What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

Fin-22. The route of the macho harem group

When the sound of gunfire disappeared together with the gunfire, only the red emergency lights were left that could reflect the blood stains on the wall. Along with the sound of mechanical operation, the last metal in Area A of the Black Umbrella European Branch Office The gate was opened, revealing the broken limbs and broken arms all over the corridor, as well as the six women standing among the stumps. In the darkness, their eyes seemed to be shining with a faint light, looking directly at Bai Muqing on the other side of the gate. . Former 10th executive officer of Black Umbrella, PhD graduate from STF University, Chairman of Huanya Armed Forces Zhong Shu Looking at the sisters standing in a pool of blood, Bai Muqing withdrew his hand on the red valve and kicked He opened the body covered in black mucus next to him, then stuffed the black hollow alloy sphere handed by Rita back into his chest and said with a cold face: And your door-opening tool man. Ha! Don't mind, don't mind, after all. Only Xiaobai can get in! There's nothing we can do about it... Kanan gently waved his left hand at Bai Muqing, grinning and chuckled, and then, a group of girls in black stepped forward. He walked forward and stepped out of the wide and deep corridor. Seeing this, Bai Muqing turned around silently and walked in front. Seven monster girls with glowing eyes gathered together to face the dark red color that kept coming in. The lights walked forward step by step, either indifferently, or smiling, or with a hint of innocence, or mixed with frightening arrogance, explaining what it means to be all evil people in the true sense. Now, they have successfully entered the research facility , and what they have to do is to rescue their evil leader and crush some blind usurper at the same time.

Have you noticed that after killing all the guys hiding behind the gates, there seem to be fewer enemies in the corridor. Listening to the occasional bursts of gunfire from inside and outside the facility, Kanan grinned and chuckled. said. I said, they don't have enough manpower. Bai Muqing, who was walking at the front, said coldly: If there are only Black Umbrella's security forces, maybe they still have a chance. Even if they add ordinary mercenary groups, they will still There is a chance to hold them back, but what they are facing now is our Huanya armed forces, and... There is a touch of pride in his words. Bai Muqing subconsciously raised his head slightly, letting the corners of his mouth outline - Silence Yan's arc seemed to be mocking something. She sneered and said: In small-scale combat on complex terrain, the Huanya Armed Forces can definitely compete head-on and defeat all armed forces below the regular armies of major powers. Even the H.C.F. is not enough. Indeed. He Ru. Shi He nodded, and Alexa who followed behind smiled and said: Combining a group of freelance mercenaries with superior individual abilities into a team and allowing them to fight together, I have to say, Miss Bai has cultivated a very rare armed force for my dear. No wonder my dear relies on you so much. It can't be regarded as being cultivated by me. If you want to unite them, you have to rely on that guy from Wild Dog. Bai Muqing flipped up the broken hair beside his ears and said indifferently: The average quality of those guys is already ridiculously high. I just planned it a little bit. Some development directions, that's all. Listening to Bai Muqing's footsteps that have become a little brisker, watching Bai Muqing's snake-like and unconsciously twisting hips and walking more and more like a strong woman, Ti Lili Silk's face was expressionless. She turned her face slightly and glanced at Alexa next to her, only to find that Alexa was also looking at her. When their eyes met, Alexa faced her. Tililith smiled. To be honest, when she first met Alexa and learned her identity, Tililith was worried that Alexisa would be too arrogant and would not get along well with other girls. However, Now it seems that she has thought too much. This noble lady of the Ashford family is really good at praising people. She praised Rita as the head maid who is loved and relied on, and praised Kanan as the one who can be relied upon. My dear good brother who entrusts my support, praised Hitomi Inishima as the harbor of my heart that my dear relies on, praised Moti Lilian as the lovely girl who is destined to be loved by my dear, and praised Bai Muqing as Relied on by dear ones

