What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

Fin-23. The hunky manager’s back garden

Since the outbreak of the Raccoon City Incident, almost all organizations and institutions involved in BOW secret research have adopted a hazard zone classification system similar to the CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention), which is limited by differences in work intensity, facility area, and organization size. , the methods of dividing dangerous areas are also different. As the fourth-level dangerous area used by Black Umbrella to store the most dangerous research data, in addition to its huge area and complex structure, it also has the least staffing and the highest work intensity, and The entire section is fully wired for emergency power supply to ensure that no large-scale virus leakage occurs even in the most critical situations. With Black Umbrella's research facilities being controlled by H.C.F., the Level 4 danger zone has completely turned into a no-man's land. Thanks to this, Li Yexing can travel unimpeded in the Level 4 danger zone. To be honest, for this kind of Li Yexing felt quite awkward in the situation. When he first entered the level four danger zone, Li Yexing saw a lot of wardrobes with protective clothing hanging on them. Because he needed to be in a hurry, Li Yexing didn't pay too much attention at that time. He paid attention, but when he crossed Area C of the fourth-level danger zone and saw the biohazard warning signs everywhere, Li Yexing felt inexplicably like a hair salon. Under the dim light, Li Yexing walked step by step following the directions on the map. During this period, he disinfected the disinfection facilities in the Level 4 danger zone several times. At first, Li Yexing was worried that the disinfectant was alcohol. It would affect his ability to fire, but beyond his expectation, the disinfectant was colorless and odorless, obviously not alcohol. 9 After soaking his clothes, Li Yexing's wounds all over his body felt a little painful. For disinfectant and the like, The only thing Li Youxing knew about was medical alcohol. He didn't know exactly what those nozzles sprinkled on his body, but he didn't care that much, as long as it wasn't alcohol. Being sprayed all over with disinfectant again, Li Yexing crossed the corridor and entered a very spacious hall. He stopped, looked around, and then lowered his head to look at the hands that were a little blurry because they were wet with disinfectant. After giving him the map, he looked up at the locked heavy round metal door in front of him. After a moment, Li Yexing whispered: It should be right here, Nibelungen. The name Nibelungen , Li Yexing is quite familiar, but he can’t remember where he heard it before. According to the information that no one provided by Cassie, there should be a big killer weapon that can kill Victor hidden here. Pass through the huge black annulus printed on the ground. In the spacious hall with the Brera logo, when he came to the huge round metal door that was two people high, Li Yexing stretched out his hand and pushed it symbolically. Sure enough, just as he imagined, the metal door did not move at all, so He moved his gaze to the door. There was a closed mezzanine next to the door. There was a conspicuous small red button installed next to the mezzanine. So Li Ye walked over and pressed it lightly. Suddenly, the mezzanine opened - Group The keyboard and screen popped out of the sandwich. Looking at the prompt to enter the password on the screen, Li Yexing raised his eyebrows slightly. He lowered his head and looked at the hand-drawn map in his hand again. He saw 26 letters, numbers and punctuation marks written in beautiful small characters at the bottom of the map. characters, Li Yexing did not hesitate and entered the password directly according to that line of characters. Sure enough, just as he thought, with a loud rumbling sound, the round metal door rolled slowly open, revealing another door. That wide walk on one side

Okay, Mr. Former Supervisor. Li Yexing raised the corners of his mouth and walked into the Nibelung Laboratory. At the same time, he raised the corners of his mouth and smiled softly. Look what you left for me. . As Li Yexing muttered to himself, there was another roar, and the huge metal door that was thrown behind him rolled and closed again. Walking in the Nibelungen Experiment that was not shown on the conventional maps in the corridor In the room, Li Youxing followed the directions on the map and looked at Zhou with a hint of curiosity in his eyes. Although the lights were very dim like the outside, the entire Nibelungen seemed much more spacious. The structure is not as complicated as an ordinary level four danger zone. It seems that this is just a large-scale laboratory, nothing more.

Looking at the clean and tidy laboratories, the consoles with complicated buttons, and the dark glass in front of the console, Li Yexing withdrew his eyes and continued to walk forward. As Li Yexing went deeper, he fanned The automatic door opened, revealing those weird black columns with unknown meanings that glowed red on the corridor wall, as well as the glass culture tanks that glowed with a faint green light in the large experimental field. Most of the things that cultivated Yori were deformed meat. Occasionally, there are some guys who can grow into humanoid shapes, but their facial features and limbs are extremely distorted. The deeper Li Yexing goes, the closer the existences in those culture jars are to human shapes. Finally, in the last culture jar, Li Yexing discovered some interesting stuff. I saw a girl in the cultivating Yaozhong with a faint green light. The girl's face was quite delicate. She was a rare beauty with long dark golden hair. Judging from her figure, she should be of European and American ethnicity, but her skin was Somewhat gray, with faintly blackened blood vessels. Of course, what attracted Li Yexing's most attention was actually the girl's hands. The hands were covered with black scales starting from the forearms. They looked like lizards, running along the The black scales point downwards, and there are claws as slender as a girl's fingers. Although they are short, they are sharp and glow with a faint black light. Logically speaking, Li Yehang's family already has seven monster girls, enough to open a humanoid BOW exhibition hall. Durande Technology and Medicine also hides Helena's sister Deborah. For monsters with the appearance of human girls, Li Yexing shouldn't be surprised, but when he saw the existence of cultivating Yaoli, Li Yexing couldn't help but get closer. When he saw the black thorns growing faintly on the girl's smooth back near the spine, Li Yexing, who was leaning against the culture tank with his eyes wide open, couldn't help but murmured in a low voice: How much does this guy Casimir like to make monsters into human forms? Suddenly, he seemed to be disturbed by Li Yexing's whisper. When she woke up, the girl who trained Yaoli gently moved her fingers a few times, and then she slowly opened her eyes.

He opened his eyes, revealing a pair of dark golden eyes with vertical pupils like a lizard, looking directly at Li Yexing. is was startled, Li Yexing subconsciously took two steps back, and at the same time he pressed his finger on the radio in a subtle way, a faint alert appeared between his eyebrows, and in the culture tank in front of him, the girl tilted her head slightly , looked into his eyes, then slowly raised the hand covered with black scales, and gently pressed his palm on the thick glass. I don't know which wire in his mind was miswired, but a strong impulse made Li Yexing put down the gun, and then imitating the girl in the culture tank, he raised his left hand and gently placed it between the glass and the girl's penis. The claws are tied together. Staring into Li Yexing's eyes, and then slowly moving his eyes down to the overlapping palms, the girl in the culture tank blinked with the light pink film hidden under her eyelids, and then suddenly grinned, -0 Shark-like layers of sharp teeth were exposed, and then, a scene that surprised Li Yexing appeared. As her body faded away little by little, the girl disappeared out of thin air!

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