Dear ladies, are you...looking for this? The moment the melodious voice sounded, the girls surrounding the huge metal fan all turned their heads, and saw that right behind them, At the entrance of the corridor when they came, a man was exposed in the slightly dim light. He had gray hair, but it looked wet and spotty. He wore ink on his face, but it couldn't hide his pale complexion. With thick dark circles almost stretching down his face, he was wearing a black suit and leaning against the wall. His muscles were trembling unconsciously, as if he was suffering some kind of pain, but the corners of his lips were raised high. , smiling like a clown recognized by the audience, facing the gazes of the girls, he raised his hand and gently shook the magnetic card held between his pale fingers and black nails. The magnetic card was inlaid with The gold rim and the black Umbrella logo were particularly eye-catching. Looking at the man holding the magnetic card in his hand, Alexa narrowed her eyes slightly, with a trace of doubt shining in her orange snake pupils. , until she overlapped the curvature of the man's lips with the clip in 2Z, she said with some uncertainty: Are you Victor? Ten years, ten years no see, Miss Ashford... shook her hand gently. After picking up the magnetic card, Victor whispered as if he was dreaming: Ten years have passed. Not only are you as radiant as before, but you have become even more beautiful. Yes, ten years... Looking at the pale man holding the magnetic card. Victor, Alexa frowned slightly and said: Ten years have passed, and you look like you are going to die. I? Going to die? seemed to be what she said to Alexa. Surprised, Victor trembled slightly, and then shook his head. With the sound of bones being broken, purple blood vessels crawled across his cheeks, and then, nosebleeds flowed out, and he sucked hard. He sniffed, and after finding that he couldn't restrain it, he had to reach out and wipe it roughly, and then chuckled in a low voice: Miss Ashford, I think you misunderstood, I am very good, it is better to say, I have never felt like It's so easy now. Facing Victor, Alexa's feelings were quite complicated. She had imagined countless times under what circumstances she would meet Victor again. She imagined countless times what she would do when she saw Victor again. performance, but the situation in front of her shattered all the illusions she had ever had

Seeing each other again after ten years, there were no panicked joint committee members, nor a large number of security forces who were on the verge of an enemy - all the grand opening ceremonies prepared for the Queen's return to the throne were isolated in the European branch. Outside the facility, her meeting with Victor again was like meeting an acquaintance she hadn't seen for a long time on a street corner, abrupt and hasty. No, maybe it's not sudden. It's obvious that Victor has been waiting here for a long time. Ms. Ashford, how about everyone? Even though he looked like he was dying, there was still a hint of amusement in the corner of Victor's mouth. Through his sunglasses, he let his eyes sweep across the crowd of people guarding Ni. The girl in front of Bolongen suddenly froze. After a long time, he was a little surprised and said: Are you Miss Bai?

Squirt. For some reason, Bai Muqing felt an inexplicable chill as Victor stared at her through her sunglasses, so she suppressed the uneasiness in her heart and said with an indifferent expression: Long time no see, Speaker Victor. This is really... ..Big.Happy.. After the initial surprise, Victor raised the corners of his mouth again, as if he didn't care about Bai Muqing's life, death and betrayal. He waved his hand towards Bai Muqing. He chuckled and said: I thought you had already Damn it, it’s been working for a long time, did you switch jobs? Fortunately, I always felt that the treatment we gave to the executive officers was pretty good... As he said that, Victor seemed a little relieved, and he gently fiddled with the bag in his hand with his fingers. Magnetic card, he chuckled and said: However, it is not incomprehensible. After all, what is in front of you is a ladder leading to heaven and hell, side by side with the gods. The worldly value is indeed incomparable. .Even though the tone was like that of an opera singer who was swaying on the stage, it was obvious that the monster girls of Li Yehangjia were not qualified listeners. After failing to get any more feedback from Bai Muqing, Victor looked a little uninterested. So he turned his head, glanced at Tilithis, and then smiled at Alek

Lisa asked: Is this the latent tyrant created by Casimir? He looks just like an ordinary girl. I have to say that Casimir is a genius. Just glanced at by Victor, Ti Lilith actually felt like the hairs on her hair were standing on end. As the sense of crisis seeped into her spinal cord, she subconsciously took a step back and frowned slightly. Beside her, Ti Lilian, who was carrying the coffin, looked very strange. She exerted all her strength. She sniffed her nose, sniffed the surrounding air, then turned her head and whispered to Tililith: That crazy man seems to have the smell of a perverted brother-in-law. Brother, Tilili shook it hard again. He shook his head and said: No, no, this smell is very mixed. It smells like everyone's smell. Miss, my feeling about that guy is quite bad. On the other side, Kanan subconsciously moved towards Tililith leaned close to her, then frowned slightly and said, I don't know why, but that guy makes me feel so disgusting... I feel like I'm going to vomit. Indeed. She stared at Victor with sharp eyes. , Hitomi Mikishima subconsciously spoke Japanese, and then said in the still somewhat stiff American-Russian mixed English: The aura of this guy is very weird. On the other side, watching a group of girls looking at each other. Looking like an enemy, Victor didn't seem to feel the increasingly cold and tense atmosphere. He spread his arms with a cheerful expression and said loudly: To be honest with you ladies, I have been waiting here for a long time. When you know who After Mr. Saint entered here, I rushed here non-stop. Even the severe pain all over my body could not stop me, and all this is just because, I know very well that you will definitely do it for that person.

The saint is here! I want to meet you so much! I want to witness the miracles performed by that saint so much! I even want to feel it with my body!

After speaking, Victor shook the magnetic card in his hand again. He grinned and said, Just now, I opened that door once, but the person who entered was not me, but my most loyal subordinate. One, First Executive Officer Pebio Kalba and a heavily armed H.CF force, do you think that your saint, when injured, can withstand Kalba? Gently put the magnetic card Stuffing it into the pocket of his suit jacket, Victor's smile became more sinister. He whispered softly: You want to go in and save him? Right? It's easy to defeat me, defeat me as a goalkeeper. My magnetic card is you. That's it. As soon as Victor finished speaking, he saw the ground under Tililith's feet suddenly exploded with a crack, accompanied by small pieces of gravel flying everywhere, and shadows made of silver and black shot out like cannonballs. In a second, black and red blood suddenly exploded and splashed on the wall. Victor, who was half-broken by Tililith's punch, flew upside down and hit the wall, and then fell to the ground.

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