What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

Fin-34. The end of the macho executive department

When the gunfire died down along with the gunfire, Li Yexing covered his face, wearing a blood-stained hospital gown, and sat silently on a body wearing a body armor. His back was against a body that was full of cracks but not leaking. Yang Yao, holding the empty HK-46 in his left hand, raised his right hand, covering his nose with the wrist with the dagger attached, while breathing lightly through his mouth. It's not that Li Yexing doesn't want to breathe through his nose, it's just that now, his nose hurts and is still bleeding. When he just attacked, another bullet hit the head of the corpse in his arms directly. With kinetic energy, it hit Li Yexing's nose hard, almost knocking Li Yexing's nose into his face.

When the nose stopped bleeding, Li Yexing roughly wiped the blood under his nose with his wrist, then pulled out two magazines from the corpse under his buttocks, then turned his head and said in a cold voice: Kill all your people. Yes, Mr. Executive Officer. The voice was accompanied by a faint green light, echoing in the dim space. Li Yexing frowned when he couldn't get a response, and then slightly poked his head out. After confirming that the other party did not touch him, He continued to speak loudly: Speaking of which, you executive officers, including the Qian Dao Yuan, there are eleven in total, right? Bai Muqing is gone, Miyamura Zhengdao is gone, and the Qian Dao Yuan is gone, Lanxiang City's actions are yours Two more people died, and if you take away you who will soon die, I'm afraid there will only be five left! When the air was quiet, the only sound that surrounded my ears was the roar from outside the Nibelung. , Li Yexing frowned more and more, and felt a little anxious in his heart. In order to confirm the position of the executive, he loudly said again: Speaking of which, are you a black man? Do you know that? What's going on? Rap! Yes That's right! Rap! Please give me a paragraph about that! Of course, I still didn't get a response.

You're really calm... He muttered in a low voice. Li Youxing stopped talking and stood up. He slightly tilted his head and looked to the side. Seeing that he had not found the executive officer, he moved directly. He got up and walked towards the outside of the Nibelung. However, before he could take two steps, he heard a burst of gunshots. Li Xing suddenly lowered his center of gravity and made a tactical roll to avoid the bullets biting behind him, and then Oka shrunk into the cultivating queen on the other side. Handsome! You're such a handsome girl! Li Yexing couldn't help but cursed as he was being held tightly and unable to escape. He stuck out his head again and raised his gun in the direction from which the gunfire just came. Observing through the scope, when a black shadow quickly passed by, he directly pulled the trigger accompanied by a burst of gunshots. The bullets made cracks on the culture tank, but failed to hit the executive's body. It has to be said that when the situation became one-on-one, Li Yexing could not take advantage of this battlefield chosen by himself.

His eyes passed through the dim green light and the layers of cultivation tanks, staring at the approximate location where the executive was hiding. Li Yexing thought for a while, and suddenly an idea came to his mind, so he began to retreat slowly. , pulling away from the exit of the Nibelungen, and when he moved out of the culture tank, sure enough, gunfire rang out again. This time, Li Youxing did not try to fire back, but quickly turned around and borrowed the opportunity. He ran backwards with layers of training. Sure enough, just as he expected, the moment he started to move, the sound of footsteps came from behind, and the executive officer caught up with him! Using the executive officer's The reaction confirmed his guess, and the corners of Li Yexing's mouth curled up slightly. From the previous battle, Li Yexing could tell that the executive officer had been trying to keep a distance from him, and would not get too close. Give Li Yexing a chance to fight hand-to-hand, and not be too far away, so that Li Yexing can escape from here. It seems that he wants to frequently force Li Yexing to fight with Li Yexing when Li Yexing is missing one hand and his marksmanship is greatly reduced. He exchanged fire. After recognizing the fact that even though Li Yexing was missing one hand, he still could not win in close combat, Kalba chose this tactic that was almost a lottery, and it must be said that his tactic was quite effective. Yes, with a slight advantage in shooting accuracy, if Li Yexing keeps fighting him like this, then he might really win. It's a pity that Li Yexing never likes to follow other people's pace. Following the familiar road, Li Yexing darted left and right between one training yao after another. In his ears, except for the bursts of roaring from time to time, there was only the sound of footsteps from behind. Due to Li Yexing's Escape was too flamboyant, and the executive officer finally stopped covering his steps. While he was clinging to Li Yexing's back and keeping a distance from him, he also fired two shots at Li Yexing's back from time to time. It was just Li Yexing's route. Being too erratic, most of the bullets he fired hit the culture tanks. Finally, after estimating the position and direction, Li Yexing suddenly stopped, hid behind a culture tank, and took a look at the culture tanks. The eyes in the jar were tightly closed, and Li Yexing poked his head out and fired at the executive who was chasing behind him, while the executive dodged. Hiding behind the empty culture tank next to him. Just as Li Yexing expected, even though he was urgently looking for a bunker, the executive still insisted on keeping the same distance from Li Yexing. Hey! Executive! There's nothing in your bunker! Hiding behind the culture tank, Li Yexing tilted his head slightly and taunted: I can even see your big black head through the culture tank! On the other side , Still ignoring Li Yexing's trash talk, Kalba leaned his back against the culture tank, tilted his head slightly, and let the corner of his eye pass through the transparent culture tank to observe where Li Yexing was. When he saw Li Yexing's head, Just when he was about to stand up and shoot, he saw Li Yexing pull the trigger directly. With a burst of gunfire, the bullet hit his hidden body, making him shrink back subconsciously. He frowned slightly, and Kalba stood next to him. Looking at the empty Xuan Ming Cui Yao, he looked at Li Yexing. The liquid in the culture tank was bubbling, blocking the line of sight. Kalba could not see Li Yexing's face clearly, but for some reason, he always felt that Li Yexing was Ye Xing seemed to be laughing. After a moment, as if he couldn't stand the weird and depressing atmosphere, he suddenly lowered his body and turned sideways.