Secretary Thinking about it carefully, Tililith seems to be the only sister among all the sisters who does not have Alexa to praise her like this. It is not because Alexisa has any opinion on Tililith, but because Tililis does not accept this trick at all. , and Alexa happened to see that Tililith didn’t accept this trick, so the conversations between the two were often more pragmatic, without a lot of politeness that Tililith considered very useless.” Speaking of which, here is It's so dark. Looking at the emergency lights around her, Tillillian tilted her head slightly and said, Can Ice Girl really remember where to go? This is obviously my home, but I'm a little confused. be lost. Don't worry, I remember it very clearly. After all, a few years ago, I ran back and forth in this facility. Bai Muqing said in a low voice: Except for the dangerous areas above level three, I can say that I know the structure here by heart. However, it seems that the number of enemies has really decreased... With a hint of disappointment in his eyes, Hitomi Mikishima, who had to take out the bone blade because the Shangtian Kuanggu and the executive saber were all curled up, said with some regret: According to In a normal comic book movie or game plot, shouldn't the villain's lair be full of enemies that can be used to test swords? According to the plot of comic book movies and games, everyone is the villain... He had been silent before. Tililith said expressionlessly: Evil monsters created by evil organizations, brutally slaughtering defenseless humans and so on. Speaking of which, there seemed to be enemies just now, at our feet... In her eyes that gradually changed from blue to purple. With a faint light shining, Tililian pressed her lips lightly with her index finger. Before I could even shoot, the noodles were killed by the ice cube girl, so I didn't tell you. Miss Bai is so cunning. Momentarily showing a hint of resentment, Hitomi Mikishima whispered in Japanese. Just when she was thinking about whether to secretly ask Tillillian to help her keep an eye on the nearby enemies for her to test the sword with, Bai Muqing suddenly said: Here we are. . Immediately afterwards, Bai Muqing turned around and walked straight into the room next to her. Following Bai Muqing into the room, a group of girls looked around and saw

In this not-so-spacious room, the walls were covered with surveillance screens, which glowed faintly because of the images. This is it. Just as I thought, in order to maintain control over the interior of the facility, they immediately adjusted the circuit supply in the central control room. The singer showed a hint of pride, and Bai Muqing moved closer to the pile of screens. In front of him, he said with a cold smile: Now, let's find out where our wild dogs are kept? Down below, second row from last, third from left. Before Bai Muqing could start, Looking for it, Tiililith pointed directly at the screens one by one and said... Huh? Surprised by Tiililith's speed, Bai Muqing lowered her head subconsciously, and the girls around her also followed the direction Tiililis pointed. When I came up, I saw on the screen a man in a hospital gown holding a gun and advancing slowly and furtively. Who could it be if it wasn't Li Yexing? For a moment, the girls were silent. I knew... After a moment, Kanan covered his forehead and chuckled helplessly: Boss, you are not the kind of guy who behaves and waits for others to save you. However, since he escaped, Why don't you try to go out, but get farther and farther away from the exit? Is it to avoid pursuit? Bai Muqing said with a neon look on his face: This is a level four danger zone, and the most dangerous viruses in the entire research facility are all here. Now, what is he going to do? Use his virus immunity to release the virus and kill all the people in H.CF? Besides, the perverted brother-in-law's gun-holding posture is so weird... - Ti Lilian next to him said lowly Voice: Can HK 46 still be clamped with armpits?

Yakou-kun, you would never hold a gun like this before... Hitomi Mikishima also echoed. Looking at the back of the girl, who was being monitored, suddenly, the girls thought of something, and their faces all turned ugly. After a long time, Alexa's face showed an unsuppressable expression. Out of anger, she gritted her teeth and said coldly: . My dear, my right hand is injured. These bastards, how dare they?! As soon as he finished speaking, several more figures suddenly appeared on the monitor next to him, and only a big man wearing a black windbreaker could be seen. , was slowly advancing with a whole team, and the monitoring position was just outside the gate of the fourth-level danger zone! That guy is Kalba! The first executive officer! The moment he recognized his former colleague, Bai Muqing's expression suddenly became nervous, and she said urgently: This guy must have appeared in the level four danger zone to hunt down the wild dog. If the wild dog's right hand is really injured, it will be dangerous to confront him! It was him who took Ye Xing away in front of Tililith. There was a hint of anger in her ruby-like eyes. Tililith turned around directly and said expressionlessly as she walked towards the corridor outside the central control room: It's time to go and find Ye Xing. As for the big man just now, Tililith wants to kill him with her own hands.

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