What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

Fin-24. A macho man’s travels in Nibelungen

It deserves to be Casimir’s back garden! It deserves to be the Nibelungen! When leaving the large glass culture tank holding his gun, Li Yexing thought, the black scales and the thorns on the back can also become invisible. As - As a hardcore fan of the Resident Evil series of games, he knew exactly what was in the jar. The prototype of that thing is definitely a variant of the Predator cultivated by the Greyhound organization - the Slanderer! Damn it, how on earth did Casimir turn the Predator into a girl?! How obsessed is he with turning monsters into girls? What does it look like?! At this moment, Li Yexing had a deeper understanding of the technical capabilities of his cheap father-in-law. Putting aside the distracting thoughts in his head, Li Yexing continued to move along the corridor. When he reached the first fork in the road, he glanced at the map in his hand. The map showed that the fork on the right seemed to be for employees and security personnel. , used to place experimental materials in appropriate laboratories or for security force combat personnel to clean up the aftermath, while the left leads to the independent central control room and storage room in the fourth-level danger zone. Looking at the beautiful little red cross in the storage room and the unknown character GK on the map, Li Yexing chose to turn left without hesitation. Because he knew that the Nibelungen was Casimir's back garden and there would never be H.C. patrol soldiers inside, Li Yexing's steps became much bolder. He speeded through the corridors and passed each one. room, and soon arrived at the storage room where the target was located. I saw that this so-called storage room was exactly the same as the door of the Nibelungen. It was closed with a round heavy metal door, but the size seemed slightly smaller. For such a After closing the door, Li Yexing was already familiar with the road. He went directly to the metal door and pressed the button. When the matching keyboard and screen popped out, he entered the password again according to the characters at the bottom of the map. Immediately, with There was a sound of mechanical operation, and the door rolled slowly open, revealing the dark storage room. I really don't understand, since they all use a set of passwords, what is the point of setting up a password for this door? Looking at the dark storage room in front of him, Li Yexing raised his eyebrows slightly and stuffed the map in his pocket. Since he didn't want to bother searching for the light switch in the storage room in the dark, he directly turned on the mount on HK 46. He turned on the tactical flashlight, and then walked in. But the moment he stepped into the storage room, he heard a soft sound, and a bright white light suddenly turned on, illuminating the entire storage room. Is it a sensor light? Li Yexing turned off the tactical flashlight angrily, and began to look around. I have to say, this storage room is really scary. The size is even close to the previous one filled with rows of culture tanks. There is a huge space. The shelves in the storage room are filled with all kinds of information. The walls are lined with cabinets of different sizes. The large cabinet doors are as big as the head of a truck, while the small ones are only desk drawers. It's so big, if it weren't for the huge difference in size, this place would be like a hospital morgue.

Looking at the densely packed cabinet doors, Li Yexing couldn't help but want to open them and give them a try, but the moment he stretched out his hand, Li Yexing gave up. Forget it, this place looks too hellish, who knows what is in those cabinets. Not wanting to become the cat killed by curiosity, Li Yexing chose to stay away from those weird cabinets. Sticking to the shelf full of documents, he turned his head and took a look. He saw English letter labels on the heads of the shelves. The one with the largest amount of documents was P, followed by T. Between these two occupations, After reading most of the letters on the shelf, it was the turn of U, C and some other miscellaneous letters. Let me think about it. GK, right? He took a general look at the densely packed corridor. File rack, Li Yexing refocused his attention on the cabinets built into the wall, and began to search along the wall, because these cabinets were not large in size. There were no specific numbers, so he had to look for the files left by Casimir. Number display

It took a lot of effort. After spending a few minutes searching the entire wall but not finding what he wanted, Li Yexing had to focus on the other side. Compared with the previous wall, this one The area of ​​​​the wall is much smaller, and the size of the cabinet is also smaller overall. But it is precisely because of this that it is more difficult to search than the previous large wall. Touching the cabinet doors with his fingers, Li Yexing let his eyes wander up and down the wall while silently reciting the numbers of each cabinet. As he reached the center of the wall, his eyes slowly moved down, and finally stopped at He picked up his fingertips and saw next to him, a white cabinet door almost two meters long, with two inconspicuous black letters on it: GK. A hint of joy flowed in his eyes, and Li Yexing turned around hurriedly. He stood up and pressed the switch next to the cabinet door. Suddenly, there was a sound of mechanical operation, and then there was only a soft click sound. The cabinet door finally opened slowly to the side, letting the cold White mist overflowed from the gaps in the cabinet. As the air-conditioning dissipated, the contents of the cabinet revealed their true appearance. Li Yexing couldn't help but exclaimed in a low voice: Wow, there's an internal odor. There was a gun lying in the cabinet! Yes, it was indeed a gun. After all, it had a trigger, a grip, and even a butt. However, compared to the traditional gunpowder gun, it was The thing is more like a square box. The whole gun is completely black. Although I don’t know what material it is made of, it has a hint of metal texture. On top of the blackness, there are neat blue diagonal stripes printed on it. See. Feeling happy, Li Yexing couldn't wait to pick up the big gun, which was one meter and a half long. He looked at it carefully and saw that the other side of the gun body was not as smooth as before. There were five fists on it. The large and small grooves had a strange circuit structure inside, which seemed to be used to insert something. So Li Yexing lowered his head again and saw five fists lying quietly in the air-conditioned cabinet. The cylindrical metal can with a larger circle is different from the gun body. The metal is entirely silver with diagonal blue stripes in the middle.

A red arrow indicates insertion at this end. Without saying a word, Li Yexing just took out one from the air conditioner. After discovering that there was no sign like a serial number, he aligned the buckle, then with a slight force, inserted a jar into it with a soft sound. The groove on the gun body. Then, nothing happened. Huh? Isn't that how it is used? Or do you need to install every Yaozi in it? With this thought, Li Yexing inserted the jars into the gunfire one by one, and when only the last jar was left, Li Youxing took a gentle breath, and then installed it in without hesitation. As the last jar was installed, suddenly, a sound of -Zhen Yu sounded from the big gun in his hand, and then, only the narrow hole on the gun could be seen. The groove actually lit up with traces of blue light. The blue light flowed through the gun body, spread through the cans that were integrated with the gun body, and gathered on the side of the big gun. After a burst of light, it turned into a light screen projection. The formed auxiliary aiming, under the crosshair, was a light blue subtitle: 00% With the generation of the projected aiming, a mechanical female voice said indifferently: Charging completed, testing... test completed , welcome to use the ultimate weapon against Li Yexing - - God Klr

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