What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

Fin-29. The immortality of the macho speaker

Is this considered done? Looking at the two legs kneeling on the ground and the scorched bones and flesh at the wound, Kanan asked with raised eyebrows, and at the same time flicked her blade arm. - Her right arm was numbed by the hit, and there was even a chip on the blade of the blade arm. It must be said that the hardness of Victor's arm bone armor far exceeded Kanan's homesickness.

It looks like he should have been killed. As an executive of Black Umbrella, he killed the Speaker of Black Umbrella. Normally, Bai Muqing's feelings should be quite subtle, but now, she doesn't care at all. After saying this, she saw Tillillian throwing away the dead coffin and running over quickly. She frowned and said: This damn bastard, he seems to have taken away one of the wild dog's hands! Unforgivable! That person in the past said The elegant smile was completely filled with anger. Rita folded the huge bone sickle and stuffed it back into her chest with splashing blood. She stared at Victor's lower body kneeling on the ground, her gray eyes Her anger was burning. In her opinion, Victor's death method was too easy for him. If possible, she would prefer to impose the death penalty on Victor and let him die screaming in endless pain. Compared to My dear is missing one hand. I think the more important issue now is that my dear is about to face an executive and the H.CF boy he leads. Like Tillylis, Alexa has always been pragmatic. Since Victor is dead, so the most important thing right now is how to bring Li Yexing out, instead of worrying about Li Yexing's broken hand. She glanced at Victor's legs wrapped in exoskeletons, Alexa He rubbed his nose and said tangledly: Just now, Miss Ti Lilian's shot seemed to have shattered the magnetic card. It's my fault, sir! Tirilian scratched her head vigorously, and said with an unhappy face: This crazy man took off his perverted brother-in-law's hand! How could I, my lord, still be able to survive such a thing? I was thinking about how to open the door! Perhaps it would be more appropriate to leave the cannon of Miss Tillillian to open the door. Although Victor had been killed, the anger and murderous intent in Hitomi Mikishima's eyes still did not dissipate, and she said solemnly: How dare you do this to Lord Ye Xing? Hitomi should have just killed him with a knife! Stop. A familiar voice from the side called out. The girls saw Tililith walking step by step. She came over and let her eyes scan over the angry faces of the sisters. She suppressed her expression and said in a deep voice: Miss Ashford is right. The first priority is to open the door and pick up Ye Xing. Now there are two more choices... Faced with the biggest problem at hand, Alexa turned her head and looked at the metal avenue with Tililith's fist mark: The first method, I will directly slap this The door melts, which will take a lot of time. I'm not sure how long my dear can last. There is another way to let Miss Bai go through the facility and quickly find the internal staff of the facility who were detained by H.CF. I think Either Alzeric or Casimir should have the password to this door. I'm going to find someone, Bai Muqing said directly: I can release more snakes and ask them to help. I guess it won't take long to bring the password back.

Then go. Tililith nodded to Bai Muqing and said expressionlessly: Don't keep Ye Xing waiting for too long. Nodding to the girls, Bai Muqing turned around and was about to leave. Suddenly, she saw Victor's lower body kneeling on the ground suddenly collapsed.

Facing this sudden sound, all the monster girls present turned their heads suddenly, staring at Victor's legs. Even Bai Muqing, who was about to leave, stopped. Suddenly, in the wide hall, There was a dead silence, and after a few seconds, Kanan whispered: What the hell is this guy doing?

Why can't he die peacefully? Standing aside, staring at Victor's legs, the expression on Rita's face became colder and colder. It wasn't until she confirmed that Victor would not stand up again that Rita said coldly: That's all. , staying here will only lead to long nights and dreams, and he is not worthy of leaving a body! After that, I saw blood-red tentacles with barbs and fangs, suddenly pulled out from Rita's back. Obviously, Even if only half of Victor's body was left, Rita was not ready to let him go. She saw the tentacles were like snakes, biting Victor's legs fiercely, making a tooth-piercing sound. After finding that Victor's exoskeleton could not be broken, the tentacles rushed towards the scorched wound on Victor's waist, seemingly preparing to hollow out Victor's flesh and blood from the inside. However, those tentacles bit Victor. At that moment, a sudden change occurred! Suddenly, a light blue electric arc suddenly burst from Victor's waist, instantly burning Rita's outstretched tentacles. Then, the two legs were seen violently twitching, There seemed to be a vague neighing sound! Faced with this sudden situation, Tililith directly raised her giant claw, and Rita gritted her teeth and forcibly carried the current and stretched out her tentacles. Kanan's eyebrows were filled with tears. Fiercely, she suddenly waved the blade arm of her right hand. Hitomi Mikishima even used her arm to re-exercise the bone blade while rushing forward. There were blood-red streaks on Tillillian's back and arms. The tentacles tore open the scars that had not completely healed, and quickly wrapped Tillillian's right arm into a huge fist like a war hammer. Bai Muqing rheshi, who rushed towards Victor, gave up his human posture and allowed the Ouroboros to wrap it directly. Holding their bodies, under the arc of electricity, a group of girls subconsciously rushed forward, wanting to directly hold Victor to death on the spot. Alexa next to her had even raised her arms, preparing to cremate Victor on the spot, but just The moment the girls were about to touch Victor, a terrifying blue light suddenly shone inside, directly illuminating the entire hall, followed closely by thick arcs of electricity that emerged from Victor's body like pythons. The walls and ground were swept wildly, leaving traces of scorched black marks. Under the blow of this thick arc, the girls flew backwards wailing and hit the ground heavily. They were holding up the crisp box that penetrated their bodies.

, desperately trying to control the body that was almost out of her control, Tillillian frowned and gritted her teeth to forcefully support her body. At the end of her sight, Victor's lower body, which was constantly exposed to terrifying arcs, actually - stood up. Then, countless red and black granules punctured the blackened wounds, and together with the crazily growing vertebrae, they built a new body. As the bones were rebuilt, the new flesh and blood did not turn into Instead, the internal organs directly turned into solid muscles, which were attached to the bones. In just a few minutes, they actually pieced together a human form again! The muscles were uneven in size, with weird divisions, and the arms were one long and the other short. , one thick and one thin, the length and structure of the five fingers are completely disordered. On the deformed skull, the moon flesh condenses into a pair of deformed cheeks. The eyes are of different sizes, one is bulging, the other is sunken, and the nose disappears. Only the nostrils were left, and the sharp teeth in the crooked mouth were as jagged as razors. The gray hair on the top of the head was all concentrated on the side, covering the faintly beating purple blood vessels on the cheeks. When the dazzling blue light disappeared, Victor once again stood in the center of the girls' vision. Ignoring the hatred and astonishment in the seven lines of sight, he raised his deformed arms and looked at them carefully. As if he was admiring some art, after a moment, he suddenly laughed. Hehe...hehehehehehehehe...0ha0ha0haha0ha0ha0he0ha0ha0ha0ha0ha0ha0ha!!! It seemed as if he was proud, but also seemed to be mocking, that low and The cold laughter began to become louder and more uncontrollable. Along with the joy and madness that could not be concealed and even more concealed, in front of all the girls, Victor suddenly opened his arms, revealing his On the chest, on the chest muscles that were overall imbalanced in size and distribution, a purple-red hand emerged little by little, pulsing like a heart.

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