What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

Fin-36.The return of the macho man

In order to withstand Alexisa's flame attack, Victor's exoskeleton had to sacrifice its strength, but even so, the biological armor was still not enough in the face of a high temperature of nearly two thousand degrees. As the flesh was repeatedly melted and destroyed, After regeneration, Victor's facial features were finally distorted to the extreme. When the upper body was reshaped before, its facial features were just uncoordinated. But after a battle, its facial features finally began to distort even their positions, along with the metaphor. Yue's smile also looked particularly ferocious. Puss and blood continued to flow from the nostrils, and the regenerative ability crazily compensated for the body that was constantly hurting itself. Victor stretched out his left hand and randomly pulled up the few gray hairs on his head and the small pieces of scalp. He came down, then made a nervous noise, dragged the spear that his right arm turned into on the ground, and used his left hand with dry gray hair to cover his ugly and sunburned face, only revealing his two eyes, one big and one small. , he grinned the corners of his mouth that almost tore his entire head apart, revealing a mouth full of jagged sharp teeth, - while twitching - he laughed wildly and said: Hey hey hey, I. I seem to be gradually beginning to understand everything. I saw it. ..I can see everything, the stars, the universe, time, space...I, I hehehehehehe Sister, this guy's brain seems to be broken... The condensed tentacles swayed gently, and they were covered with Burnt injuries, Tillillian's blue-purple eyes shone with a frightening light, seemingly because of the pain. She frowned, gritted her teeth, and hissed lightly. There was no doubt that she had just used her tentacles directly. The siege bell bombarded Victor's exoskeleton, which was baked bright red, causing considerable damage to Tillillian herself. On the other side, Tillillian did not answer Tillillian's question, Tillilis just frowned and died. Staring at Victor, Victor seemed to be in an extremely weird state at the moment. He was twitching and laughing wildly. He also said some incomprehensible words from time to time, even mixed with a few incomprehensible words. He was living with Li Yexing. After so many years, Tililith's true consciousness told her that the incomprehensible language that was mixed with English from time to time in Victor's mouth was probably Chinese.

While Victor was talking to himself, Tililith began to carefully avert her gaze. At this moment, Rita and Bai Muqing were still lying on the ground. Their skin was red and their bodies were squirming violently, as if they were about to explode at any time. Kanan's chest was Her exoskeleton was completely shattered, and she would cough up blood every few times she breathed. Hitomi Mikishima was completely lying on the ground, and even the steam coming out of her body began to come intermittently. Looking at her sharp and stubborn eyes, you knew she was The consciousness is still there, but the blow just now was a bit too heavy for Hitomi Mikishima, whose self-healing ability is far lower than other girls. As for Alexa, she is the strongest among the monster girls. She was at the end of her strength, her face was pale, and she was covering her neck. She was panting heavily and could only rely on spreading her legs to barely support her body. Now, the only two people who can still fight with all their strength are the tyrant sisters Tilly Hess and Ti Lilian. Yes, how to defeat that monster? Not inferior to Tililith's strength and body, not inferior to Rita's self-healing ability and devouring ability, not inferior to Kanan's exoskeleton strength, not inferior to Mijishima Hitomi's speed , not inferior to Ti Lilian’s insight ability, not inferior to Bai Muqing’s ability to shape and withstand stress, not inferior to Alexa’s ability to control fire, and can even use the T. Veronica virus and the C virus. The high-voltage electric shock combined by the G virus... Although he seems to be getting weaker physically and more insanely mentally, there is no doubt that Feitian Victor has become an ultimate monster that far exceeds common sense and is immortal! Friends! Okay, it’s still on the other side of the door. If you want to save Ye Xing, you must defeat it! Seeing Victor still talking to himself crazily, Tililith was not ready to wait any longer. She gritted her teeth and kicked the ground fiercely. She rushed towards Victor directly beside her. Seeing Tilly Jingsi's sudden attack, Tiillian immediately gritted her teeth and followed. The tyrant sisters stepped on the gravel and flames everywhere, and drew two arcs on the entire field. The two men rushed straight to Victor. Alexa, who could barely stand up, gritted her teeth when she saw this, and raised her hand towards Victor again. The next second, violent flames suddenly descended, covering only Victor's lost body. The protective face was seriously injured at the moment when he blocked Victor's sight with flames.

Alexisa, who had lost too much blood, finally fell down with her head. In her blurred vision, Tililith and Tilizian rushed into the flames accompanied by Victor's scream as his face was burned. In the middle, two muffled sounds came immediately, and the blue arc of terror instantly shredded the flames, exposing Victor who was covering his face to the sky, while Tililith and Tililian flew backwards covered in black smoke. He got out and fell hard to the ground. .._0080807 All the bones in the upper body were smashed from both sides by Tilly Silk Making and Tillylith. Victor, who was almost paralyzed into a puddle of mud, let out bursts of pain, but in the blink of an eye, the pain disappeared. Smiling happily, Victor's upper body began to inflate again like a balloon until it returned to its original shape, even as electric arcs appeared all over his body. Then he turned around staggeringly and staggered towards Alexa. As they walked forward, the view of the landscape became blurry, but Alexa could still see Victor's burned face, with almost only bones left. On the scorched face, new granulations were reorganizing until they formed skin. Heyhehehe .. Hehehehehe hey Due to the unstable center of gravity, the limbs are not coordinated, the pace of Victor looks shaking -turn, even so, it still moves towards Alaic Li at a stable speed. Sha, looking at Alexa who no longer had the ability to resist, it smiled strangely and said: Miss Ashford has frozen herself for several years. It's ridiculous to get the power of God. ! Hehehe! Look at me... God! This is... God! Even the language center is starting to get confused. Listening to Victor speaking in Chinese, English, Russian, Vietnamese and Thai Mixed together, the weird murmurs became more and more inconsistent. Alexa could not help but whisper, as Victor slowly approached, she could feel

There is a terrifying aura that envelopes her. There is no doubt that Victor will kill her. Even though she is very valuable as experimental material, Victor will definitely kill her because Victor has lost his mind and turned into a mind. Chaos, a monster addicted to power! As for why, he wanted to kill her first? Probably because of the remaining obsession in his mind. Thinking of this, Alexa gently closed her eyes. Is death scary? A few years ago, Alexa would have answered indifferently: It's not scary. To her at that time, life and death were just a state of living things, nothing more, even if it was Ah The glory of the Shiford family still cannot withstand the torrent of time. So, she can face death calmly, but now, she can't do it because she has bonds, thoughts, and lovely sisters. They have a love waiting for her. Now Alexa doesn’t want to die! Now Alexa is afraid of death! But when death comes, nothing can stop it except God.

Suddenly, a burst of jet sound came from the side, breaking Victor's lonely steps.

Huh? Hey hey hey hey... Hearing the sudden sound, Victor stopped and turned his head in the direction of the sound. The girls who were lying on the ground unable to move also subconsciously focused their gazes. In the past, they saw that in the center of their sight, the thick, round golden door that had been closed suddenly started to move. Then, the door opened, emitting a dazzling white light. In the white light, stood a A embarrassed but determined figure. Shen, Alexa murmured softly, pouting her lips and feeling a little dazed.

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