What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

Fin-32. A tough man meets the enemy

In the corridor, it was silent and strange. Bright white light shot down from above, blocked by numerous figures, and rows of black shadows were reflected on the ground and walls. Leaning against the side edge of the Big I, he directed the team following him to divide into two rows and hide on both sides of the Big I gate. Kalba held the K-46 brought from the European branch's arsenal and stood facing The H.C.F. soldiers behind him and on the opposite side kept making tactical gestures. Following his movements, the soldiers in the back row rushed up first and passed through the door one by one until Kalba was the only one left in the corridor. He just stepped forward and entered. When he looked past the group of alert H.CF soldiers around him, a dark and vast space finally came into view. This space is huge and square in shape. Except for the passage in the middle, glass culture tanks are neatly placed on both sides of the space. They are filled with liquids of unknown composition. Except for a very small part of the culture jar, Except when they are vacant, most of the cultivated yori are equipped with some strange things. Some of them are human-shaped, some are complete monsters, and some have no shape at all, just a ball of inexplicable flesh. Block, in this silence, they were motionless, as if they were asleep. The weak light sources on the walls showed a faint green fluorescence. Seeing this scene, Kalba instinctively felt a sense of physical discomfort. He frowned. As the first executive officer of the execution department, it was not that he had never been to the technical department of the headquarters. However, the laboratory there would never be like this, at least it would not accumulate waste materials. At such a huge scale, this place doesn't look like a laboratory at all, but more like a personal exhibition hall created by a psychopath. Kalba still remembered that when he successfully crossed the gate with the permission card he got from Victor, there seemed to be a row of words written on the wall of the corridor: Nibelungen. Nibelungen, the country of the dead in Nordic mythology, was used to describe the distorted scene in front of him. In Kalba's eyes, it was quite appropriate. However, he didn't understand why Li Ye, who had escaped Albero's control, had no behavior. As he expected, the apostle opened the European branch's experimental facility, but ran deeper and even ran all the way to this secret laboratory, which had few records even at the headquarters. Perhaps, he got a hint from someone and came here to look for something... - Thinking of this, Kalba felt agitated in his heart. From the beginning, he did not trust those who surrendered to the first agency. Dr. Angelica came to operate on Victor, and he was firmly opposed to it. The success of the operation initially dispelled Kalba's doubts, but now it seems that those guys are definitely doing it secretly. There are a lot of shameful things! It has to be said that Kalba is increasingly confused about what Victor is thinking. The dim and green light passed through the cultivation tanks one after another, reflecting on the ground and people's faces, spreading the strangeness in the silence. Kalba, who was guarding the door, suppressed the disgust and uneasiness in his heart and ignored it. Hearing the faint roar from behind, he waved his hands to both sides of the entire space, indicating that the team should disperse, and move forward in a dragnet style while maintaining a relatively close distance. When the team was in place, he waved his hand again. , signaled team 6 to move forward, and at the same time raised the check, and started to move little by little. The sunglasses were hung on his chest, and his steps were slow and he didn't dare to make a sound. Kalba's eyes showed fear and calmness, and he didn't dare to relax at all. After all, he witnessed the death of H.C.F. frontline commander Christo , watching Li Yexing kill Qian Daoyuan, not long ago, Li Youxing also broke the neck of another H.C.F frontline commander Albero, plus Miyamura who was previously buried in Tall Oak City by Li Yexing Right... Kalba knew very well what kind of monster he was facing! For a complete corridor, the passage between the culture tanks was not long or short. If it were normal, I would think It didn't take Kalba even a minute to cross here, but now almost two minutes had passed, and he had only completed half of the distance. Perhaps due to psychological effects, Kalba was a little overwhelmed by the grass and trees, and he always felt that he was there. In the darkness, something was looking at him. Maybe it was those deformed monsters in jars, or maybe it was Li Yexing's

Eye. Squirt. Kalba couldn't help but smacked his lips. Kalba realized that he seemed to be a little nervous, so he quickened his pace slightly. However, at the moment when he was about to escape, a burst of piercing gunshots suddenly sounded, like late at night. Like thunder, at the moment when the gunfire rang out, Kalba and the surrounding H.C.F. soldiers suddenly lowered their center of gravity and quickly moved closer to the culture tanks, using their bottoms as bunkers. On the other side, in After the first gunshot, continuous gunshots began to sound. Amidst the gunfire, a man was heard yelling: We found him 7! On the east side! On the east side. Before he could finish his words, , there was another burst of gunfire, and the shouting H.C.F. soldier completely shut up. Hiding behind a huge culture tank, ignoring the ferocious pieces of meat in the culture tank, Kalba held the gun in one hand and pointed at it at the same time. The H.C.F soldiers who were approaching from all sides quickly made tactical gestures, causing them to move in a roundabout way towards the east side of the entire space. When a group of H.CF soldiers pressed forward from two directions with the help of the cover of the culture tanks, Kalba He suddenly jumped out and squeezed his body into the narrow corridor between the cultivators. He knew very well that facing the siege of H.C.F. soldiers, the mercenary would never sit still and wait for death. He would definitely notice it immediately. The soldiers tried to round up the enemy on a roundabout route, so what Kalba had to do was to cut off Li Yexing's roundabout route and let the H.C.F. soldiers waste as much ammunition as possible on Li Yexing. Gunshots were fired from the inside of the encirclement, biting Kalba who quickly passed through the culture tank, knocking out tiny cracks on the glass of the culture tank, while Kalba took off his black coat while walking quickly, Revealing the black short shirt that outlined the tight muscles, after rushing to a culture tank, he

He suddenly stopped and sat on the ground with his back against the culture tank. Holding the gun in his hand, he listened to the jingle of bullets hitting the culture tank. He lowered his head and looked at his trousers, only his calves could be seen. The bullet tore a hole in his pants. In the hole, there was a wound that was still bleeding. Although it was not serious, it looked a bit messy because a large piece of skin had just been rubbed off by the bullet. Horrible. Female horse. Kalba frowned slightly and cursed in a rare voice. Suddenly, another series of intensive gunshots rang out. Kalba instantly judged that it was H.C.F. soldiers who fired at Li Yexing. So he turned around and looked in the direction of the gunshots, raising the HK 46 in his hand. However, before he could find Li Yexing's position, he saw a flower of blood suddenly exploded in the scope. Then, an H.CF soldier with a smashed helmet reached out of the culture tank and fell straight down. on the ground. Without saying a word, Kalba took advantage of the heavy gunfire and ran out of the culture tank. With the help of the cover of the H.C.F. soldiers, he continued to make a circuitous move to the other side.

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