went to get the shoulder-fired Javelin anti-tank missile placed aside, but saw uneven fangs mixed with minced meat crashing into his field of vision. Following a burst of shrill screams, the leader was thrown to the ground by a strange-looking vicious dog. In panic, he started firing like crazy while letting out bursts of mourning, until blood was poured on him and wine was poured out of his throat. Only when he was pulled out of the middle did he give up the struggle completely. Beside him, more and more soldiers in black turned their guns.",

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