What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

Fin-31. Prelude to the macho finale

Even though the usual power supply has been shut down, the lights inside the Nibelungen laboratory, which uses the emergency power supply system, are still bright. Under the white light, Li Yexing, wearing a hospital gown, is barefoot, with a body armor hanging on his body, holding a Holding the HK 46, he walked quietly and slowly through the corridor of the laboratory. Behind him, hung a strange-looking gun with a slight blue light. To be honest, when Li Yexing ran out of the storage room with the ultimate weapon codenamed God Killer on his back, he felt quite awkward. After all, the startup sound of the God Killer was too shocking. The hearts of the people. What is Li Yexing’s final weapon? What is it? Is it used to kill me? Although I haven’t tested the new weapon in my hand yet, but seeing that this thing has a sight and a damage report, it should be similar to ordinary firearms. As long as It's enough to aim and fire. Now, what troubles Li Yexing the most is that he doesn't know how powerful this thing is. - Put five cans on the gun, and it comes with a night gun and a holographic projection sight. To be reasonable, force His qualifications are really high, but when he thinks of the words the final weapon against Li Yexing, Li Yexing feels unsure.

If you want to kill me, you won't need any big killer, right? Although he has a lot of doubts about the new weapon hanging on his back, at the moment, Li Yexing chooses to believe Casimir. After all, the previous Haiba stick is still pretty good. Yes, Chaos almost broke out on the spot after eating it. Moreover, when things developed to this point, Li Yexing could only choose to believe Casimir. After leaving the storage room and preparing to leave the Nibelungen Laboratory, a new question posed in front of Li Yexing. Now that he had obtained the dragon-slaying sword, where was the S-dragon? The entire Black Umbrella European Division The research facilities are divided into four danger zones. As the number prefix changes in the danger zone, the risk of biochemical disasters increases step by step, so the requirements for protection become more stringent. For example, the Nibelungen Laboratory is in Level 4 danger. The district is the most dangerous experimental facility in the entire European branch. Once there is a power outage, the European branch does not even need to rescue. It can just organize all personnel to evacuate the island. According to Li Yexing's common sense, as Black Umbrella Speaker, should Victor stay in the office area of ​​the first-level danger zone? Nine out of ten, he should stay in the minister's office to avoid all possible dangers, but right now, that bastard Victor is no longer a human being. , so no matter where he stays, Li Yexing will not notice

Very strange. Tsk, it's so annoying. He stopped and Li Yexing frowned slightly. He looked at the corridor in front of him. As long as he walked forward, he would return to the previous place where experimental materials were placed. There were glass cultures everywhere. can, but now, Li Yexing wants to go to other places to see. After all, from just now,

There was always a faint roar coming into his ears. The sound seemed to come from outside the Nibelungen Laboratory. Li Yexing didn't want to be inexplicably involved in the battle when he opened the door later.

Turning around, Li Yexing took two steps back, and then got directly into the central control room inside the Nibelungen. Because of the extremely high degree of danger, the suction surveillance system in this area was directly connected to the emergency power supply. Except for routine It is always in working mode except for maintenance. After entering the central control, just as Li Yexing expected, he saw that the main control room was filled with various instruments in the dense corridors, with complicated buttons and joysticks scattered all over. Li Yexing ignored them and locked his eyes directly on the screen. On the screen was an image captured by a surveillance probe, and next to the image were various densely packed rooms. Optional label. Squirt smacked his lips lightly, Li Yexing held the mouse and started to operate it. In his opinion, since the central control room of Nibelungen has monitoring of the entire Nibelungen laboratory, then Nibelungen There will definitely be surveillance in front of the door of the Gen Laboratory. He needs to find the corresponding label and then figure out what is happening outside the Nibelung. Follow the selected label upwards and open the corresponding surveillance one by one. , with Li Yexing's operation, the pictures gradually began to increase. The images on the small screens were either the corridors he passed before, or the empty and huge laboratory. As Li Yexing approached the last one, The surveillance image was opened, and a white light flashed across the image, followed by a large area of ​​dots. Although the image was disturbed by snowflakes, it was not enough for Li Yexing to see anything clearly, so Li Yexing Frowning slightly, he brought his face to the screen, and saw light and flames flashing between the dots, vaguely seemed to be mixed with - threads of pulsating arcs of electricity, in the light and dots Amidst the interference, something seemed to be fighting, stirring up layers of gravel and rubble. Li Yexing was stunned when he saw the scene in front of him.

Even if the picture is seriously disturbed, even if the characters in the picture have been distorted and mutated, Li Yexing can still recognize the people in the picture at a glance, Tili Lisi Tililian, Kanan, Mijima Hitomi, Alexa, and even There are Rita and Bai Muqing who are together! Yes, those who appear on the screen in the lobby in front of the Nibelung are none other than Li Yexing’s monster girls! And right now, they seem to be fighting something. It happened, and it was at a disadvantage! With another burst of white light, the faint sound of explosions from outside the Nibelungs once again penetrated Li Yexing's eardrums. Damn, it's Victor! Even if he couldn't see it at all, He could see the monster wrapped in dazzling white light on the screen, but Li Yexing was still sure that that guy was definitely Victor! Seeing the girls on the screen being suppressed by Victor, Li Yexing showed a trace of anxiety in his eyes. He couldn't help it. Zhu frowned and said in a low voice: It's so reckless, I bumped into this guy directly. As soon as he finished speaking, Li Yexing suddenly realized something. Did we really bump into it by chance? Didn't we come prepared?

His eyes quickly moved between the surveillance screens. Li Yexing stared hard, as if he was searching for something. After a few seconds, his eyes suddenly stopped. There was something in the corner of the screen. Block inconspicuous surveillance screen

, a big man wearing a black trench coat, was leading the H.CF soldiers to advance slowly, as if they were searching for something, and the location where they appeared was the corridor opposite the experimental material area. !Judging from the simplicity of the internal structure of the Nibelungen Laboratory, if they continue to advance at this speed, it is estimated that they will appear in Li Yexing's face in less than five minutes! It's the executive officer again! You bunch of bitches ! Still brooding over the fact that his hand was chopped off by that nervous Japanese woman, and with the girls rushing to support him, Li Yexing finally couldn't help but cursed. He turned around, Lifting up the gun, he left the central control room and quickly rushed to the experimental material area. Li Yexing was anxious, really anxious, anxious to reunite with his girls, anxious to use the special weapon in his hand. He used his own weapons to help his girls kill Victor, but now, Li Yexing knew very well that he had no room to move back. If he didn't kill the executive and his team, it would be impossible for him to move out at all. !Instead of holding on to unrealistic fantasies, it is better to take the initiative to choose a battlefield for yourself!

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