What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

Fin-35. The tough battle of the macho harem group

When the firelight illuminated the entire hall, the emergency lights completely lost their effect. Under the double blow of the blue arc and the terrifying flames that tore from time to time, they were overwhelmed and shattered. The flames spurted and impacted, with a faint The blue color washed away the ground like a tsunami. At the end of the flame, Alexa's face was already covered with beads of sweat, and her expression was even more pale. The power of T-Veronica virus comes from As for blood, using this power for a long time is no different from bloodletting for Alexa. Since she obtained this power, this is the first time that she has become this rich, just because in the past few years, , she has never encountered an enemy who could make her take a second shot. But now, she met it. The terrifying air current encircled the foreign object and instantly squeezed away the raging fire. A hand that was burned to a bright red color, as if it was about to reach the magma, suddenly stretched out from the flames, and Alek was stuck with the hand. On Lisa's neck, the flames dissipated instantly, but the heat flow still reverberated throughout the space. In the heat flow, there was a strange humanoid monster. It was nearly two meters tall and looked very thin, but its abdomen was thick. Weirdly bulging, its body was wrapped in a thick and hollow exoskeleton. Although it was burned as if it was about to melt, the flesh inside the exoskeleton withstood most of the heat. Under its deformed shoulders, the Although the two slender arms were of different lengths, their lengths were both above the knees, like gibbons. At this moment, the longer right arm was tightly grasping Alexa's neck. As she watched her body being lifted up bit by bit, Alexa clenched her hands and tried to pry open the monster's fingers, but the monster's slender fingers clenched tightly like iron pliers, and even Alexa's strength None of them could shake it. Accompanied by the faint sound of broken bones, Alexa, who clenched her silver teeth, couldn't help but let out a muffled groan. Vaguely, she seemed to hear the monster laughing. Give it to me! Let go! Following a hoarse roar, Kanan, who was also wearing an exoskeleton, waved his long and short arm blades and ran like a strong wind close to the ground, with the impact that almost tore the air apart. , she suddenly sent the two arm blades into the monster's waist. With the bones shattering and the sound of flesh piercing, the arm blades directly crossed and shattered the monster's exoskeleton, piercing it fiercely. However, Faced with this blow that could destroy ordinary creatures, the monster just staggered away, then waved his left hand without looking back, and punched Kanan's chest. The exoskeleton shattered instantly, revealing the hideous pale skin underneath. With yellow veins and bright red flesh, Kanan vomited blood and flew out of her body as if she had been hit by a heavy hammer. Before she could hit the wall, Rita and Bai Muqing who were standing by the side pounced. He came up and hugged him. In the next second, under the terrifying impact, the two of them hit the cracked wall together, splashing large amounts of gravel. Because they got Rita and Bai Muqing's buffer prevented Kanan from shattering together with the exoskeleton on his back. However, if he swallowed this force, it was almost as powerful as Tililith's full-strength fist. The internal organs in Kanan's chest were already filled with broken pieces. Even though the almost heaven-defying healing ability was rapidly repairing the wound, Kanan still felt unbearable pain. She could feel that her lungs seemed to be leaking air, and every breath mixed with blood foam would make her... She was in extreme pain. The failure of the raid does not mean that the raid is over. At the moment when Kanan was knocked away, Tililian had already stepped forward, and her petite body jumped up with her twin ponytails that were burnt black and curly. She stood up, raising her arm made of tentacles like a war hammer, and roared with a ferocious expression: Give me

With the girl's scream, the twisted tentacles were rounded like a battering ram and slammed into the monster's chest. Suddenly, the burned exoskeleton was torn apart, revealing pale and soft skin. , and the weird and twisted right hand on the skin. Under the impact of this huge force, the monster finally let go of Alexa and flew out like a cannonball, while Tililith, who had been waiting aside, fiercely Stomping on the ground, he brought up gravel and dust all over the ground while roaring with wide red eyes: It's not over yet! The sharp claws wrapped in the exoskeleton shone with a cold light, like a tennis racket. It hit the monster hard, and with a muffled sound, the exoskeleton on half of the monster's body exploded, and the body flew out to the other side. Before it hit the wall, suddenly, violently The steam spurted out wantonly. Hitomi Mikishima, whose body was covered with wounds and bruises, blocked the monster's flight path. Then he suddenly pulled out the knife and stabbed it into the monster's back. The hot blade was mixed with blood and blood. The flesh collided, making a hissing sound, and a burst of green smoke came out, penetrating from the hands on the monster's chest, while Chidao Hitomi firmly supported his feet on the ground, roaring at the top of his lungs, letting the soles of his shoes touch the ground. The friction left traces in the harsh sound, until she stopped the impact from the monster, she gritted her teeth, twisted the knife, then shouted, tore the bone blade out of the monster's body, and took it with her A large amount of blood and minced meat. The dark red liquid poured wine from the torn shoulder, turning into flames in the air and gradually disappearing. Standing behind the monster, Hitomi Mikishima looked ferocious like a wild beast. She drew her knife again, fiercely He dropped the blade in his hand and went straight to the monster's neck, only to see the monster's head suddenly rotated 180 degrees.

Staring at Hitomi Mikishima, he then bent the joints of his slender right arm in reverse, grasped Hitomi Mikishima's blade at an astonishing speed, and then suddenly lifted Hitomi Mikishima up with the knife. He stood up and hit the ground hard. As the ground shattered, the three eyes on Hitomi Mikishima's face suddenly widened, and blood overflowed from his mouth. Before Hitomi Mikishima got up, the monster suddenly shook his head. He kicked towards Hitomi Mikishima, and with the sound of broken bones, Hitomi Mikishima flew out wailing and hit the ground heavily. Lying on the ground clutching her injured neck, Alexa could only watch as Hitomi Mikishima fell beside her, then rolled and hit the wall. She forced herself to stand up and was about to face her. Victor

Raising his hands, he saw Rita and Bai Muqing running towards the monster, letting the high temperature scorch their soles and making a hissing sound. On their bodies, countless red and black tentacles burst out like snakes. , with its sharp teeth and spikes, it bit hard at the parts of the monster's body that were not protected by the exoskeleton. Facing the surging offensive of Rita and Bai Muqing, the monster raised its left arm, held down its right shoulder that was split open by Hitomi Mijishima, and reassembled it like building blocks. Then, its right shoulder was The flesh and blood on the arm squirmed and turned into a flaming red bone spear. Facing the oncoming Rita and Bai Muqing, it suddenly reached out and stabbed the spear into the bodies of Rita and Bai Muqing. With flames and high temperature, the spear instantly penetrated the core joint of Rita and Bai Muqing. When the monster swung the spear and threw Rita and Bai Muqingsha away, the dangerous bodies of Rita and Bai Muqing hit the ground and trembled violently. , almost splitting apart directly. Even though a small part of Is's body was bitten off by Rita and Bai Muqing in just one encounter, the monster didn't seem to care at all. Countless black and red flesh sprouts grew from the wounds on its abdomen, shoulders and chest. It only took a few seconds for it to be bitten off. The position bitten by Rita and Bai Muqing was replenished. Then, it raised its left arm and smashed the exoskeleton of its face, revealing the happy and crazy face under the exoskeleton.

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