He pulled the trigger at the center of the gunfire, letting the flickering gunfire dissipate the faint green that diffused throughout the space. After using a few bursts to push the approaching HC.F soldiers into the culture tank, Li Yexing dodged and hid in the culture tank next to him, letting the bullets crackle on the culture tank behind him and on the ground next to him. Even though sparks flew everywhere, Li Yexing did not panic at all. He replaced the empty bullet. magazine, and at the same time turned slightly sideways and looked to the other side, only to see that there was still no movement there, but the big black windbreaker that was thrown carelessly on the ground stood out. . Using the inconspicuous reflection on the side to pay attention to the enemy's movements on the other side, Li Yexing couldn't help but frown and whispered to himself: I knew it wouldn't be so easy.

He quickly chose the battlefield for himself before he was discovered, which was a place full of culture tanks. It was dimly lit and had many bunkers. It was very suitable for Li Yexing to fight alone. However, Li Yexing's considerations went beyond that. He wanted the executioner to The officer would not search here carefully. If they passed directly through the middle aisle, Li Yexing could silently bypass them and avoid wasting time. But obviously, the executive was not stupid. He chose to conduct a dragnet search. After realizing that there was no way to retreat, Li Yexing had to take the lead and open fire.

Thinking of the executive officer, Li Yexing turned his head again and looked to his flank. He was almost certain that the executive officer only roughly knew his position, and Li Yexing could feel that the executive officer was different from the previous one. The Bai Muqing, Qian Daoyuan and even Miyamura Masami he encountered were different. Li Yexing smelled a familiar smell on the executive officer's body. That's the smell of a fellow traveler, the kind of fellow traveler who is very difficult to deal with. It seems that not all executive officers are of noble birth. For example, the guy in front of him is actually a mercenary like Li Yexing. In normal times, Li Yexing would definitely not care much about his colleagues, but now, Li Yexing had to stay in peace because his girl was still waiting for him outside, and he was missing one hand and could not quickly resolve the battle. . After a moment, a black shadow suddenly emerged from the distance, passing quickly between the culture tanks. Li Yexing seized the opportunity and pulled the trigger without hesitation to kill the executive officer, but saw that The executive made a slide and hid in the culture tank on the other side. Li Yexing knew what he wanted to do. He used this almost life-threatening method to confirm Li Yexing's position. It seems that you have no idea about H.C.F. You don't have much confidence. After guessing the other party's intention, Li Yexing couldn't help but mock in a low voice. But at the moment, he could only mock. After all, he didn't hit a single shot, maybe because he was holding the gun in his left hand. Because of this, Li Yexing's marksmanship was somewhat affected. If he hadn't lost his right hand, that guy would definitely suffer a loss even if he wasn't killed. The sound of gunfire gradually became fainter, but the sound of footsteps sounded again in his ears. Li Yexing did not hesitate. He leaned forward and fired another burst of fire directly in front of him. Sure enough, the previous HCF soldiers came over again, and with Li Yexing Ye Xing opened fire, bullets came out one after another. The first shot hit a soldier on the chest, and then the second shot penetrated his helmet. Seeing Li Ye Xing show his head again, those H.CF The soldiers leaned against the culture tank next to them and pulled the trigger again. Suddenly, bullets hit them all over the face. He quickly turned around to avoid the incoming bullets. The culture tank behind him shattered due to the excessive firepower. Liquid of unknown composition spurted out between the cracks and bullet holes. He watched the water pool spread to his feet little by little. , Li Yexing lowered his body and looked out again, and pulled the trigger before the soldiers in black hid behind the culture tank. He only heard a muffled groan, and a soldier in black who was walking slower was shot directly through the neck. , fell straight to the ground. Seeing that the blow was successful, Li Yexing immediately retracted the culture tank before the opponent could counterattack again. At the same time, he frowned and whispered: I originally aimed at the head, but I still can't get used to shooting with my left hand... Pay attention. Looking at the movements of the executive officer and looking at whether the black-clothed soldiers on the flanks had made any progress, Li Youxing lowered his body and rushed out, moving toward the cultivator behind and toward the side. He opened fire, suppressing the soldiers in black who wanted to shoot, while looking for a suitable position. The culture tank just now was unable to stay due to rupture and leakage. He urgently needed to find a new blocking position, but just when he chose the position At the same moment, an impact hit his back hard. The air in his lungs was squeezed out in an instant. Li Yexing fell to the ground with his eyes wide open. In an instant, he realized what had happened. He had been shot! Even though he was wearing a black Umbrella special heavy-duty body armor, Taking a shot of 556 at this distance was still uncomfortable for Li Yexing. Resisting the pain in his back, he turned over suddenly, kicked his legs, and opened fire at the executive officer who wanted to pursue him in the distance. He fought back, then suddenly turned sideways, and continued to press the soldiers in black who were attacking from the front. By the time the bullets in the magazine were empty, Li Yexing had successfully hid behind a new culture tank. The location here is good, and you can take care of the executive officer and his annoying soldiers. Female... He put a new cartridge into the gun body and looked at the last magazine on his body. Ye Xing gritted his teeth, directly removed the magazine, hung it on his waist, and then took off his slightly heavy body armor. Although he also wanted to play it safe, at the moment, neither time nor the remaining ammunition allowed it. To do this, in other words, he must take the initiative. Leave me to surround a group of people one by one. Damn it, do you really think I'm a monster? Taking a deep breath to relieve the pain from his back, Li Yexing gritted his teeth and rushed directly from behind the culture tank. He came out and walked quickly with his gun in hand. His speed was not slow at all, and because of his bare feet, his voice was extremely low. A soldier in black who had been hiding behind the culture tank because of Li Yexing's fire suppression came out. When he was about to confirm Li Yexing's position, he saw that Li Yexing had already rushed into his face. His pupils suddenly narrowed, and his fingers subconsciously tried to press the radio. The black man

Before the soldiers had time to fire, Li Yexing flew up and kicked the soldier's gun away. Even though his toes were sore from the gun muzzle, he took advantage of the soldier to shoot all the bullets into the ceiling. Li Yexing slammed into the soldier's arms. The dagger tied to his right wrist was filled with cold light and pierced his neck like an internal electricity. When the soldier's body went limp, Li Yexing used his right hand - He strangled the corpse's neck, blocked it in front of him, and then rushed towards the black-clothed soldiers who were approaching slowly following the sound of gunfire, while using the corpse to resist the oncoming attacks. With the firepower, he placed the HK-46 under the armpit of the corpse with his left hand and pulled the trigger crazily. There is no doubt that this is a complete waist shot, but as long as the distance is close enough, there is room to correct the trajectory. Three black-clothed soldiers were quickly injured and killed. Li Yei kicked the corpse away from his arms, and then took the He picked up the injured soldier in black and continued to use it to block the bullets. At that time, the sound of gunshots and the screams of the soldier in his arms became one.

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