He came to fire at Li Yexing, but unexpectedly, Li Yexing had been prepared and triggered the alarm again. He suddenly retracted his body and wiped his scalp that had been grazed by the bullet. A thin layer of cold sweat broke out on Kalba's forehead. He no longer acted rashly, but silently waited for the opportunity. Opposite him, Li Ye Xing kept firing in his direction while talking trash, which made him a little upset. Looking at the increasing number of cracks on the culture tank that were about to connect together, Kalba frowned slightly. It won't be long before the culture tank he used as a cover would be shattered by bullets. But right now, he was being Li Yexing was nailed to the spot, unable to perform any action. Suddenly, Kalba realized that he seemed to be plotted by Li Yexing. No wonder it stopped there. Kalba murmured in a low voice: Did you choose this culture tank specifically so that you can keep an eye on my every move? But don't underestimate me, Lopulus's mad dog! Brows. Suddenly frowning, Kalba bent down at an astonishing speed, and then made a sliding shovel directly towards Yang Yao beside him. The moment he rushed out, Li Yexing's bullet hit him again, and crackling knocks were all over the place. The cracks were rising, and the dense gunfire oppressed the nerves. After the sliding shovel, Kalba made a tactical roll and hid behind the cultivation blaze next to him. There was a monster with closed eyes soaked in the jar, enough to hide it. His movements blocked Li Yehang's sight. As if he felt that he had repaid the city with the mad dog mercenary, Kalba had a smile on his face, but then the smile on his face disappeared. He froze, because even though he hid in the bunker, Li Yexing still didn't stop firing, and the target of the fire was still the training he was hiding before.

What is this guy doing? He couldn't figure out Li Yexing's intentions. Kalba's face turned ugly again. He took a deep breath and poked his head out slightly, only to see Li Yexing constantly kissing him from the other side. He opened fire on the empty culture tank, letting the bullets create more and more cracks on it. After a few seconds, with the sound of shattering glass, the culture tank next to him finally broke, and the broken glass Mixed with culture fluid of unknown composition, it spewed out like a flood and covered the soles of his shoes. After emptying the bullets, Li Yexing casually threw away the HK-46 in his hand. He walked out barefoot, holding a gun, and walked straight to the gate of the Nibelungen in front of Kalba. As if Kalba was nothing, facing this inexplicable situation, Kalba suddenly stuck his head out. However, before he could shoot, Li Yexing suddenly turned around and smiled slightly at him: I'm sorry. Executive, I have to leave. Next, let her play with you. She? Kalba was slightly startled when he heard Li Yexing's words. Then, a chill came into his heart. Before he could think about what Li Yexing was saying, a huge force suddenly hit Kalba. On Ba's body, the unsuspecting Kalba was directly knocked to the ground, and the broken glass pierced his side. Kalba's pupils suddenly shrank, but before he could get up, suddenly, there was an invisible force killing him. It suppressed him, making him unable to move. Then, in his body, the light began to distort and condense a little bit, until it outlined a girl with long dark golden hair and pale skin. If that thing with a mouth full of shark teeth and a ferocious smile could call a girl, the next second, Kalba's screams, the gunfire of HK-46, and the sound of flesh tearing made the whole space noisy again. , and Li Yexing, accompanied by the noise, slowly pulled out the God Killer from behind, held it in his arms, and left behind Kalba who was struggling with the slandered girl, facing the vague Hearing the roar, he walked step by step towards the outside of the Nibelung, his eyes full of determination.

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