When the red valve was opened and the door of the Nibelung was opened from inside, Li Yexing, who had his back to the dazzling white light, was stunned. He saw that the hall that was intact almost half an hour ago was already in ruins. It was a mess, the ground and walls were full of ferocious cracks and unquenched flames, and on the ground, his girls fell down one by one, seriously injured. Among those girls, a tall, The monster with extremely uncoordinated limbs and an ugly face was standing there silently. It seemed that it was attracted by the open mouth of the Nibelung. It turned its head and met Li Yexing's gaze. It seemed that it was because Li Yexing couldn't see clearly because his back was facing the white light. The monster was one large and one small. In its misplaced eyes, the black pupils covered with red bloodshot eyes shrank slightly. It was really staring at Li Yexing. , looked at it for a long time, and then opened his big mouth full of ferocious teeth and said: . Holy Third, are you back? It seems that Mr. Kalba failed to stop him. Although the voice has become chaotic and weird, it is completely different from before, even though the body shape is the same as what I saw on the monitor before. It has become completely different, but Li Youxing can determine the identity of the monster in front of him. There is no doubt that it is Victor! Escape. Suddenly, a familiar voice came from his ears, and the tone seemed to be blown away by the wind at any time. Gossamer, following this voice, Li Yexing slowly turned his head, only to see Tililith lying on the ground with black smoke still covering her body, reaching out towards Li Yexing - while whispering: Ye Xing...

Vaguely, Li Yexing felt as if something had been cut off in his heart.

With his neck stiffened, Li Yexing had no expression on his face, except for his brows twitching slightly. He turned his head and fixed his sights on Victor again. Opposite him, Victor opened his arms and grinned happily: Look ! Saint! This is a miracle! His heart seemed to burst, and there were bursts of phantom pain. Looking at the seriously injured girls, Li Yexing's face gradually turned red, veins emerged from his temples, and his eyes began to become congested with blood, and they were full of blood. He gritted his teeth with bloodshot eyes, his expression became extremely distorted due to anger, and as his reason was evaporated by the anger, he raised the weapon called God Killer in his hand and roared like an evil ghost emerging from the center of hell: Weiyi---gram--tuo--! ! !

I'm here! Saint! With his arms wide open, showing the abrupt purple-red palms on his chest, Victor responded happily like a primary school student whose name was called.

On the projected light screen sight, blue and green rings appeared out of thin air, and then suddenly shrank towards Victor in the center of the sight. When Victor was locked, a cold female voice came from the God Killer. Said: Target, locked. His heart was in pain and he was burning with anger. Li Yexing, who didn't know anything about the weapon in his hand, didn't hesitate at all. He directly squeezed the trigger at Victor. Suddenly, a dazzling blue light suddenly illuminated the dim place. In the hall, along with the terrifying recoil, a blue light spurted out and hit Victor hard. The air at the muzzle began to distort due to the high temperature. Victor, who was hit from the front, let out a painful howl, and his skin instantly It was scorched and cracked, and the blood vessels all over his body burst. With black and red blood spurting out in all directions, Victor, who had been hit by the God Killer from the front, collapsed directly to the ground, and it turned over. He rolled his eyes, wailing and twitching continuously. The melted muscles turned into pus and blood and began to gush out from the cracks in the skin. Then, with the sound of tearing flesh and blood, Victor's scorched skin and the sticky... The muscles actually flowed down, revealing the deformed and weird white bones! Wow! Kanan, who was leaning against the corner with her exoskeleton full of cracks, showed unconcealable surprise in her eyes. She pursed her lips and said feebly. : What is that thing in the boss's hand? The muzzle of the gun opened, and bursts of high-temperature white mist came out. The silver metal flash popped out automatically with scorch marks, and fell to the ground. Accompanied by Victor's scream, the man from The female voice of the God Killer said coldly: Launched, cooling down. Longinus has ejected and cooled down. He didn't even listen to what the trembling gun in his hand was saying. Li Yexing was in a daze and twirled his fingers like crazy. However, due to the God Killer's system, the alarm seemed to be locked. , the trigger was not unlocked until the cooling-down prompt sound appeared, and his finger pressed down the trigger in an instant. Victor, who was frantically repairing his wounds while holding on to his body, was struck by the God Killer's attack again before he could stand up. Hit, this time, Victor was directly blasted away by the blue light, and fell heavily to the ground. While it kept twitching, it used the hands that were almost completely losing muscle to scratch hard on its exposed chest. As it struggled violently, its harsh and high-pitched wail gradually turned into wild laughter. The burnt silver metal flare popped up again, indicating that the God Killer could only fire three more rounds. Looking at Victor who fell to the ground and twitched crazily, Li Yexing's anger had not dissipated, but he regained some sense. His brows and eyes were full of cold murderous intent. He used the projection sight to lock Victor firmly while waiting for the God Killer to cool down. When the voice prompt appeared, Li Yexing immediately raised his fingers, but at this moment he saw Victor suddenly turned over, using his hands and feet like a wild beast while laughing wildly and crawling rapidly on the ground. Due to the serious damage to the body tissue, the self-healing ability was inhibited. At this moment, Victor was like a crawling corpse. The skeleton looked extremely weird. There was no doubt that Victor wanted to use his high-speed movement to make Li Yexing miss. In fact, Li Yexing did almost miss. When Victor moved suddenly, Li Yexing even felt nervous in his heart. - trembled, thinking that he was going to waste bullets, but he did not expect that the finger that subconsciously moved could not pull the trigger, because the trigger was locked again. In a moment, Li Yexing realized that this God Killer seemed to be There is a special program that allows you to shoot only when the target is locked! Seeing Victor climbing up the wall like a lizard and heading straight for the ceiling, Li Yexing directly raised the gun and aimed the sight at it.

As the green and blue rings shrank again and condensed into red, Li Yexing triggered the alarm again. Suddenly, a dazzling blue light passed through the entire hall and hit Wei.

Victor, whose body had only slightly recovered, let out a short scream, then laughed wildly and fell from the ceiling, falling to the ground.

Hey hey. Hey hey hey hey hey. His limbs were twitching constantly, blood was flying everywhere, and Victor's skull began to dent a little bit. He moved his blurred vision to lock on Li Yexing, and then began desperately trying to generate electricity, just ignoring it. No matter how hard it struggled, those electric arcs just couldn't shoot out and could only shoot out bursts of sparks on its limbs. Even so, Victor was unwilling to give up. It began to split its body, trying to turn itself into a large ball of black melt. But how could Li Yexing give it a chance? The moment it tried to dissolve itself, Li Yexing directly triggered the alarm and fired the fourth shot. Suddenly, Victor, who was hit by the blue light, flew directly up, and then hit it hard. on the ground. There was still a pleasant smile on the face that was almost torn apart, but this time, it didn't move. Aiming at the lying corpse of Victor, the trigger entered a locked state because it could not detect a living target. Even so, Li Yexing did not dare to be slow at all, as if he was confronting Victor, whose life or death was unknown, until suddenly in his ears The whisper of Tilithis sounded...

Hearing this soft call, Li Yexing immediately turned his head and wanted to look at Tililith next to him. However, at this moment, Victor, who was lying motionless on the ground, suddenly rose up like - -The withered skeleton jumped towards Alexa lying on the ground, seemingly wanting to hide next to Alexa and let Li Yexing throw a trap. However, the moment it took off, Li turned his head slightly. Ye Xing and Ti Lilith, who was lying on the ground, both showed a slight smile as if their conspiracy had succeeded.

The next second, blue light suddenly appeared, blasting Victor, who was laughing wildly in the air, into mud on the ground.

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