In the firelight, Victor stood, reflecting a dark shadow. Without the obstruction of sunglasses, his eyes that had turned into blood-red snake pupils looked particularly evil and ferocious. On the corners of his lips, there was that pleasant arc. It was even more weird to the extreme. The moment she met his eyes, what Alexa saw was not the usurper from ten years ago, but something else, like a monster from the abyss. It takes courage to even look directly, let alone to defeat? However, compared to Alexisa who was speechless due to shock, Tililith's attention was focused on Victor's chest, and she saw just above that chest, A purple-red palm was beating slightly, like a heart. Oh! Have you noticed? The source of my strength! Noticing Tililith's gaze, Victor spread his arms and displayed the palms on his chest wantonly as if to show off. The corners of his mouth were raised slightly. He smiled and said: Open your eyes wide. Look carefully, and then kneel down before it. After all, this is the authority I won from the saint! The authority of the saint? The strange gesture of Li Yexing on the previous monitoring screen suddenly came to mind. In the gun position, Tililith's expression finally cleared, and her eyes widened a little bit. She seemed a little unable to accept herself. That's the hand of Nightwalker? What do you think? Miss Tyrant who can talk? Victor tilted his head slightly. She asked back. Death! The red light in her eyes suddenly lit up, and with a muffled sound of the ground breaking, Tililith turned her body into a cannonball and went straight to Victor. The restraint belts popped open in unison, and the rapidly expanding flesh and bones quickly assembled into a pair of ferocious giant claws. Letting the blood vessels that glowed faintly pink reach her neck, she raised her giant claws, and her muscles tensed. It was tightened to the limit, and then it was smashed hard against Victor. In the blink of an eye, the ground under Victor's feet suddenly shattered, and the roasted red gravel was scattered in all directions. The violent air flow made the surrounding flames tremble, and the bones were broken. The sound was used as an accompaniment. Tiililith's blow was very heavy, mixed with the overwhelming anger in Tiililith's heart. However, in the face of this terrifying blow, Victor directly received it with his right arm. Come down! Ah, it hurts. I can clearly feel the pain. Even though the bones were broken and the arm was bent at a weird angle, Victor still had a smile on his face, but the news exploded in the white of his eyes. The purple bloodshot eyes made his smile look a little distorted, even nervous. Because of the pain from his arm, his body began to tremble slightly, which brought him closer to the real madman, facing Tililith's overflowing With angry red eyes, he

He violently waved Tililith's right arm, and the next second, Tililith flew backwards, and her back hit the wall heavily. .Yes, let me think about it, let me think about it. Raising his bent right arm, Victor tilted his head slightly, as if he was thinking about something. For a second, all he could see was the flesh and blood on his right arm. The bones mixed with fine fragments exploded suddenly, and the dark blood splashed on the red ground with a hissing sound. Then, the broken bones rapidly proliferated and expanded, and the blood vessels and muscles quickly joined together on the abrupt bones. , After a while, Victor's right arm turned into a deformed and twisted giant claw of flesh and blood. He raised his ferocious right arm, letting the sharp claws rub together to create faint sparks, and the look on Victor's face His smile became brighter. Due to the shift in his center of gravity, he had to maintain a strange standing posture. Facing the girls and Tililith who quickly rose from the ground, he once again raised the corners of his mouth in a pleasant arc while lightly Smiling and whispering: Miss Ashford, your lover's power is so useful. You bastard! As if a nerve in her brain was cut off, Alexa's expression instantly became ferocious, and her eyes His arms were instantly covered in flames, and he rushed towards Victor regardless of the heat that had not yet dissipated on the ground. He slammed the flaming fist into Victor's face. When Victor saw this, he subconsciously lifted himself up. The right arm that had turned into a giant claw was slowed down because it was not used to the weight of the giant claw. With the smell of barbecue filling the air, Victor was staggered directly. Seeing Alexa Trying to bully him and pursue the victory, he raised his giant claw again and knocked Alexa away. At the last moment before being hit by the giant claw, he protected her cheek, and Alexa resisted. Painful in his arms, he adjusted his posture in the air, and then threw his hands violently towards Victor. Suddenly, the raging flames burned on Victor's body again. Victor, who could not resist the high temperature, had to retreat while pushing the giant The claws blocked the front, and it wasn't until the giant claws of flesh and blood were about to turn into charcoal that Alexa fell back to the ground. Ha! Resisting the attack from Alexa, Victor raised his charred right arm and used a sudden force, causing all the charcoal layer to explode and fall off, revealing a new giant claw. Although the size of the claw was larger than the previous one, The giant claws made of flesh and blood were a bit smaller, but the whole body was completely wrapped in white bones, making it appear more powerful. The joy could no longer be suppressed, and the curve of the corners of his mouth almost tore his face apart, and Victor's expression began to become more and more distorted. , but before he had time to show off his new claws to Alexa, he saw Rita and Bai Muqing - running from left to right, followed closely by Kanan and Hitomi Mikishima. The sound of horse racing sounded quickly. , complementing each other, even wearing high heels could not slow down the speed and rhythm of the two pairs of long legs. As the first two people running halfway, Bai Muqing took the lead in attacking. She had a cold look and shook her sleeves violently. Throwing the large group of ouroboros towards Victor. Facing Bai Muqing's surprise attack, Victor subconsciously waved the giant claw of his right arm and knocked the large group of ouroboros away to the hot ground aside, but immediately i. Later, the black worms were mixed with mucus and smeared all over Victor's body. While blocking Victor's sight, they wantonly squeezed into Victor's skin. When Victor used his left hand to remove the large black worms from his face, After tearing off the worm, Rita's hand suddenly appeared with a large bone scythe filled with eyeballs and flesh!

The sickle was waved over his head, like a whirlwind, carrying cold air, passing through the heat flow, and heading straight for Victor. Facing the predator-like terrifying aura from Rita, he subconsciously took a step back. He wanted to lift the giant claw, but Kanan arrived first, and like an angry vicious dog, he slashed down the right blade arm. Even though the giant claw strengthened by bones was strong enough, he was still chopped off. Half of it was broken, and there was no time to return to defense. Victor could only watch as the blade of the scythe was nailed to the palm of his chest and penetrated his chest. Then, Hitomi Mikishima, who was running at the end, rose into the air and slashed in the air. After passing through an arc, he stepped on Victor's shoulder, and at the same time, using the gravity of the fall, he stabbed the red-hot bone blade in his hand hard into Victor's eyes. seems that his thinking ability has been weakened due to being penetrated through the brain. Victor stared at the intact eye, and kept spitting out meaningless syllables from his slightly opened mouth. On the other side, seeing that Victor had lost the ability to move, he suddenly All the girls surrounding Victor immediately retreated. When Victor suddenly stood up straight and shook his head desperately, they saw Tillillian standing in the distance firmly locking Victor through the sight of the coffin, and at the same time coldly said, Go. Die!

The next second, the coffin suddenly opened, revealing the metal rod hidden in the coffin. The blue arc began to light up layer by layer, making bursts of buzzing, until the rich energy was completed, the arc suddenly exploded, dazzling. A red beam of light instantly penetrated Victor's body, shattering the wall behind him, and emitting a deafening explosion. Accompanied by the expanding fire, Victor, who had lost his upper body, swayed and knelt on the ground.

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