The people of the Li family in Luo Town are all frighteningly powerful. This is no secret in Lopulus. This point is particularly prominent in Ti Lilith. It has to be said that in a sense, , Tililith inherited some of Li Yexing's fine traditions, for example, in most cases, if you can do something, you will never talk nonsense. Even though she felt that Victor's aura was a bit unsettling, she had always believed in the idea that strike first will gain you strength, and striking later will lead to disaster.

They took action brazenly, and the result was that Mr. Victor, who had been playing tricks on himself for a long time, was crushed to pieces by Tiililith's fist. Seeing Victor's right arm missing, with a large chunk of his shoulder and chest smashed together, and lying motionless on the ground, all the girls were stunned. For them, the scene in front of them was a bit too much. .Open high and go low. Shaking away the blood on her pinky fist, Tililith looked at Victor lying motionless on the ground with an expressionless face, then turned to Alexa and said calmly, Miss Ashford's enemy, Tililith. Lilith took care of it. The situation in front of her happened too suddenly, like some kind of weird absurd comedy. Alexa was slightly startled, then gently covered her forehead and said: Go get the magnetic card, and take my dear home. Yes. As Alexa nodded, Tililith turned around and walked towards Victor who was lying on the ground step by step. She saw that Victor was still lying on the ground, with half of the right side of his body and the black suit broken into pieces. It was lumpy, and the purple-red blood vessels on the pale cheeks were slightly protruding, showing a sense of death, but the corners of the mouth still had the same cheerful smile as before. Taking a cold look at Victor's face, Tilithis bent down, and while moving her gaze downwards, she subconsciously reached out her hand to Victor's torn black shirt, just thinking that her green-white jade fingers were stained with black blood. The moment she touched Victor's shirt, Tililith's expression suddenly changed. The jacket pocket is gone! Tililith is still quite confident in her memory. She is almost sure that Victor put the magnetic card into his pocket just now, but now, the jacket pocket of the black suit is missing! Suddenly, something weird The touch came from her fingertips, as if something was pulsing. Tililith's brows suddenly frowned, she suddenly pulled back, and quickly distanced herself in the astonished eyes of the girls. At the same time, she saw The black suit instantly flowed, and black worms gathered together with the mucus flying everywhere, and they grabbed it like tentacles. Of course, it missed everything. Holy shit! He's a corpse! He exclaimed subconsciously, and then shook his head vigorously. Kanan raised the long knife transformed from his right arm and said with a look of shock: No! He's not dead at all! Wei Frowning, looking at Victor who was still lying on the ground and twitching and the handful of black worms sticking out of Victor's body, Rita subconsciously looked at Bai Muqing beside her. As soon as she turned her head, she and Bai Muqing When their eyes met, Bai Muqing's wine-red eyes were also full of shock and confusion.

This smell is similar to that of the Ice Cube Girl. She subconsciously carried the coffin on her shoulders. After a brief moment of shock, Ti Lilian realized the situation and shouted urgently, Sister, get out of here! Say it, Ti Lilian. Lilian opened fire directly at Victor who was lying on the ground. Suddenly, the light of the gunfire, accompanied by the roar of the metal storm, illuminated the entire hall. With bullet casings flying out continuously, the terrifying firepower bombarded Victor's head and face. Suddenly, there was a scream of strange screams, black liquid was splashed freely, and the broken worms were twitching and melting little by little. Despite this, Victor's body was not broken. This terrifying firepower tore apart! Not only that, as the worms were blown away, more and more worms continued to grow. In addition, countless blood-red granules began to be blown away by Tililith. The shattered body quickly condensed, and the broken right arm was quickly repaired. The roar suddenly stopped, and the honeycomb-like muzzle turned red due to overheating, and there was still faint green smoke. Tirilian subconsciously took two steps back. , her heterochromatic eyes were full of shock, and she said in a low voice: Why... why didn't you kill me? All the bullets were obviously fired... I'll do it! Without hesitation, she took a step forward and faced Tililian. In front of her, Alexa frowned slightly and raised her hands towards Victor, who was still twitching and recovering from himself. As the dark green liquid was swung out from her fingertips, incandescent and bright purple lights instantly merged into one. It turned into light blue and orange, and headed straight for Victor like a tsunami. As Victor lying on the ground was engulfed by the flames, the screams that kept echoing in the hall began to become more and more shrill. Facing this terrifying Due to the heat wave, Tililith subconsciously covered her cheeks, and the girls even began to step back uncontrollably. Bai Muqing, who was severely afraid of fire, hid directly behind Rita. The firelight illuminated the entire hall brightly, burning sweat on the girls' cheeks. It was not until the miserable howls in the flames began to disappear little by little that Alexa withdrew her hands little by little and began to breathe slightly. , even though her ability to control damage to her own power has been further improved, this long-term, small-scale, high-precision control still makes her a little tired. However, this is not important, because no living thing in this world can withstand such high temperatures. As the fuel disappears, the flames begin to dissipate rapidly, leaving only scattered flames and changes caused by the high temperature. The red walls and ground were covered with blue and orange colors, and gradually, a strange object stood in the fiery red. At first glance, the thing had a human shape, but it maintained a slightly twisted posture, as if a person was trying to stand up but was still bent over. He stretched out his arms as if he wanted to resist something, but The bright red color on his body, like lava, seemed to tell those around him that it had failed. Is this... burnt? Looking at the twisted human form standing in the flames, Kanan asked subconsciously. No! That's not right! The sharpness in his eyes was almost driven away by shock, and even

Even the hand holding the bone blade began to tremble slightly. Hitomi Mikishima shook his head slightly, and said as if facing a powerful enemy: That's a pupa! With Hitomi Mikishima's words, suddenly, that was burned by the fire The red humanoid shape actually shattered, and with a soft chi sound, a large amount of heat escaped from the crack. Then, a skinless but muscular arm poked out from the pupa shell. , as if a night butterfly is struggling to break out of its cocoon. As the chrysalis shell continues to shake, the fiery red cracks get bigger and bigger. Finally, amidst bursts of bursting sounds, the upper body is naked, revealing pieces of pale muscle. Victor, whose lower body was covered with an exoskeleton, emerged from his cocoon. Huh... Standing barefoot on the fiery red ground that could instantly scorch a human body, Victor raised his right arm and looked at the pale The skin and purple blood vessels covered the muscles little by little, and a ferocious smile appeared on his face. Facing the eyes of the monster girls as if they were in danger, he stuck out his tongue, revealing that The magnetic card was almost integrated with the tongue, and then he said with a happy face: Don't worry, the magnetic card is still there, as long as you kill me, it will still be yours.

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