How long will it take to deal with a defense line composed of hundreds of human soldiers and equipped with a large amount of heavy firepower? The time given by Kanan and Mijima Hitomi was three minutes. Under the night, with blood soaked in the soil, Kanan sat silently on the upper floor of the facility, pressing the heavy knife arm on her knees, gently swinging her legs while smoking. Under her body, a group of skinless vicious dogs were They were tearing at the broken limbs and limbs on the ground like crazy, not for eating, but simply for the purpose of tearing. Vaguely, something seemed to be flowing in the darkness. They stretched out their tentacles and touched the corpses, and then Pulling them together, monsters made of large groups of black worms and corpses soon stood up. They surrounded the facility, looking for and stalking them, and then squeezed directly into the gaps like running water. After a while, Kanan felt like there was a gunshot coming from under his butt. It seems that the defense line is not just the one in front of the door, but there are also many H.C.F. soldiers hiding in the facility. The black boots stepped through a pool of blood. Hitomi Mikishima, whose face and body were stained with blood, walked step by step through the defense line littered with corpses and walked towards Kanan. When she looked up and saw Kanan smoking, she Leap lightly, jumped directly to Kanan's side, then turned around, holding the knife, and sat down imitating Kanan's appearance.

Killed them all? He spat out a mouthful of white mist and looked at the darkness in the distance that was illuminated by gunfire from time to time. Kanan asked casually. Hmm. The corners of his mouth curved happily. Mijishima Hitomi seemed to be in a good mood. , she stretched out her thumb, wiped away the blood on her face, and then said with a slightly red face: A few guys seemed to have escaped, but I didn't chase them. After all, the Hundred Man Kill has been achieved. Oh! Lightly! Snapping his fingers, Kanan bit his cigarette holder and chuckled: Isn't this cool! Yeah, killing a hundred people with zero energy, my dream has finally come true. There was a bright smile on his face, as if The cute girl next door, if it weren't for the blood stains all over her body, it would be hard to imagine that the girl with such an expression would be a monster addicted to killing. But then, Hitomi Mishima's face showed a hint of sadness again, and she whispered Chapter 1: The blade of Shantian Kuanggu is curled, and the knife that the gentleman from the first agency gave me is also curled. The damage is a bit serious and I'm afraid I can't repair it alone. I think I need to go back to Japan. It's good to go back to Japan. He spit out the cigarette butt in his mouth, Kanan - while looking at the darkness in the distance, he gently touched his chin, until a dazzling fire suddenly lit up in the darkness, Kanan Then he whispered as if he suddenly remembered something: Speaking of which, Miss Ashford's family is super rich, right?

It should be like this. Nodding slightly, Hitomi Mikishima asked in a low voice: Is there any problem? Nothing, I just heard you talking about Japan, and I suddenly remembered that the eldest lady seems to like that place called Ka0kong. The Japanese game company has come. With a faint light in his eyes, Kanan said with excitement: 'How about letting the rich lady help the eldest lady to buy the empty card? Let's forget about this kind of thing. , after all... She smiled fairyly. Hitomi Inkishima was just about to persuade Kanan to give up this weird-sounding idea, but she suddenly stopped when she reached her mouth, because Hitomi Inkishima was surprised to find that according to Miss Ashford's character, as long as Tililith is turned to 0, she might not really

After a moment, the flickering light in the woods ahead disappeared together with the roar of the coffin. Seeing this, Kanan and Hitomi Mikishima understood that the other girls had already ambushed the group that had just ambushed everyone in the woods. The H.C.F soldiers cleaned up, and sure enough, not long after, Tililith, Tililian, Rita Bai Muqing and Alexa slowly walked out of the forest. It seems that we are Miss Bimafar after all. Miss Heganjima took a step slower... Looking at the stumps everywhere, Rita raised her head, smiled and said to Kanan and Gandaoyuan who were sitting on the upper floor of the facility: Second Miss, you also want to compete among us. The battle can be resolved faster. It's not fair! It's not fair! Waving the still steaming coffin, Tillillian shook her two ponytails and pointed at the broken limbs and broken arms in that area and said angrily. : If the bugs in the forest were willing to line up like this and let me kill them, I would have killed them all long ago! Miss Tillillian is right. Although there is no such thing as victory or defeat. She didn't care about it, but Alexa still decided to take a chance on Ti Lilian's favor. She stretched out her hand, - while gently stroking Ti Lilian's blond hair - she said with a chuckle: If you weren't worried, This forest will definitely win on our side. That's right! The fake-smiling girl is right! Sure enough, after hearing Alexa's words, Tillillian immediately pinched her waist and turned up her little nose and said, No matter how you look at it, I am the stronger here. !' Jumped directly from the upper level of the facility, and landed on both feet with Hitomi Mikishima. Kanan stepped on the blood-soaked soil and came to Tilly Jingsi, and then asked with a chuckle: Everything has been taken care of, Miss, how do we get in next? Raising her head and looking beyond Kanan, Tilly Jingsi looked at the metal doors that were tightly interlocked in the facility in front of her, and said expressionlessly: Smash it. Open. It's not necessary, Miss Tilisis. Bai Muqing shook her head gently, and walked out step by step. She stood in front of the door, gently pressed her hand on the heavy metal door, and then closed her eyes. After a while, I heard the sound of mechanical operation. Then, with a rumbling sound, the heavy metal door was opened layer by layer! It was like a package being opened, and like it was being opened. The clothes that were taken off, layers of heavy metal, were slowly opened one after another until the dark and deep wide corridor on the other side of the door was revealed. In the corridor, black juice splashed everywhere, splashing on the blood-stained ground and On the walls riddled with bullet holes, dozens of corpses were mixed with ink-like slime, lying on the ground and even hanging from the ceiling, which looked extremely strange. Beside the wall near the door, a large group of tangled and wriggling black tentacles was standing there. Seeing the door open, it silently moved the group of tentacles wrapped around the red valve.

The hand was withdrawn from the body. You're doing pretty well. Now, go and clear the way. With a hint of indifference in his expression, Bai Muqing ordered in a deep voice: Remember not to let the wild dogs see you.

After receiving Bai Muqing's order, the monster compressed its body like a spring, then suddenly bounced up, jumped to the ceiling, and gradually penetrated into the gaps in the ceiling. Rita, who was following behind, smiled as if she suddenly remembered something and said: By the way, if Miss Bai hadn't reminded me, I would have forgotten it. After saying that, Rita stood up straight and clapped her hands gently. Suddenly, the vicious dogs stranded outside raised their heads one after another. Abandoning the pieces of meat that had been thought about all over the place, he howled and ran quickly towards Rita's back, then scrambled in and became one with Rita again. Okay, we can move on. . Stretching her arms to stretch her waist and letting her slightly bulging back return to normal, Rita chuckled and said, After all, I can't let my husband see my ugly appearance.

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