The sound of gunshots still lingered in my ears, mixed with shrill howls, making the dim corridor decorated with red emergency lights particularly strange, as if it were a piece of land. In this case, it was the calm Karl. Tomoe couldn't help but feel a little flustered. He ignored the restless HCF soldiers under the red light, raised his hand, pressed the communicator next to his ear, and quickened his pace while saying in a deep voice: This is Karl. Executive Officer Ba, please close all doors in the reception area and area A. is

Are you kidding?! Black Umbrella's?! Our people are still inside! Immediately, a somewhat irritable reply came from the other side of the communicator from H.CF.

You can choose to reject my advice. Faced with H.CF's impatience and disrespect, Kalba replied in a deep voice: After all, what you are facing is just a group of people who can defeat a hundred-man army in three minutes. It's just a monster, and that team is equipped with heavy firepower. Following Kalba's words, the other side of the communicator went silent. After a moment, there was a sound of mechanical operation in the deep corridor, which faintly transmitted The incoming gunshots and screams were all blocked out. Kalba's ears were clear, and Kalba was slightly relieved. Although he didn't know what kind of monsters had entered the facility, they definitely didn't know the way. Here, In this case, the heavy metal door and the intricate corridors were enough to block them for a long time. The hanging heart was slightly relieved, and soon came Si's doubts and dissatisfaction with Victor. Fifteen years Previously, he was still in the North African battlefield as an experienced mercenary accepted by Umbrella Company and became a member of UB.C.5. He worked at Umbrella headquarters in Paris and just entered Not long after Umbrella, the Raccoon City incident broke out, and Morpheus, a senior cadre at the Baju headquarters, was forced to resign. The entire Umbrella company fell into unprecedented turmoil. Under this situation, he accepted the position of the Human Resources Department of the Paris headquarters at the time. ] At the invitation of senior cadre Feotian Victor, he secretly joined Black Umbrella. It must be said that Kalba is a very simple man, and his life principles are very straightforward. As long as someone is willing to give him the right price, he will Therefore, he is willing to sell his sincerity to the other party. This is not the kind of sincerity that can be sold at any time in the literal sense, but the sincerity in the true sense. Unless the employer dies, no matter how high the price you offer, he will not be able to sell it. Will not change position.

Kalba, who was born as a mercenary, does not have the ability to think and plan his life on his own. He does not know where he should go. He just feels what he should do and what he should be loyal to. There has never been anything like this in his life. Why” and only “what”, like a dog chasing a car. Since Victor needs his advice, he thinks that all his considerations will be from Victor's perspective. However, at this moment, Kalba is somewhat unclear about Victor's thoughts, although he can clearly feel that from Victor staggered out of the operating room and had some changes, but he couldn't tell where those changes were. He didn't know why Victor turned into such a different person, and he didn't know about the animal that had been killed before. Where did the severed hand that Qian Dao Yuan chopped off go?

However, Kalba would not ask about things he should not know. In a daze, there seemed to be a burst of gunshots behind my ears. The gunshots were very far away, and seemed a bit out of place because they were separated by gates and walls. But Kalba would never be hasty, and he fired again. He quickened his pace and went straight to the central control room. After going down the stairs to the lower floor, the sound of gunfire seemed to become more intense. He seemed to hear the sound of machinery running vaguely, as if a gate had been opened. Inadequate success, more failure than failure. In an instant, Kalba came to the conclusion. He knew that it must be those H.C.F. soldiers who couldn't bear the death of their comrades, so they opened the door. In his opinion, this kind of thing not only saved If he can't help his teammates, his own behavior is undoubtedly very stupid. However, Kalba has no right to accuse and order them. After all, he does not have the power to command H.CF. Theoretically, H.C.F. The acting command is in the hands of Victor. Now, he can only pray that the unlucky ones who opened the i can die miserably to sound the alarm for the subsequent teams who want to open the floodgate. With the malice never shown on his face Kalba finally came to the door of the central control room. He pushed open the door of the central control room and walked in quickly. He saw that the walls of the central control room were covered with monitoring screens that glowed dimly. Under the dim light of the screen, the faces of a group of technicians controlled by three H.C.F. soldiers were full of uneasiness. The work was done very well. You have practiced Black Umbrella's creed of fulfilling your duties... Look Looking at the monitor that was functioning normally, Kalba turned his head and said in a deep voice to the technicians: Thank you for your hard work. Everyone, go back and have a good rest. We will end it all before dawn tomorrow.

Escorted by three HCF soldiers, the technicians shrank away, leaving Kalba alone in the central control room. In his ears, the sound of mechanical operation sounded again, indicating that another gate was opened, which made Kalba frown. He raised his head and looked at the wall full of surveillance screens, trying to figure out what was happening on H.CF's side. What on earth are people doing? However, when he found the surveillance screen corresponding to the area, what was waiting for him was only large snowflakes. It was obvious that the monsters of the Ashford family not only killed people, but also controlled the surveillance screen. Everything was destroyed. Extraordinary. He frowned slightly and commented on the monsters of the Ashford family. Kalba began to quickly glance at other monitoring screens. The location of the control room was close to the office area A. Not far away, if those idiots from H.C.F. open a few more gates, the monsters from the Ashford family will completely rush into the facility. By then, no one will be able to stop them! Now, He must quickly find the location of the escaping mercenary and then kill him

Report the location to Victor, and try again to see if you can retreat with Victor. His brows furrowed tighter and tighter. Kalba squinted his eyes slightly and let his sight quickly scan through the monitor screens. Until a moment later, a figure caught his light, so he moved his face up to it. , observing carefully, I saw on the screen a man wearing a hospital gown and bending his body armor, slowly moving forward with a somewhat awkward gun-holding posture, even though he tried his best to avoid the surveillance range of the monitor, But it is still inevitable to be directly exposed to surveillance for a few seconds. I found you. With a hint of coldness in his eyes, Kalba pressed the communicator next to his ear. Then he said in a deep voice: Oh? Tell me quickly, where is our saint? Immediately, on the other side of the communicator, Victor's reply came. I wonder if it was Kalba's misunderstanding. Victor's voice sounded a little hoarse. He is on the third floor underground, near the level four danger zone... Kalba replied in a deep voice, Do you need me to control him?

Actually, I want to say that there is no need to come, but right now, you don't seem to have anything else to do. Victor on the other side of the communicator smiled and said, So, my answer is, go! Mr. Kalba! Go. Face our saint! I will arrange a team for you at the entrance of the level four danger zone! As for the evacuation... Kalba asked hesitantly. No hurry, Mr. Kalba... Victor smiled and said: Just do what you have to do, I have my own arrangements. Understood... Kalba replied in a deep voice after a moment.

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